Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 276 Meeting an old friend again

Su Chen smiled lightly and said: "I hope the eldest prince brings me ice, snow and cicadas when he comes this time. Otherwise, I have other things to do here, so I won't be able to receive the eldest prince."

The eldest prince immediately showed a bitter look on his face: "Brother Su Chen, it's not that I don't want to bring you the ice and snow cicada, but the fact is that the ice and snow cicada is placed in the palace's secret vault. If I don't have a valid reason, I can't enter the palace's secret vault, even if It’s impossible to take it out for you to take a look at.”

"However, Brother Su Chen, I came today to bring you another piece of good news." The eldest prince smiled.

"What good news?"

"I wonder if Brother Su Chen has ever heard of the annual royal palace autumn hunt?" the eldest prince asked.

"Prince's Autumn Hunt?" Su Chen had never heard of it.

"Haha, Brother Su Chen has not been in Anyang City for a long time. It is normal that he has not heard of the Royal Palace Autumn Hunting. The Royal Palace Autumn Hunting is an event held by the Anyang County Prince's Palace every year. Not only every prince's son will participate, but also invites Young geniuses from some big families in Anyang City.”

"I see."

Su Chen nodded.

The eldest prince took a deep breath and said: "The royal palace's autumn hunt is scheduled for three days later. Brother Su Chen, I would like to invite you to join me in the autumn hunt."

"Invite me?"

Su Chen was slightly surprised and said with a smile, "Why did the eldest prince invite me?"

"To be honest, Brother Su Chen, every year's Autumn Hunting of the Royal Palace is not only an activity for young disciples to hone their strength, but also an opportunity for Prince Anyang to inspect us princes."

The eldest prince said, "During the autumn hunt, each prince will invite some young geniuses who have a good relationship with him to form a team with him. When the prey is finally settled, whichever prince's team gets more prey will get the kiss. An opportunity to listen to Prince Anyang’s teachings for three days.”

"Brother Su Chen, this opportunity is very important to me. I must get this opportunity, but the third prince is also eyeing it, so, brother Su Chen, you must help me."

Su Chen knew that this so-called opportunity to listen to the teachings of Anyang County Prince for three days was naturally not as simple as just listening to the teachings. It meant that the distance between the Crown Prince and Anyang County Prince was greatly shortened, and it would also bring great benefits to Anyang City. The major families have sent out a signal, that is, the prince's chances of winning the position of heir have greatly increased.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the eldest prince attaches great importance to this Qiu Lie.

"Why is the eldest prince so sure that I can help you?"

Su Chen asked, in fact, there are not many geniuses in the material transformation realm in the big families in Anyang City. With the eldest prince's ability, it is not difficult to win a few to form a team with him.

But he made a special trip to Anyang College to find him, which shows that he attaches great importance to him.

"Brother Su Chen, in fact, I also found several other helpers, but there was always a voice in my heart telling me that if I didn't come to you, I would definitely regret it in the future."

The eldest prince said sincerely, "Anyway, it is only good for you to participate in this autumn hunting. The location of the autumn hunting is the hunting ground exclusively used by the palace. Except for the opportunity of autumn hunting, people outside the palace are not allowed to enter. And the hunting ground There are demonic beasts specially tamed by the prince in order to train his disciples. It is an excellent place to hone one's own strength. "

"Can you hone your own strength?"

Su Chen was moved. Anyway, he just needed an opportunity to practice in actual combat.

If you can get some opportunities during actual combat training, that would be even better. It can lay a solid foundation for you to break through the realm of transformed objects in the future, and make your journey to the realm of transformed objects smoother in the future.

"I can participate, but there is a condition." Su Chen said with a slight smile.

"What conditions?" The eldest prince asked in high spirits. As long as Su Chen's conditions were not too excessive, he could satisfy them. As long as Su Chen agreed to participate in the autumn hunting and form a team with him.

"The conditions are very simple. I want to take two friends to participate in the autumn hunting. Please reserve a place for the eldest prince." Su Chen said with a smile.

"Yes, of course!" The eldest prince said repeatedly, not expecting that Su Chen's so-called conditions were so simple.

"The eldest prince invites you kindly, but I would be disrespectful to refuse." Su Chen said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, okay." The eldest prince said three good words in excitement, "Brother Su Chen, I will wait for you and your friends to gather at the square in front of the palace in three days' time."

The eldest prince said some more words before leaving excitedly.

After Su Chen waited for the eldest prince to leave, he called the boys in the college and asked them to inform Gu Qianyin and Xue Yong to prepare for the palace's autumn hunt.

Afterwards, Su Chen also packed up and went out.

Since he was going to participate in the autumn hunting, necessary preparations were definitely indispensable, and Su Chen never fought unprepared.

Su Chen first went to Anyang City Commercial Street and bought some necessary things for going out to experience. On the way, he also went to Qingdan Pavilion, but this time Sun Xuan was not there. Su Chen only bought some things at the counter and left.

Walking out of the gate of Qingdan Pavilion, I suddenly heard a sound of scolding coming from the right side: "As I said, ours is not a medical clinic, it is just a place to sell things. Even if you kneel here until the end of the world, there is nothing we can do to help you. Hurry up. , walk around, we are just businessmen, how can we see a doctor?"

"Brother, please, please. I know that your store is a subsidiary of the Alchemy Association. Can you please help me hire an alchemist from the Alchemy Association? My brother is really ill. I have money. Please give me some money." Can you please be accommodating?"

"Oh, I wonder why you guy can't make sense. We have already said that we are just a place to sell things. If you want to find an alchemist, go to the Alchemy Association to find one yourself. We are not a place to send messages to others."

"Oh, I've been to the alchemy conference, but I don't know anyone, so I have no way to seek medical advice." The young man was also very depressed, "Can't you help inform me? My brother..."

"Oh, how many times have I told you, if it doesn't work, it won't work!" The guy was also impatient and waved his hand to chase them away, "If you don't leave, I will call Wu Wei!"

Su Chen heard the young man's voice, took a closer look, and couldn't help but ask, "Is it you?"

This young man was one of the three young men Su Chen encountered who were being chased by the Iron Clothes Sect when he first entered the Xingyang Mountains for training.

At that time, in order to thank Su Chen for helping them avoid being chased, the other party also gave one of the two strange jade fruits to Su Chen.

Su Chen remembered that they were from the He family in Huangshi City, and this young man seemed to be the eldest of the three brothers.

When the young man heard the voice, he looked back and immediately recognized Su Chen: "Is it you?"

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