Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 269 Offending both sides

However, Xueying knew that she was a low-key person and was just a servant of Mianyue Tower. She did not have much status in the eyes of the Third Prince. The Third Prince could even let her accompany Su Chen at will, so naturally her words would not matter. value.

Therefore, Xueying kept her mouth shut and did not persuade the third prince.

Su Chen glanced at the Third Prince and said calmly: "I will not apologize."

How could he apologize for something that was simply not wrong?

Suddenly, the Third Prince's heart skipped a beat. In Su Chen's glance, he clearly saw a faint aura and majesty, an aura that only the superiors possess.

The Third Prince has only seen a similar temperament in one person in his life, and that is Prince Anyang.

But Su Chen is obviously just a fifteen or sixteen year old boy, how come he has such a temperament?

At that moment, the Third Prince unconsciously swallowed back the words of persuasion he had prepared. Originally, he wanted to persuade Su Chen to bow his head to Lou Jun, but at this time, with Su Chen's eyes, the Third Prince had already The words I had prepared could not be uttered.

"Brother Lou, Brother Su Chen, the misunderstanding between you can be explained clearly in person. There is no need to get into a tense situation."

The third prince's feeble persuasion naturally had no effect.

"Third Prince, he brought this upon himself. If I don't teach him a lesson, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart."

Lou Jun roared low, venting all his frustration on Su Chen for being embarrassed and drinking urine in public, and punched Su Chen.


The power of the third level of the Transformation Realm was like a small mountain, pressing down on Su Chen.

Su Chen snorted coldly, but refused to give in. The Moon-Zhancing Sword was instantly unsheathed, and a snow-white sword energy flashed past.


The two fists collided, and terrifying energy fluctuations spread out, shaking the hearts and blood of everyone present.

When the energy fluctuations dissipated, everyone present was surprised to find that the imagined scene of Su Chen being punched away did not appear. Both parties just stepped back a few steps and stabilized their bodies.

There was silence!

Everyone looked at this scene in disbelief. Lou Jun, who was at the third level of the Transformation Realm, could actually fight to a draw with Su Chen, who was at the eighth level of the Condensation Realm.

"How can it be?"

Lou Jun couldn't believe that even if he didn't use all his strength in this punch, the opponent was just a peak at the eighth level of the Condensation Realm. Even if he didn't use his full strength, it would be impossible to draw a draw.

Because everything happened so fast just now, Lou Jun didn't realize that what Su Chen was using was sword energy that could only be condensed by a swordsman at the Transformation Realm.

"Boy, what evil methods did you use?"

Lou Jun was so angry that he was so angry that he punched Su Chen again without hesitation.

When Xueying saw this, she didn't care about the third prince's attitude. She quickly stepped forward and blocked Lou Jun.

"Young Master Lou," Xueying said, "This is Mianyue Tower. You two are openly fighting here. If the owner of Mianyue Tower knows about it, he will definitely be unhappy."

When she mentioned the owner of Mianyue Tower, even Lou Jun couldn't help but move. The owner of Mianyue Tower is not an ordinary person. He can open such a large gold-selling cave in the busiest street of Anyang City. Can his background be ordinary?

Even though he is the eldest son of the Lou family, he is still afraid of the owner of Mianyue Tower.

Xueying glanced around. At this moment, the surroundings had become a little messy because of the fight between the two. She said: "If you two stop fighting now, Xueying can help you conceal this matter, and you will not let the owner of Mianyue Tower I know you two did something in Mianyue Tower."

Lou Jun's eyes flickered. To be honest, he wished he could smash Su Chen to pieces with one punch right now, but he was afraid of the existence of the master of Mianyue Tower and couldn't do so.

"For Miss Xueying's sake, I'll let you go for now. However, it's just this time, there will be no next time!"

Lou Jun put down his momentum and said coldly to Su Chen.

Afterwards, Lou Jun immediately turned around and left Mianyue Tower without saying hello to the Third Prince, and did not give the Third Prince any face at all.

The third prince's expression changed slightly. He knew that he had not clearly stood on Lou Jun's side just now, and he had offended Lou Jun after all.

At the moment, the Third Prince felt uncomfortable. He had finally managed to win over the Lou family, but now he was afraid that all his previous efforts would be in vain.

However, even though the Third Prince felt uncomfortable, he still put on a smile and said, "Brother Su Chen, Brother Lou has this temper, but his temper comes and goes quickly. Later, I will hold a banquet to invite you two." , let’s talk about it, and then we can shake hands and make peace.”

The Third Prince had no choice. He had already offended Lou Jun, so he couldn't offend Su Chen again. That would be a waste of time.

Therefore, he could only bite the bullet and get close to Su Chentong again.

Su Chen did not answer the question, but looked at the Third Prince indifferently and said, "I suddenly remembered something, so I'll leave first."

With that said, Su Chen turned around and left Mianyue Tower on the spot.

The Third Prince stood there blankly, wishing he could give himself a slap in the face.

He knew very well that he had messed up the matter, and now he had offended both Lou Jun and Su Chen.

Fortunately for Lou Jun, even if the Lou family does not fall to his side, they will not fall to the eldest prince's side easily. I still have many opportunities to save the Lou family.

But Su Chen was different. Originally, Su Chen was the one the eldest prince tried his best to win over. He wanted to lure Su Chen away from the eldest prince, but now he offended Su Chen.

In this case, wouldn't it be possible for Su Chen to join the eldest prince's camp more quickly?

No, I absolutely cannot let this happen.

But, what can I do?

The Third Prince was racking his brains. Su Chen had just walked out of Mianyue Tower when he heard a call from behind him.

"Master Su Chen."

Su Chen paused and saw Xueying chasing after her with three steps and two steps at a time.

"Miss Xueying, why aren't you waiting by the Third Prince's side?"

Su Chen smiled lightly and said.

Xue Ying's pretty face turned red. She thought of what the Third Prince had said before about asking her to accompany Su Chen. She couldn't help but show a hint of embarrassment and said, "Master Su Chen, our host would like to invite you to come over and meet."

"The owner of Mianyue Tower wants to see me?" Su Chen asked.

"That's right, I wonder if Mr. Su Chen can come and have a chat with me?" Xueying said.

"Miss Xueying, please lead the way."

Su Chen didn't refuse. He was a little curious about the owner of Mianyue Tower whom he had never met before, and he didn't know if the other party would be someone like the owner of Yanbo Pavilion.

"Master Su Chen, please follow me."

Xueying invited Su Chen into Mianyue Tower again, but this time she did not go upstairs. Instead, she went directly to the backyard of Mianyue Tower and entered a quiet courtyard.

The place is full of flowers and the environment is elegant. Stepping in, you will feel relaxed and happy.

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