Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 288: Whistleblowing

Princess Xiling and Gu Qianyin also killed several monsters each. In this way, the amount of loot for the three people's team reached a considerable amount.

"Master Su Chen."

Following this call, a figure suddenly walked out of the trees beside the path.

"Miss Xueying?"

Su Chen was a little surprised when he saw this man, "Aren't you with the Third Prince?"

"Master Su Chen, Xueying finally found you."

Xueying said, looked around and said straight to the point, "Xueying wants to tell you something. I hope you believe Xueying."

"What's up?"

"The third prince wants to take advantage of this autumn hunting opportunity to attack the eldest prince. He has already learned which area the eldest prince is in and has already led people to that area."

Xueying said in a hurried tone.

When Su Chen heard this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and looked at Princess Xi Ling beside him.

"Why did you tell me this?" Su Chen asked.

Xueying bit her lip and said: "I know, I am the third prince, and it seems a bit strange to come here to tell you this. But please believe me, the third prince really wants to attack the eldest prince. He This is the case before he ascends to the throne. If he ascends the throne in the future, how many people who have opposed him in the past will end well? "

"Master Su Chen, Xueying begs you, for the sake of so many innocent people, please stop the third prince from ascending to the throne. Otherwise, many innocent people will surely suffer in the future." Xueying There was a pleading look in his eyes.

This time, Su Chen was really surprised.

His probing eyes fell on Xueying, as if he wanted to see her thoroughly.

It's not that Su Chen is suspicious, but Xueying's behavior does make people feel suspicious. As the third prince, he came to Su Chen to tell the truth, revealed the whereabouts of the third prince, and asked Su Chen to prevent the third prince from ascending to the throne.

No matter how you look at it, this looks like a conspiracy against Su Chen.

However, what Su Chen saw in Xueying's eyes was crystal clear, with no sign of conspiracy at all.

Xueying was a little embarrassed by Su Chen's gaze. Her snow-white cheeks were slightly red and she said, "If Mr. Su Chen thinks that Xueying is lying, you can go to the valley thirty miles to the east and have a look. You will know that Xueying is lying." Is what Ying said true?”

"No matter what, Xueying sincerely hopes that Young Master Su Chen can stop the Third Prince."

"Although this request may be a bit unreasonable, Xueying knows that Young Master Su Chen is relatively close to the eldest prince, so you just think it's to save the eldest prince. Go and have a look, is that okay?"

Xueying looked steadily into Su Chen's eyes and said softly.

"Okay, I'll go take a look."

Su Chen nodded in agreement.

Xueying got Su Chen's promise, then turned around and left.

When Xueying's figure disappeared from sight, Su Chen said calmly: "What do you think?"

"Su Chen, don't be fooled by her." Gu Qianyin immediately answered, "She is from the Third Prince. She came here and said this, she must be trying to lure you to the valley she mentioned. Maybe , there are people from the Third Prince lurking in the valley, waiting to plot against you. "

"I don't think so."

Princess Xiling shook her head, "If the Third Prince really wants to attack Young Master Su Chen, given his character, he will definitely attack directly instead of sending a female figure to take the lead and deceive others."

A smile appeared on Su Chen's lips and he said: "You mean, the third prince really wants to attack the eldest prince and commit fratricide?"

Princess Xiling sighed quietly: "My father's evaluation of the third prince is indeed absolutely correct."

"How does Prince Anyang evaluate the third prince?" Su Chen asked with interest. He was curious about what Prince Anyang would think of these princes who were personally selected by him.

Princess Xiling shook her head: "It's nothing more than comments about being ambitious and talented, being sanctimonious, and doing whatever it takes to achieve the goal. Now it seems that my father's vision of people is indeed very accurate."

After Su Chen heard this, he was a little surprised at first. He didn't expect Anyang County Prince to have such an evaluation of the Third Prince. It seemed that Anyang County Prince knew the Third Prince very well.

But after thinking about it, it became clear that if the Prince of Anyang County had not understood the character of the third prince, he would not have been reluctant to help the third prince to become the heir. You must know that the third prince is the son of the younger brother of the Prince of Anyang. In terms of blood relationship I don’t know how close the relationship is compared to the eldest prince.

As long as the third prince's mental performance is better, maybe the competition for the successor position will not be as big as the other princes.

"So, during this autumn hunt, didn't Prince Anyang already expect that the third prince might attack the eldest prince?" Su Chen said.

Princess Xiling sighed softly and said nothing, but the expression on her face said everything.

"What do you think, Prince Anyang, is he allowing his sons to kill each other?" Su Chen sighed lightly. Although it was none of his business, this kind of thing was still unacceptable to people.

Princess Xiling smiled instead: "You just mentioned the rules of the world of monsters and beasts, and you also know that only one cub in a litter can survive. How come you are not used to it when it is a human being? From the Prince's House The rules of survival are only more cruel than those in the world of monsters."

Su Chen smiled casually and said so.

Anyang County Prince allowed several princes to compete with each other. In fact, it was a law of the jungle. The last surviving one would win.

Only in this way can the person most suitable to be the next county king be selected.

If a prince dies in such a little competition, it only means that he is not capable enough or lucky enough to be the next king. Even if he is reluctantly promoted to the position, he will definitely not be able to go far, let alone increase the strength of Anyang County.

It's not that Su Chen doesn't understand this, it's just that in his previous life, he was used to being a high-ranking alchemy emperor, so he looks at problems from a different perspective than ordinary people.

In Su Chen's view, although a princely family must pay attention to competition, it must not blindly pay attention to competition. The character of the heir is still very important.

Otherwise, as Xueying said, if the third prince takes the throne, those who have opposed the third prince in the past will be in bad luck. So, how meaningful is it to elect such a successor?

Thinking of this, Su Chen said to the two girls: "Let's go to that valley."

Princess Xiling smiled slightly and said, "Why, do you still want to help big brother?"

"Even if it has nothing to do with the eldest prince, one of my men is with the eldest prince now, and I must save him."

Su Chen said, looking at Princess Xi Ling, "Speaking of which, before you stopped me from forming a team with the eldest prince, could it be that in your heart, you don't want the eldest prince to take over, and you want the third prince to take over?"

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