Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 217 On-site verification

"Second, the real authentic work of Master Mulan should contain a pure Taoist charm, which will produce an effect of clearing the mind, calming the energy, and prolonging life, which is extremely beneficial to warriors. But there is no such thing at all in the painting. Some refreshing spices are added to the paint to temporarily clear the mind, but in fact, this spice is not suitable for long-term use. Being close to the painting for a long time is extremely harmful to the human body.”

"Third, Master Mu Lan always likes to write the last hook of the character "LAN" backwards when signing his signature, but this is not the case in this painting, so this painting must be a forgery."

"So, I said that this painting is not even worth fifty taels of silver, which is too much. The cost of forging this painting may not even be worth ten taels of silver."

Of course, Su Chen left the last and most important point unsaid, that is, when he was at his most depressed in his previous life, he met Master Mu Lan by chance and became friends with him for a while. Although Master Mu Lan had stopped writing at that time, the two often studied and discussed painting skills together.

It was precisely because the two were familiar with each other in their previous life that Su Chen knew that Master Mu Lan had never made such a painting, nor had he made anything like "Clouds and Dragons Watching the Sea".

This is why Su Chen can conclude that this painting is 100% fake.

And what he said shocked everyone present.

"No way, how could he understand Master Mu Lan's works so well and speak so clearly?"

"Yes, this young boy actually knows the characteristics of Master Mu Lan's works so clearly. He even knows that Master Mu Lan likes to write the last stroke backwards when signing the signature."

"When Master Mu Lan became famous, I'm afraid he hadn't even been born yet."

"That's nonsense!"

The genius named Zhang angrily yelled, "You must have made up all these things you said!"

"Master Mu Lan has closed his pen and lived in seclusion for many years, and very few of his paintings have been circulated to the market. How could you have seen the original work of Master Mu Lan? So these characteristics must be all your lies."

"You dare to talk nonsense in front of the eldest prince and slander that the paintings purchased by the prince are fake paintings. Tell yourself what crime you deserve!"

The genius surnamed Zhang shouted angrily with his halberd finger, and he was furious.

"No, what he said is true!"

At this moment, a trembling voice unexpectedly sounded in the hall.

I saw an old man standing up with difficulty and said, "I remembered, what this young man said is true. When I followed the old man to travel around, I had the opportunity to see a painting of Master Mu Lan. The original work indeed has several of the characteristics mentioned by the young man, especially the fact that the last hook of the character "LAN" is written backwards. The old man remembers it very clearly. "

As he spoke, the old man pointed at the painting with a trembling hand, "So, the old man agrees with this young man's point of view, that is, this painting is indeed fake!"

"It's Mu Li!"

Master Mu was surprised, because the old man who spoke was none other than Mr. Mu's long-term attendant, Mu Li!

"Mu Li, are you telling the truth?" Mu Baye asked quickly. He did not dare to neglect this Mu Li. He was Mr. Mu's long-term follower and the oldest, and he was different from ordinary servants.

The old man nodded firmly: "What I said is absolutely true. If Master Ba and you don't believe it, you can send someone to the old man's courtyard to ask the old man. At that time, the old man also witnessed the authenticity with his own eyes."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly solidified.

Everyone's eyes were turned to the eldest prince on the main seat.

The eldest prince remained silent, but the stormy look in his eyes betrayed that he was not at peace in his heart at the moment.

No matter who knows that the painting he spent a lot of money to buy may be fake, his mood will definitely not be that beautiful.

What's more, the eldest prince was pointed out that the painting was fake in public, which was an unbearable blow to the proud eldest prince.

After pondering for a long time, the eldest prince finally made a decision:

"Tear apart the scroll and I will personally verify whether this painting is genuine or not!"

As the eldest prince said these words, everyone present was shocked, including Master Mu, Mu Sanniang, Mu Ba and others, their expressions changed slightly.

Unexpectedly, the eldest prince would use this method to verify the authenticity of the painting!

As we all know, taking apart the scroll is the most direct way to verify the authenticity of the painting. After taking apart the scroll, use a knife to cut the drawing paper. You can often judge the authenticity of the painting by looking at the side cross-section of the drawing paper. Authentic paintings often "penetrate through the back of the paper" due to the artist's profound skill, but it is usually impossible for forged paintings to do this.

However, this verification method is very risky, because you have to use a knife to cut the entire drawing paper, which means that the painting will be completely destroyed. If by any chance the painting is real, it will be a huge loss.

Therefore, if you are not very sure that the painting is fake, this method will generally not be used. No matter what the final verification result is, a painting will be ruined.

The fact that the eldest prince decided to use this verification method also shows that the eldest prince has great doubts about the authenticity of this painting.

"Your Highness, no!" The genius named Zhang quickly stopped him, "This painting is extremely valuable and must not be cut open."

"Yes, Your Highness, this painting is so precious and must not be destroyed." The geniuses under the eldest prince all followed up and spoke out to stop it.

Even Sun Yaozu advised: "Your Highness, you must not destroy a precious painting just because others slander it."

"No need to say more, I have made up my mind and I must verify it."

The eldest prince waved his hand, his face full of determination.

Seeing that his persuasion was ineffective, Sun Yaozu cast his cold eyes on Su Chen and said coldly: "If the painting is finally proven to be true, I will be the first to cut you into pieces."

"That's right, this kid will be chopped up alive when the time comes. This guy destroyed a precious authentic work of His Highness with just a few nonsense words. He really deserves death." The geniuses under the eldest prince also agreed.

Su Chen closed his eyes slightly and said calmly: "I am just telling the truth. Whether it is cut or not, it is your own decision. Anyway, you will be unlucky if you present the fake painting to Prince Anyang. Not me."

"You are so outrageous that you still dare to speak nonsense!"

"Boy, you really have had enough!"

The geniuses under the eldest prince all looked at him angrily.

"shut up!"

The eldest prince pressed his hands and said coldly, "Open this scroll for me!"

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