Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 238: Fighting at the second level of the realm of transformed objects

For a moment, everyone's expressions were in disbelief.

Only the pretty girl was briefly surprised for a moment, then smiled and looked at Su Chen with interest.

"I don't believe it, just take another move from me!"

Qi Yuntian couldn't believe it. He was a genius at the Transformation Realm. How could he not be able to defeat Su Chen at the eighth level of the Condensation Realm in a head-on competition?

He didn't believe this evil and immediately used his strongest move.

"Great Sun Flame Fist!"

As if holding a scorching sun in his hands, Qi Yuntian compressed a ball of fire-attributed essence to the extreme, and then threw the ball of fire-attributed essence towards Su Chen.

Once this extremely compressed fire attribute essence hits, the opponent will be burned to ashes.

Everyone held their breath, waiting for what would happen to Su Chen if this move continued.

However, the next moment, a scene happened that stunned them.

Su Chen stretched out his hand and grasped it lightly. The ball of fire-attributed essence in Qi Yuntian's hand was immediately shattered by his grasp and scattered in all directions.

Then, a suction force burst out from Su Chen's palm, sucking in the scattered fire attribute essence.

At this scene, all the Silver Medal students around them opened their mouths, and almost thought that there was something wrong with their eyes.


Su Chen suddenly shouted, and the fire attribute essence that had been sucked in burst out from his palm again, and it was stronger and more powerful than before.

This large ball of fire attribute essence was shot out by Su Chen and hit Qi Yuntian's arms firmly.

Suddenly, Qi Yuntian screamed, his arms were burned to a bloody pulp, and they were shivering in mid-air. A pungent smell of burning immediately filled the air!

This scene made everyone watching the battle stunned again!

what's the situation?

Qi Yuntian was seriously burned by his own fire attribute essence?

Su Chen withdrew his palm with a calm expression. To be honest, if Qi Yuntian was a warrior with other attributes, Qi Yuntian might be able to hold on for a while longer as long as he did not use the Great Desolate Blood Moon.

However, Qi Yuntian is a fire attribute warrior. In front of the Skyfire Baby who has recovered part of his peak strength, any fire attribute warrior is a joke.

"Do you want to continue fighting?"

Su Chen looked at Qi Yuntian calmly.

"Ah...my arm, my arm."

Qi Yuntian was going crazy. He looked at his charred arms with curled flesh. He couldn't believe the fact that his arms were seriously injured under Su Chen's hands, and he was injured by the fire attribute essence he released. Seriously injured, this is unbelievable, it sounds like a joke.

Moreover, what makes Qi Yuntian even more desperate is that he knows how destructive his fire attribute essence is, and this fire attribute essence seems to have been strengthened by Su Chen. This time, his arms are completely useless. .

"That's unreasonable."

Lu Can's face suddenly darkened. Qi Yuntian was the person he invited to the party, but Su Chen actually beat Qi Yuntian seriously in front of him. How could he keep his face?

Lu Can's figure swayed slightly, and the next moment he appeared in front of Su Chen, his eyes widened with cold light, and he asked coldly: "It's just a discussion between fellow disciples, but why are you so vicious in your heart? "

As he spoke, the pressure of Lu Can's second level of material transformation was released, covering Su Chen's whole body.

Su Chen was unmoved at all and asked: "According to what you said, I should not fight back or retaliate? Qi Yuntian wants to kill me, so I should stand and let him kill me? If I fight back, it is because of my heart. vicious?"

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone present felt cold sweat for Su Chen. Who didn't know that Lu Can was the most domineering person, and Su Chen directly contradicted him in person, which was undoubtedly touching his inverse scale.

"How dare you quibble!"

Sure enough, Lu Can was furious when he heard this.

"As a rebellious and vicious person like you, as a senior Silver Medal student, I should naturally teach you a lesson myself."

Lu Can looked at Su Chen solemnly.

Suddenly, everyone present gasped. Lu Can, who was at the second level of the Transformation Realm, wanted to teach people personally. How powerful would that be?

It is conceivable that Su Chen's ending today will not be too good.

"Don't blame me for hitting too hard, I'm just trying to make you understand the rules of Anyang Academy!"

After Lu Can finished speaking, he fully unleashed his momentum at the second level of the Transformation Realm. He raised his hand and punched Su Chen!

"Well done!"

When Su Chen faced this move, he showed no fear at all and instead laughed.

A genius at the second level of the Transformation Realm, this is really a good opponent, just right for him to test his strength after breaking through to the eighth level of the Condensation Realm.


The Canghai Sword was unsheathed, and the sword light suddenly shone in everyone's eyes.

Su Chen summoned all his strength, held the sword with both hands, channeled all his true energy and flesh and blood strength, and slashed out with the sword.

Su Chen refused to dodge and chose to fight head-on with Lu Can, who was at the second level of the Transformation Realm.

Of course, Su Chen was not reckless, but from the moment Lu Can punched, he was mentally calculating how he could resist the blow.

Su Chen's biggest reliance is "Large Waves Slash". This magical sword technique has been practiced by Su Chen to the level of "Thirteen Waves with One Sword".

Moreover, Su Chen also incorporated a hint of thunder and lightning power into this move "Large Wave Slash".

The power of this sword is not inferior to the peak strike of a strong person in the Transformation Realm.

This powerful sword, with an indomitable momentum, hit Lu Can's fist fiercely.


Lu Can's fist struck, and before it completely touched Su Chen's sword, he suddenly felt that his fist seemed to be electrocuted by something, and he felt numb.

Although this numb feeling did not completely paralyze Lu Can's fist, it made his fist pause slightly and his fist movement suddenly stagnated.

Under this lag, the power of Lu Can's punch was suddenly weakened by at least 40 to 50%.

At the same time, Su Chen's extremely powerful sword struck just in time.

The two forces collided fiercely, and the power of Lu Can's punch was weakened by less than half, while the power of Su Chen's sword was stronger than usual.

Under this situation, Lu Can not only failed to gain the slightest advantage, but was suppressed by Su Chen's powerful sword, and his momentum was completely suppressed by Su Chen.

And Su Chen's sword had a tendency to break through the blockade of his fist and strike at his vitals.

Lu Can's heart tightened, and he made a half-circle with his left hand to protect his vitals. His body suddenly retreated, and he took three or four steps back before stopping.

Su Chen was hit by the force of the punch, his chest was heaving with energy and blood, and he felt indescribably uncomfortable. He also stepped back for more than ten steps before he stabilized his body.

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