Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 25 Thank you Su Chen

"That place is a cave twenty miles northwest of Qinghe City..."

Su Chen indeed named a location, and as if he was afraid that Jiang Shan and the others would not be able to find it, he drew a map very thoughtfully.

"However, I went to that cave a year ago. Now the cave seems to have collapsed, but the family leader's seal is hidden in the deepest part of the cave, so you may have to send people to dig for a while before you can dig out the seal."

Su Chen added.

Jiang Shan took the map and said in a deep voice: "You wait here for a while, I will send someone to take a look."

Su Chen smiled faintly. Jiang Shan was indeed an old fox. He would not completely believe in himself easily. He would definitely send someone to see if the cave he mentioned really existed.

An hour later.

Jiang Shan's men hurried back to the hall and reported: "Master, there is indeed a cave there, but it collapsed and the entrance to the cave was blocked by huge rocks. It will take at least three months to dig out the contents."

Jiang Shan took a deep breath and asked Su Chen in a deep voice: "Are you sure that the big seal of the family is really in that cave?"

Su Chen said calmly: "I can draw the appearance of the family master's seal, how can it be fake?"

The last doubt in Jiang Shan's heart was dispelled. He nodded and said, "Okay, when the Wang family comes to make an appointment in three days, I will go and tell them in person that this marriage is cancelled!"

"Master Jiang is a smart man, and it will be a pleasure to do business with you!" Su Chen smiled lightly.

"I just hope you didn't lie to me, otherwise, you will die miserably!" Jiang Shan turned around and strode away with Jiang He.

Su Chen and Xu Yin were the only two people left in the meeting hall.


Xu Yin sat on the chair exhausted, feeling that her back was soaked with sweat.

Just now when Jiang Shan and Jiang He said they wanted to betroth Jiang Tingyi to Wang Sheng, Xu Yin really felt that the sky was about to fall.

She never imagined that in that situation, Su Chen would be able to turn the tide. With his sharp tongue, he made Jiang Shan cancel all the engagements he had made!

A pair of eyes couldn't help but look at the back of Su Chen standing calmly. Xu Yin asked the doubts in her heart: "Xiao Chen, is what you said true? Is the big seal of the family really in that cave?"

"Of course I lied to them."

Su Chen replied with a smile.

"Lied...lied them?" Xu Yin was dumbfounded. She thought that what Su Chen said so firmly must be true.

In the end, she still underestimated Su Chen's ability to lie without changing his face or heart, and she actually deceived Jiang Shan.

Su Chen smiled and said nothing. How could he let Jiang Shan and Jiang He really get the Patriarch's Seal?

The cave that collapsed did indeed exist, but the head of the family, Dayin, was not in it.

He just calculated Jiang Shan's desire for the Patriarch's Great Seal, and knew that as long as there was news about the Patriarch's Great Seal, Jiang Shan would definitely do whatever it took, even if he risked breaking the contract with the Wang family and offending the Wang family, Jiang Shan would not hesitate.

However, Su Chen did meet the head of the Jiang family, Da Yin, but in his previous life. It was precisely because of this that he knew what the family leader's seal looked like.

"If Jiang Shan and Jiang He find out that you lied to them and that the head of the family is not in the cave, they will not let you go." Xu Yin said worriedly.

"Don't worry, auntie." Su Chen said, "They want to dig through the cave, it won't take a day or two."

"But, they will find out sooner or later!" Xu Yin said.

Su Chen smiled slightly, yes, today he did use a more risky method in order to keep Jiang Tingyi from marrying that sadist.

When Jiang Shan and Jiang He discover the truth, they will come to him sooner or later to settle accounts.

But, that will be at least a few months later!

After a few months, who can guarantee to what extent Su Chen's strength has improved?

"Strength comes first after all!" Su Chen murmured softly. If he wasn't not strong enough today, why would he use this method to hold back Jiang Shan and Jiang He?

Now, the most important thing before him is to improve his strength!

When Jiang Shan and Jiang He discover the truth, as long as they have enough strength, they will not be afraid of them!

"Auntie, I will definitely protect you."

Su Chen's tone was very firm.

Three days later.

Everything was peaceful in the Jiang family. It is said that Jiang Shan went to the Wang family in person before the Wang family came to offer employment, and broke off the engagement with the Wang family.

Su Chen sat in the room, listening to the servants outside the window discussing the matter. He heard that the head of the Wang family was very angry, but he had no choice but to drive Jiang Shan and Jiang He out of the Wang family in public and let them go. He then canceled all business cooperation with the Jiang family.

Su Chen smiled faintly. Jiang Shan and Jiang He originally wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to marry the Wang family to win over the Wang family, but in the end the relationship with the Wang family fell to a freezing point. This was something Jiang Shan and Jiang He did not expect at the beginning.

However, since they are so eager to be the head of the family, how can they not pay a price?

I heard that Jiang Shan and Jiang He couldn't wait to send a team of guards to dig in the cave after the clan meeting. I guess it won't take a few months to dig through the cave, right?


There was a knock on the door, and Su Chen said casually: "Come in."

When Jiang Tingyi opened the door and entered the house, what she saw was Su Chen wearing a green shirt, standing calmly by the window.

The sun shines in from the window and shines on Su Chen, making him appear to be a young man with a handsome figure, handsome eyebrows and bright eyes, a knife-cut temples, a face like a crown of jade, a handsome and elegant temperament, and a unique energy of youth. .

For some reason, Jiang Tingyi's heart skipped a beat. She couldn't explain what was going on. It seemed that her inner feelings towards Su Chen had changed since the day of the clan meeting.

In the past, she had a very deep prejudice against Su Chen. She felt that this cousin was weak and not good enough, and was not worthy of being her cousin to Jiang Tingyi.

But now, she discovered that this Su Chen was different from the Su Chen in her impression.

"Thank you."

After being silent for a long time, Jiang Tingyi spoke.

"Didn't you already say it last time?" Su Chen said casually, without even turning to look at her.

Jiang Tingyi was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Su Chen was referring to the day of the clan meeting. After Su Chen competed with Jiang Mingxuan, she also said "thank you" to Su Chen.

"Last time I thanked him for the martial arts competition, this time I thanked him for the engagement." Jiang Tingyi said a little unnaturally. She was still not used to living peacefully with Su Chen like this.

However, even though it was a little awkward, her inner gratitude to Su Chen was genuine. After all, Su Chen helped their mother and daughter twice in one day.

"Why did you become so powerful all of a sudden? It's totally unlike you." Jiang Tingyi was silent for another moment and then said.

Su Chen smiled lightly and said, "Then what should I look like?"

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