Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 246: I insist on meddling in this business

Hua Yunfeng obviously had the upper hand. While fighting, he continued to mock Xue Yong, appearing very relaxed.

But in fact, Hua Yunfeng is not as relaxed as he appears on the surface, and he has a deep fear of Xue Yong in his heart.

This Xue Yong challenged him almost every month in the past six months. At first, he didn't take it seriously, but gradually he discovered that every time Xue Yong was beaten to death by him, he would always heal as before within half a month. According to his understanding, it was absolutely impossible for Xue Yong's family to afford expensive healing medicine, so how could he recover from his injuries in such a short period of time?

Hua Yunfeng never got an answer to this question, and Xue Yong would always challenge him again after the wound was completely healed. After doing this several times, Hua Yunfeng became more and more fearful in his heart.

The most important thing is that after these few times, Hua Yunfeng discovered that Xue Yong didn't even have any hidden injuries on his body. This is too weird. He can recover so well without the healing medicine. This is not the physique of a normal person at all.

Moreover, Xue Yong's character is extremely stubborn. Once he recognizes this dead truth, he must persist in challenging Hua Yunfeng until he wins the challenge. Hua Yunfeng can't refuse him yet. Refusal is equivalent to admitting in disguise that he is afraid of Xue Yong. Of course, he cannot do this.

So now Xue Yong has become a piece of Hua Yunfeng's heart, he can't get rid of it like brown sugar, it's very annoying. Therefore, Hua Yunfeng also made up his mind today. No matter what, he must find an opportunity to kill Xue Yong.

Although Xue Yong's death may cause some trouble and the college will punish him, Hua Yunfeng believes that with his own ability, he will definitely be able to make everything look like an accident. When the time comes, the Hua family will also deal with it. Do some activities without punishing yourself too severely.

After dozens of moves, Hua Yunfeng finally spotted an opportunity, caught a flaw in Xue Yong's body, and suddenly slapped Xue Yong's heart with his palm.

"go to hell."

Hua Yunfeng said in his heart.


At this moment, a stone came quickly like a meteor and hit Hua Yunfeng's wrist.

Hua Yunfeng suddenly felt a soreness in his wrist. The stone hit his acupuncture point, causing the movement of his entire arm's true energy to suddenly become disordered. He had to retract his arm, and at the same time, he immediately looked around.

"who is it!"

Hua Yunfeng shouted displeasedly, this is a martial arts competition, whoever dares to disturb is simply too impatient to live.

As a result, he looked around, and everyone he saw lowered their heads. Only one person stood in the circle of people and looked at him calmly, and it was Su Chen.

In an instant, Hua Yunfeng was sure that the stone must have been struck by Su Chen.

"Boy, who are you? How dare you interfere in the sparring. Do you know that according to the rules of Anyang Academy, it is an extremely serious crime to rashly intervene during the sparring between the two sides of the competition!"

Hua Yunfeng stared at Su Chen with displeasure. This kid who came out of nowhere dared to ruin his own affairs.

Su Chen said calmly: "I don't know if it's serious or not. I only know that you obviously wanted to kill the opponent just now. Is it true that according to the rules of Anyang Academy, it is allowed to kill in a competition?"

Hua Yunfeng was speechless for a moment by Su Chen's words. He was speechless for a long time before snorting coldly: "Why kill in pain? Do you have any evidence for saying this?"

After Hua Yunfeng finished speaking, he smiled proudly. He knew that none of the people watching around him had the guts to testify that he had killed Xue Yong.

"Boy, nosy people never have good results." Hua Yunfeng stared at Su Chen threateningly.

Su Chen shrugged his shoulders: "Really? Then I still want to take care of this noisy matter. I just want to see why it doesn't have good results?"

After saying that, Su Chen ignored Hua Yunfeng and looked at Xue Yong.

Just when Hua Yunfeng thought that Su Chen was just talking, he heard Su Chen say to Xue Yong: "You move your true energy to Tianshu point and Jingzhong point, and then focus on his lower body."

Xue Yong looked at Su Chen dubiously, not knowing whether to believe Su Chen's suggestion. But then he thought, he was going to lose anyway, so he might as well try what Su Chen said, even if it was a dead horse being treated as a living horse doctor.

At that moment, Xue Yongyong regained his strength, shouted deeply, and followed what Su Chen said, using his true energy to circulate in Tianshu acupoint and Jingzhong acupoint, and attacked Huayun Peak with one palm!

Hua Yunfeng immediately made a move to greet him. As a result, the two of them collided. Hua Yunfeng immediately felt that it was different from before. !

"How can this be?"

Hua Yunfeng couldn't believe it. This boy's advice could actually increase Xue Yong's combat power so much?

However, Hua Yunfeng had no time to think anything more, because Su Chen did not stop and continued to give instructions to Xue Yong.

"Back off, don't fight him."

"Gather the true energy into your right hand and attack the side."

"Be careful, the true energy should be condensed and not dispersed as much as possible."

Under Su Chen's constant urging, Hua Yunfeng was surprised to find that Xue Yong's combat power was improving at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the battle between him and Xue Yong was becoming more and more difficult step by step.

"How is this possible? Even if the top martial arts expert in Anyang City came to give Xue Yong guidance, it would not have such an effect, right?"

The people watching around also opened their mouths. This thing was simply too weird. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed it.

The one who was most surprised was Xue Yong. Only he knew best that every word Su Chen said seemed to be tailor-made for him, always allowing his power to be used where it should be used most. It was simply too It's amazing.

"Cheating, you are cheating."

Hua Yunfeng shouted unbearably. He found that Xue Yong was getting more and more difficult to deal with. If he continued like this, it would be quite difficult for him to win, not to mention achieving his goal of killing Xue Yong.

"I am cheating, so what does it mean if you kill the person you are sparring with?"

Su Chen said calmly, if Hua Yunfeng hadn't killed him, he wouldn't have directly used this method to increase Xue Yong's combat power. His method was entirely based on his understanding of the bloodline characteristics of the Blood Barbarian clan, but this method could not really improve Xue Yong's strength, it only allowed him to perform better against the enemy.

"Senior Brother Nangong is here!"

At this moment, someone in the distance exclaimed.

As soon as Hua Yunfeng heard this exclamation, his face suddenly lit up with joy: "It's Senior Brother Nangong!"

The crowd parted automatically, and a young man with a sword on his back slowly walked in from outside the crowd.

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