Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 272: Observe Alchemy

"Miss Jin is here to see Master Sun Xuan?"

Manager Li asked respectfully. He knew that Jin Ling'er had been studying alchemy with Sun Xuan. When he came to Qingdan Pavilion, he most likely came to see Sun Xuan.


Jin Linger nodded casually and ignored Manager Li. She looked at Su Chen curiously and said, "Su Chen, why are you here? When did you come to Anyang City?"

At this time, Su Chen also recognized Jin Ling'er and smiled lightly: "It's you."

This Jin Ling'er was the girl who came with the three judges of the Alchemy Association on the day when the Alchemy Branch of Qinghe City was promoted to the second-level branch when she was in Qinghe City.

Unexpectedly, we met here again.

"Hey, it turns out you still remember me. I never thought you would actually come to Anyang City."

Jin Ling'er smiled, jumped to Su Chen's side, and looked at him with wide eyes, "You haven't answered me yet, what are you doing in Qingdan Pavilion?"

"I'm looking for Master Sun Xuan."

Su Chen replied smoothly.

"Oh, it turns out you are here to see the teacher."

Jin Ling'er said happily, "That's just right. I'm here to see him too. Just wait, I'll call him right away. I think the teacher will be very happy when he knows you're here!"

With that said, Jin Ling'er ran in quickly.

At this moment, Manager Li had his mouth wide open, and the expressions on his face were colorful, like a palette, extremely funny.

He couldn't believe it. Did this young man really know Master Sun Xuan?

How can this be?

After a while, Sun Xuan and Jin Linger walked out together.

As soon as he saw Su Chen, Sun Xuan's face suddenly showed joy. He raised his hands and said to Su Chen from a distance: "Master Su, it's really you who is here. I heard Ling'er say that you are here, and I thought this girl was lying to me. Woolen cloth!"

"Haha, I hope Master Su will forgive me for not coming out to greet him in time." Sun Xuan walked quickly to Su Chen's side, looked at Su Chen up and down, with a smile on his face, obviously very happy.

But at this time, Manager Li's face became paler. At this time, even a fool could see that Su Chen did have a friendship with Sun Xuan, and the friendship was not shallow. Sun Xuan actually treated Su Chen. It's very respectful.

"What is this kid's background? Is he a descendant of a big family in Anyang City?"

Manager Li was puzzled, and his face was extremely ugly. He was an old man who had been a servant in Qingdan Pavilion for more than ten years. He didn't know any of the wealthy children in Anyang City, but he had never seen Su Chen before. ah.

Besides, even a child from a wealthy family cannot be respected so much by Master Sun Xuan. Who is Master Sun Xuan? The oldest second-grade alchemist in Anyang City, any disciple of a wealthy family would only be respectful to him. How could he in turn have Master Sun Xuan be so respectful?

Just when Manager Li was in a state of confusion, he heard Su Chen's voice ringing in his ears: "By the way, Manager, do you still remember what you said just now?"


Suddenly, Manager Li's face was full of bitterness, as if someone had just stuffed a large ball of cow dung into his mouth, and his expression was extremely exciting.

After hearing this, Sun Xuan's expression changed slightly and he asked: "Master Su, what happened?"

With Sun Xuan's sharp eyesight, he could naturally tell that Su Chen's expression was not very happy. Perhaps something unpleasant had happened in Qingdan Pavilion.

Sun Xuan respected Su Chen very much. When Su Chen completed the recipe for Shenquan Dan, he was deeply impressed.

Therefore, now that Su Chen encountered something unpleasant in Qingdan Pavilion, Sun Xuan was naturally a little angry.

The maid observed her words and quickly said: "Master Sun, just now Mr. Su Chen said that he knew you and wanted the slave to go in and notify you to come out, but Manager Li stopped him..."

The maid ignored Manager Li's constant winks and told her exactly what happened just now, including Manager Li's statement that if Su Chen and Sun Xuan met, he would drink dirty water. She told her without any concealment. .

After hearing this, Sun Xuan's face suddenly darkened. He glanced at Manager Li coldly and said, "How brave you are. Master Su is my honored guest, and this is how you received me? According to me, You don’t want to be a steward anymore, just go back to being a servant.”

"Besides, since you just said you wanted to drink that basin of dirty water, then go ahead and drink every last drop for me!" Sun Xuan pointed to the basin of dirty water that had been mopped on the floor.

Manager Li's face kept twitching, looking at the basin of dirty water with many stains floating on it, he almost wished he could slap himself on the spot.

Why on earth did he say those words to Su Chen with such a bad mouth? It's okay now, he can only swallow the bitter fruit he has sown.

At that moment, Manager Li had a sad face, picked up the basin of dirty water, and drank it.

Su Chen was not interested in watching Manager Li drink dirty water here. He said to Sun Xuan: "Master Sun, let's go in."

"Master Su, please." Sun Xuan said quickly, leading Su Chen to the back, and Jin Ling'er also followed.

Arriving at Sun Xuan's alchemy room, Su Chen had already forgotten what happened before and explained to Sun Xuan the purpose of his visit to the Qing Alchemy Pavilion.

When Sun Xuan heard that Su Chen was here to buy rare medicinal materials, he immediately ordered the maid to bring out the rare medicinal materials that Su Chen needed. In order to make amends, he simply gave Su Chen all the medicinal materials that Su Chen had purchased. The dust is free of charge.

Su Chen didn't refuse. After all, the set of medicinal materials for the Third Turn of Yang Pill was indeed not cheap. He thought for a while and said: "Let's do this. When I refine the elixir later, Master Sun can watch from the side. It may be helpful to you to improve your alchemy skills."

If an ordinary person had said this, he would have been slapped out by Sun Xuan. But when Su Chen said it, Sun Xuan was extremely convinced and overjoyed.

At that moment, Sun Xuan said happily: "Okay, okay, but I also want to invite a few friends to come and watch together. Is that okay?"

"Okay, but no more than six people." Su Chen said, he didn't like crowds and clutter.

"Master Su, wait for me." Sun Xuan immediately ran out like a gust of wind, his movements were so agile that it was unbelievable for a person of his age.

Su Chen and Jin Ling'er were the only two people left in the room. Jin Ling'er looked at Su Chen curiously, flashed her big eyes and asked, "Well, are you really from Qinghe City? Why do I think you don't look like you? "

"Even so." Su Chen smiled. He was indeed not from Qinghe City, but it would take too much time to explain, so he simply didn't explain.

Jin Ling'er held her cheek and said, "Where did you learn alchemy? Why are your alchemy skills so advanced?"

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