Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 215: The Eldest Prince’s Birthday Gift

Su Chen smiled. This was interesting. The Mu family hosted a banquet for the eldest son, but the old man, who was the top leader of the Mu family, did not show up.

However, it makes sense if you think about it carefully. As Mr. Mu, there is no need to appear in such an occasion.

After all, according to what Mu Baye said, the princes of Anyang County Prince all had to pay respect to Mr. Mu as juniors when they saw him. This shows the respect of Mr. Mu's status.

Therefore, when it was discovered that Prince Anyang might be suspected of poisoning Mr. Mu, Mr. Mu himself would be extremely surprised and disbelieving, because from Prince Anyang, the old man had always been treated with respect and courtesy.

Su Chen and Mu Baye said a few more words, and then someone came to announce that the eldest prince was here.

I saw a man wearing a purple and purple brocade robe striding in from outside the banquet hall of the Mu family. He was about thirty years old. He looked quite handsome. He walked like a dragon and a tiger leaping around. He looked like a king. Mutually.

Many people in the hall immediately stood up and saluted with their hands raised: "I have met the eldest prince."

"Haha, you don't have to be polite, please sit down." The eldest prince waved his hand with a smile on his face, looking very elegant and easy-going.

Among the senior officials of the Mu family, a man in his forties wearing a blue robe emerged from the crowd, greeted the eldest prince with a smile on his face, and invited the eldest prince to take a seat on the throne.

"The man wearing a green robe is my second brother, Mu Zheng, one of the current heads of the Mu family. We usually call him Second Master Mu." Mu Baye said to Su Chen in a low voice.

The current person in charge, that is, the person with the greatest power besides Mr. Mu, is almost equivalent to the deputy head of the Mu family.

This second master Mu seemed to be very smart and capable during his conversation.

Next to Second Master Mu, there was a woman with heavy makeup, who was chatting passionately with the eldest prince together with Second Master Mu. Both of them seemed very familiar and close to the eldest prince.

This woman is none other than Mu Sanniang.

After the eldest prince sat down, the banquet began.

Because it was just a family dinner, there were no complicated etiquette. After the dishes were served, the glasses were pushed and the cups were changed.

The eldest prince was naturally the center of the entire banquet. Many people went to toast the eldest prince with wine glasses and took the opportunity to find topics to chat with him.

But because there was really nothing to talk about, everyone's attention fell on the geniuses brought by the eldest prince, and they praised these geniuses under the eldest prince's command.

"These young masters around the eldest prince are all great among men."

"Yes, for example, Mr. Sun Yaozu, who is only twenty years old, is already a genius in the material transformation realm. His talent is truly terrifying."

Everyone knows that exaggerating the genius of the prince's subordinates is equivalent to exaggerating the prince, because if the eldest prince was not so wise and powerful, how could he attract such outstanding geniuses to follow him willingly.

And the object of their praise was none other than the young man who seemed to have the highest level of cultivation among the geniuses under his command that the eldest prince had brought to the banquet this time. This young man was wrapped in a black cloak, and he looked as indifferent as if he was thousands of miles away.

"Are you from the Sun family?"

Su Chen noticed Sun Yaozu.

I didn't expect to meet someone from the Sun family on such an occasion.

He reached the realm of transformation at the age of twenty. This kind of talent is considered to be among the best in Anyang City, enough to be on par with Situ Feng of the Situ family.

"Okay everyone."

The eldest prince smiled and interrupted everyone's compliments, "Yaozu is thin-skinned. If you continue to compliment him, he will be embarrassed."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Everyone laughed again.

Second Master Mu also smiled slightly and said: "The eldest prince is born to be a king, so he can gather such outstanding talents."

The eldest prince obviously enjoyed the compliment and was smiling all over his face.

Next, everyone turned to talk about other topics.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

The eldest prince put down the wine cup and said to Second Master Mu: "Second Master, actually I came here today mainly because of one thing. I want to ask you for details."

Second Master Mu also put down his wine cup and sat up straight: "What's the matter?"

"It's my father's birthday banquet next month. I've prepared a birthday gift, but I don't know if it's appropriate to give it to my father, so I want to ask you to hold your hand."

Although the eldest prince is not the biological son of Prince Anyang, these selected princes are also listed in the genealogy, so they are qualified to call Prince Anyang father.

After the eldest prince finished speaking, he clapped his hands and ordered the people around him to get a scroll.

The scroll is unfolded, and inside is a picture scroll with magnificent brushwork, which makes people feel peaceful when looking at it.

"I searched for this scroll throughout Anyang County and several surrounding counties. It is called "Yunlong Viewing the Sea". It is said to be the work of Master Mu Lan. Frequent visualization can not only calm the mind and improve the speed of cultivation, but also It can prolong life.”

As soon as the eldest prince said these words, there was a burst of exclamation.

"Oh my God, it's actually a work by Master Mu Lan. Didn't I say that Master Mu Lan has already closed the book? His works are rarely circulated on the market. The eldest prince is actually able to find one. He is really thoughtful."

"Yes, if the prince knows that the eldest prince is so attentive in preparing birthday gifts for him, he will definitely be happy."

"Master Mu Lan's works are all extremely valuable. This scroll is probably worth at least 500,000 yuan, and it's still priceless."

"What's rare is that this picture scroll can actually have the effect of prolonging life. It is definitely a rare treasure. The eldest prince prepared such a generous birthday gift for the prince, which is enough to show the eldest prince's filial piety towards the prince."

Everyone spoke one after another and praised the "Yunlong View of the Sea" prepared by the eldest prince.

Su Chen was far away, and when he glanced at the "Cloud and Dragon Watching the Sea", he frowned slightly.

Second Master Mu put on his gloves and picked up the "Yunlong Watching the Sea". He looked at it carefully for a moment and nodded: "Look down and see that this is indeed the authentic work of Master Mu Lan. If this picture is presented as a birthday gift, Give it to the prince, I believe the prince will be very happy, and the filial piety of the eldest son will be conveyed to the prince. "

The eldest prince's face was filled with joy and he said: "Since even Second Master Mu said this, I plan to present this scroll as a birthday gift to my father at the birthday banquet."

Mu Baye was on another table. He was far away and couldn't see the whole picture clearly. He only listened to people praising the picture. He was so anxious that he stretched his neck and poked his head around. He murmured in a low voice: "I think it's just a picture." How come these ordinary scrolls are so magical?"

Su Chen smiled lightly and said, "Master Mu, you don't need to read it. It is indeed just an ordinary picture, not even worth fifty taels of silver."

"What? Fifty taels of silver are not worth it?"

Mu Baye asked in surprise. He was so surprised that he forgot to lower his voice.

Suddenly, everyone present looked over in surprise.

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