Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 294 Opportunity

The Third Prince was overjoyed when he heard that Princess Xiling actually begged for him, and said quickly: "Brother, don't kill me! I promise that after I get out, I will live in peace and contentment, and will no longer compete with you for the throne. I will take revenge on you."

The eldest prince snorted coldly: "It's not that I want to let you go, but it's just for the sake of the princess. Also, don't call me eldest brother, I find it disgusting."

Princess Xiling also glanced at the Third Prince with disgust and said: "I will definitely tell my father about this after I get out. Your prince will not be able to do it. From now on, you should take care of yourself."

When the Third Prince heard this, his expression changed drastically, but he still forced a smile and said, "Yes, yes, I will definitely change my mind."

Su Chen shook his head when he saw the Third Prince's ugly appearance.

In fact, according to Su Chen's opinion, it is best to kill people like the Third Prince now. If he is kept, he will always be a hidden danger.

However, Su Chen also knew that Princess Xiling was right. There were too many things involved in killing the Third Prince. Su Chen's current status was not enough to offset the negative impacts of this incident.

"Brother Su Chen, I really want to thank you this time."

The eldest prince still felt a little frightened when he thought of what happened just now. If Su Chen had not come, he might have become the wronged soul of the third prince.

"No need to thank me." Su Chen smiled, "I came here to save Xue Yong."

Having said that, the eldest prince was still very grateful to Su Chen.

Xue Yong also scratched his head and said with a smile: "Hey, I think that the Third Prince and his gang can avoid death penalty but cannot escape living punishment, right? How about we confiscate all their prey?"

"That's natural, things must be confiscated." Su Chen smiled lightly.

The Third Prince and his party didn't dare to say a word, but they all honestly handed over their prey. No matter how good these prey are, they are not as important as life.

After handing over all the prey on their bodies, the Third Prince and others left in despair.

As for the poison on their bodies, Su Chen didn't bother to cure them. Fortunately, the poison didn't last long and was cured in an hour or two.

The eldest prince was in a good mood: "Thanks to Brother Su Chen this time, it was a blessing in disguise. Not only did he escape death, but he also got a large number of prey."

In fact, it's not that he covets those prey, but that this time he has completely defeated the third prince. In the future battle for the throne, one of the strongest opponents is missing. This is what the eldest prince is most happy about.

Su Chen said: "Let's go. Two days have passed since the three days of autumn hunting. We should seize the last moment and see if we can get more opportunities."

The smile on the eldest prince's face faded and he nodded heavily: "Well, let's get out of the valley."

The group of people walked out of the valley and walked a short distance forward.

Suddenly, several monster beasts appeared in the sight, hurriedly scurrying past everyone.

A genius under the command of the eldest prince said suspiciously: "How could these monsters be so panicked when they saw us? They didn't even stop to take a look. They didn't notice us at all. This is so abnormal."

Others also found it strange. Logically speaking, monsters and beasts have hunting instincts. When encountering human warriors, they should stop and look at them to see if they are prey they can hunt or if they are strong ones they should avoid.

However, those monster beasts just now were obviously very abnormal, as if they didn't see them. To be more precise, those monster beasts seemed to be chased by something from behind, and they had no intention of paying attention to them at all.

"Could there be some extremely powerful monster chasing them?"

Everyone looked at each other and speculated.

The eldest prince looked towards the direction in which the monster beasts were fleeing, with a look of excitement on his face, and said eagerly: "Brother Su Chen, let's go over and have a look?"

It is normal for the eldest prince to be eager to give it a try, because the purpose of Qiu Hunt is to hunt monsters and hone his strength. Now the eldest prince and his party plus Su Chen and the others are very strong. Even if they encounter the third level monsters in the realm of transformation, they are stronger. Yes, it's enough to fight head-on.

If you are able to hunt down a powerful third-level monster beast in the realm of transformation, the trophies are secondary. The most important thing is that the hunting experience is something you never have the chance to experience, and it is very good for honing your own strength.

As for monsters above the third level of the Transformation Realm, it is impossible for them to appear in this autumn hunting ground for the younger generation of geniuses to experience, so the eldest prince is not worried.

However, Su Chen was not as optimistic as the eldest prince. He remembered that last night, when he was practicing archery, he heard a large number of monsters passing by nearby, and the directions were exactly the same as those of the monsters just now, as if they were fleeing from something.

This large-scale evacuation of monsters is by no means as simple as ordinary danger, but should be extremely dangerous.

If it were just a third-level monster beast in the realm of transformation, it would obviously not be considered a great danger.

Therefore, Su Chen judged that it would definitely not be as simple as a third-level monster beast of the Transformation Realm.

However, Su Chen still nodded: "Go over and have a look."

Su Chen was by no means the kind of person who would hesitate to move forward when there was danger. On the contrary, he was even a little eager in his heart to see what kind of danger it would be.

Because Su Chen knew that danger and opportunity often coexisted. The greater the danger, the greater the opportunity.

When practicing martial arts, hard work is important, but opportunities are even more indispensable. How hard a warrior works determines his lower limit, and how many opportunities a warrior has determines his upper limit.

In other words, hard work can keep you from falling behind, but opportunity can help you stand out.

Of course, the division between the two is not such a simple one. Sometimes hard work can give rise to opportunities, and sometimes when opportunities come, only those who work hard can seize them. The two promote each other and are inseparable.

For Su Chen, even though he was the Alchemy Emperor in his previous life and had a vast amount of Alchemy knowledge that could give him an advantage in everything, he still needed opportunities.

Because Su Chen's goal is not as simple as becoming a strong martial artist, but the highest in martial arts.

The road to the highest level is extremely difficult to walk. And when you are in a low level, the foundation you lay can often determine how far you can go on the highest road in the future.

The so-called low-level realms are the Qi-Entraining Realm, the Yuan-Condensing Realm, and the Material-Transforming Realm. In the entire martial arts system, they can only be considered low-level realms.

However, whether the foundation laid at this stage is solid or not is extremely important for the future path of martial arts.

How can we lay a stronger foundation? It depends on how hard you work and how many opportunities you have.

Therefore, Su Chen definitely wanted to see what the threatening object was.

At that moment, the group of people galloped towards the direction from which the monster beasts had escaped.

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