Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 234: Meeting the Dean

As soon as Teacher Tian said these words, Yuan Qingcheng was stunned.

Not to mention Yuan Qingcheng, Qi Yuntian, and all the students present showed expressions of extreme disbelief.

All the power of fire in the testing room...has been sucked dry?

What is the concept of sucking up ten times the power of fire in a room?

Normally speaking, being able to absorb one-tenth of the ten times the power of fire in a room is very impressive.

If you suck up all the power of the fire, will your meridians really not explode and die?

One after another, with disbelief in their gazes, they looked towards Su Chen.

Although they couldn't believe it, no one would doubt the conclusion of Instructor Tian. Instructor Tian was one of the most senior instructors in the martial arts branch. What he said was basically equivalent to the golden rule.

In other words, Su Chen really sucked up ten times the power of the fire in the testing room.

This also explains why when Su Chen first came out of the testing room, the testing room was clean without a trace of fire power. This was because he had sucked him clean.

And why it exists now? It's because new power of fire is generated from the earth's veins.

In other words, the test chamber is not broken at all.

Qi Yuntian stood there blankly, his face full of loss and confusion. He simply couldn't believe that Su Chen could absorb all ten times the power of fire in the testing room.

If this is the case, doesn't it prove that Su Chen's talent potential is much higher than his?

I could feel the eyes of everyone around me looking at Su Chen, full of disbelief, surprise and admiration. Occasionally, a few people looked at Qi Yuntian, which made Qi Yuntian feel like a light on his back. He felt that these glances were a kind of ridicule to him.

For a moment, Qi Yuntian's face turned pale, and he felt that the halo of genius he had worked so hard for was destroyed at this moment.

Bang bang bang bang!

A young man from a poor family couldn't help but clapped his hands excitedly: "Well done Su Chen!"

"Su Chen, you are so awesome!"

"To trample Qi Yuntian under his feet is truly a genius!"

"The first genius among our new students is born!"

More and more children from poor families began to applaud, and eventually they gathered into a thunderous applause. Each of them was impressed by Su Chen's potential and talent, and they sincerely admired Su Chen at this moment.

Even the children from wealthy families looked at Su Chen completely differently at this moment, with a trace of fear and fear, and no longer dared to treat Su Chen like an ordinary child from a poor family.

The world of martial arts is like this. Although there are rich families and poor families, in the end, it depends on talent and strength. If your talent and strength are not as good as theirs, they will laugh at you and belittle you, but if your talent and strength are much better than theirs, then they will only look up to you.

"Qi Yuntian?" Teacher Tian frowned and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Teacher Tian didn't understand. Isn't it a talent test? What does it have to do with stepping on Qi Yuntian?

At this time, Yuan Qingcheng did not dare to hide it anymore, and honestly told the story of the fight between Qi Yuntian and Su Chen.

After hearing this, Teacher Tian's face suddenly darkened.

"Absurd, simply ridiculous, Yuan Qingcheng, as a veteran student of Class A, the college asked you to take these new students to take the talent test, just to make you fool around?"

"This is a serious talent test, not a fight between young people! The new students may be young and ignorant. As an old student, don't you know how to stop them? Instead, you are adding fuel to the fire?"

Instructor Tian was stern, obviously very dissatisfied with Yuan Qingcheng's contribution to the situation.

Yuan Qingcheng was speechless. He wanted to defend himself, but he didn't know how, because he did play a role in fueling the fight between Su Chen and Qi Yuntian.

"Yuan Qingcheng, for not performing his duties well, was punished with three months of hard labor and demoted to Class B."

As soon as Teacher Tian said these words, Yuan Qingcheng's face suddenly turned uglier than crying.

In Anyang Academy, hard labor is equivalent to a handyman in the sect. Not only do they have to do all kinds of menial and tiring work, but they also have no time to practice. It is a very severe punishment.

At this moment, Yuan Qingcheng deeply regretted why he had trouble with Su Chen in the first place and why he deliberately suppressed Su Chen.

If he had not done this, he would not have to face three months of hard labor at this moment.

"Qi Yuntian will be punished with one month of hard labor."

Instructor Tian's punishment for Qi Yuntian was relatively light, but even so, it was enough to make Qi Yuntian look livid.

Finally, Teacher Tian turned his attention to Su Chen.

"Su Chen, come with me."

Teacher Tian said.

Su Chen nodded slightly and followed Teacher Tian out of the fire attribute test hall.

A group of Class D students were left standing there, looking at each other. Instructor Tian did not punish Su Chen, but what did he mean by asking Su Chen to go with him?

Teacher Tian took Su Chen out of the talent testing area and came to a courtyard.

Bang bang bang!

Teacher Tian knocked on the door of the courtyard, and immediately a question came from inside: "Who is it?"

"Dean, it's me." Teacher Tian replied.

After a while, the courtyard door was opened, and Teacher Tian led Su Chen into the courtyard.

In the courtyard, a young man was dancing with a sword, while a gray-haired old man stood watching with his hands behind his back.

The young man is practicing a high-level Xuan-level swordsmanship, and his practice is extremely high. He has reached the point of proficiency. The sword light is freely swayed and the power is extremely impressive.

Su Chen looked at it calmly. Although this young man's swordsmanship was extremely good, it was not enough for Su Chen. In just a few dozen breaths, Su Chen had already seen something in his swordsmanship. Three flaws.

After a while, the young man stopped dancing his sword. When he turned around and saw Teacher Tian, ​​he bowed his hand to Teacher Tian with a graceful posture: "Teacher Tian, ​​you are showing your shame."

Bang bang bang!

Instructor Tian smiled and applauded, and said to the gray-haired old man: "Dean Wu, your disciple's swordsmanship level is such that even those of us who are mentors have to be inferior. He is really a genius."

The old man smiled and said: "No, Nangong is still far behind. Teacher Tian, ​​you are too complimentary."

"Haha, what a ridiculous compliment, who doesn't know that your disciple Nangong Lin, Dean Wu, is a top genius who is well-known far and wide, and is the well-deserved number one student in Class A of the Upper School of our Anyang College."

Teacher Tian said with a smile.

"Why does Master Tian have time to come to my place now?" the old man asked.

Instructor Tian quickly said: "Dean Wu, I came here to report something to you. Among the new students of this year, a genius with great potential has emerged. If he is well cultivated, he will be our Anyang in the future." A rising star in the academy.”

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