Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 290 Murder

"That's right. Let's work harder to find that third-level monster in the realm of transformation!"

Everyone's fighting spirit was high and they chased in the direction where the third level monster of the Transformation Realm escaped.

However, while everyone was galloping, Xue Yong suddenly spoke with some hesitation: "Your Majesty, I think we should be more cautious."

"What do you say?" The eldest prince stopped immediately. It can be said that the biggest difference between him and the third prince is that he is better at listening to and paying attention to other people's opinions.

Xue Yong looked around and said: "I always feel that this valley is surrounded by mountains, and the entrance and exit are very narrow, just like a big bag. I'm worried that we will become the turtle in the urn."

"You mean, there might be someone behind the scenes who wants to ambush us in this valley and catch us all in one go?" The eldest prince was not a fool and immediately understood what Xue Yong meant.

"That's right, I just looked at the terrain carefully. There is only one opening in this valley, which is both the entrance and the exit. The entire valley is like a cloth bag, and we have already got into the bag." Xue Yong said.

The eldest prince did not expect that Xue Yong seemed to be a rough man, but in fact he had such a careful side.

"If someone blocks the entrance to the valley, we will be like a turtle in a urn, ready to be surrounded and killed."

The eldest prince thought about this, and his expression changed slightly. Under such terrain, if someone blocked the entrance to the valley and maliciously surrounded and killed their group, their situation would be very dangerous.

Although the probability of this is not high, if it happens, the blow to the eldest prince will be fatal.

What's more, although Qiu Lie has explicitly banned killing each other, the eldest prince cannot guarantee whether anyone will do such a thing. Of course, the third prince is the first to be suspected.

To kill his eldest prince without anyone noticing, and then pretend that he was killed by a monster, this kind of thing might not be impossible for the third prince's mind.

Thinking of this, the eldest prince felt a little uneasy. Qiu Lie's achievements are important, but no matter how important they are, they are not as important as his own life.

You must know that the third prince has already recruited more young talents than the eldest prince by virtue of his close blood relationship with the prince of Anyang. Taking the team of this autumn hunt as an example, the third prince's team is better than the eldest prince's team. The more people there are, the higher the level of strength.

If we really want to fight, the eldest prince is not sure.

What's more, he promised Su Chen that he would take care of Xue Yong and not let Xue Yong fall into danger with him.

After much thought, the eldest prince finally wavered and made a decision: "Give up hunting that third-level monster beast in the realm of transformation, and everyone will evacuate this valley with me."

His prudent character ultimately allowed the eldest prince to choose safety.

As soon as he left, the eldest prince immediately took all his men and galloped towards the entrance of the valley.

When they came to the entrance of the valley and were about to leave the valley, one of the eldest prince's men suddenly twitched his ears, suddenly looked cold, and shouted: "Who is there?"

Immediately, several subordinates protected the eldest prince and looked around vigilantly.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect this autumn hunting hunting ground to be so small. Brother, we actually met in this place."

A burst of laughter rang out, and then the figure of the Third Prince appeared in front of everyone.

"Third brother, it is indeed you!"

The eldest prince frowned and looked at the group of subordinates behind the third prince with fear.

The eldest prince only has two at the third level of the realm of transformation, and together with the eldest prince himself, there are three. However, the Third Prince has four third-level incarnation realms under his command, and together with the Third Prince himself, there are five in total.

In terms of strength, the team of the eldest prince will definitely not be able to compete with the team of the third prince.

"Third brother, we are hunting monsters in this valley smoothly. Are you trying to interfere?" The eldest prince looked at the third prince warily, and suddenly smiled again, "However, this beast Third level monsters are indeed difficult to deal with. If you, third brother, really want to join us, it’s not impossible. You just need to agree on the rules for distributing the spoils.”

The Third Prince chuckled: "Brother, stop pretending. Do you think I came all the way to this valley just to hunt monsters with you?"

"Then what do you want to do?" The eldest prince's face darkened.

The Third Prince did not answer hastily, but pretended to look around, and then said: "Brother, don't you think the scenery in this valley is very quiet? It should be a good burial place for you, I don't know. Do you like it?"

"Oh? So this is what you came for?" The eldest prince sneered.

"Hmph, if you don't compete with me for the position of heir, brother, then I won't do anything to you. However, since you don't know how to stop, and you repeatedly compete with me for the limelight, win over people's hearts, and compete with me, then don't It's my fault for being rude." The Third Prince said calmly.

The eldest prince was shocked: "Since you and I are both candidates for the throne selected by the county king, then we should compete fairly for the throne. Is it possible that, third brother, you don't even have this kind of ability?"

"What kind of measure? Does this have anything to do with measure?" The Third Prince said angrily, "You don't even look at your background. You are just a humble branch of the palace. What qualifications do you have to compete with me for the throne fairly? I should be the one The destined heir to the throne, not you!"

Since this was in the Qiuyou Hunting Ground and not in Anyang City, the Third Prince simply spoke openly and stopped pretending.

The eldest prince asked back: "Don't even think about it. If you are really the destined heir to the throne, why would you choose other princes? Can't you just make you the heir? The prince's original intention is to make you the heir. All outstanding students compete on the same starting line, rather than who is the main line and who is the branch. "

"Hmph, how can you, a lowly bloodline like you, guess what the prince is thinking without permission?" The third prince snorted coldly, but the murderous look in his eyes did not diminish at all.

The eldest prince calmed down instead: "So, you are determined to attack me today?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" The Third Prince sneered, "However, for the sake of you and me being brothers, I can give you a chance to commit suicide to prevent you from suffering. This is the best I can give you. Good treatment, if you don’t know what to do, don’t blame me for being rude.”

"Okay, okay, you are worthy of being the third child I know." The eldest prince's tone also darkened, "Today, I have completely seen through you."

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