Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 213 Afraid that I will default on my debt

Su Chen shook his head in his heart. The level of the alchemy world in the Yunyuan Empire was indeed too low. There was a precedent of using red crystal snake gallbladder to refine the Wind and Fire Pill, and now the Nine Flower Grass was wasted on the Nine Flower Pill.

"Give me this nine-flowered grass."

Su Chen whispered to Li Shitong.

Because the two of them were sitting in a box-like seat, their low-pitched conversations would not be heard by the people around them. But after hearing this, Li Shitong suddenly looked embarrassed.

There is no way, Su Chen wants this nine-flowered grass, but she also wants it. For her, herbs that can enhance soul power are too important. The strength of soul power is the foundation of an alchemist. Every alchemist The master has devoted his whole life to improving his soul power.

She didn't want Su Chen to be unhappy, but she also didn't want to give up the herb.

"Don't worry, I didn't ask you to give up for nothing. I can sell you a soul refining technique that can speed up the improvement of soul power."

Su Chen smiled faintly and whispered again.

"What?" Li Shitong's face suddenly changed color, and he couldn't help shouting out.

As we all know, if an alchemist wants to improve his soul power, he can only rely on resting and meditating to slowly and naturally improve his soul power. This is a very long process, so herbs and elixirs that can improve soul power are extremely precious.

As for the soul refining technique that can improve soul power, she had only heard of it, but had never seen it with her own eyes.

And now Su Chen actually said that he would sell her a soul refining technique that could enhance soul power. How could she not be so surprised that she lost her composure?

"Wantless, what did you do to Shitong?" Shen Chuan frowned and stood up immediately, with a gloomy look in his eyes. He didn't know what Su Chen and Li Shitong said. He only heard Li Shitong scream in surprise, Shen Chuan Chuan naturally thought that Su Chen had taken advantage of Li Shitong.

He had a good impression of Li Shitong, and he was already very unhappy with Li Shitong getting close to Su Chen. Now Su Chen dared to take advantage of Li Shitong. If he didn't take action, he would be in vain as a man.

Su Chen didn't even look at Shen Chuan and said casually: "Sit back and go, it's none of your business."

"What did you say?" Shen Chuan was already extremely unhappy, but now that he heard Su Chen say this again, he finally couldn't bear it any more. He left his seat and walked towards Su Chen with a surge of energy.

"Senior Brother Shen, what are you going to do?" Li Shitong stood up immediately, with displeasure written all over his face. Shen Chuan actually wanted to ruin her good deeds. That was a secret technique to enhance soul power. Looking at the entire Anyang City, there was no way that anyone could do it. The alchemist can possess such a secret technique. If it spreads out, I am afraid that all the alchemists in Anyang City will go crazy.

Shen Chuan never expected that Li Shitong would stop him, and his momentum suddenly suffocated: "Shitong, I am standing up for you."

"Stand up for me, why bother?" Li Shitong felt that there was something wrong with Shen Chuan, "I told you a long time ago, don't meddle in other people's business."

"Am I meddling in other people's business?" Shen Chuan couldn't believe it. Li Shitong was so close to another man and told him not to meddle in his own business. Wasn't this equivalent to stabbing him in the heart?

"Okay, stop arguing."

Su Chen waved his hand impatiently and said to Li Shitong, "As long as you help me take a picture of this nine-flowered grass, the secret skill I mentioned will be yours."

"Are you serious? Do you really have such a secret skill?" Li Shitong was suddenly pulled back from his thoughts and asked quickly.

Shen Chuan was left aside, confused by the conversation between the two, but he said angrily: "Shitong, wait, I'll teach this kid a lesson first, and I'll talk to you slowly later."

"How dare you!" Li Shitong's eyebrows suddenly stood up, "If you dare to touch a hair on his face, I will never be done with you!"

Seeing that she was about to have the opportunity to obtain the secret of soul refining, if Shen Chuan interfered with it, she would definitely tear Shen Chuan alive.

"If what you said is true, I can help you take pictures of the Nine Flower Grass." Li Shitong said to Su Chen.

Su Chen shrugged lightly: "Don't you think you can judge whether what I said is true?"

Li Shitong pondered, thinking of Su Chen's unfathomable alchemy background, and for a moment he believed in Su Chen's words.

"Okay, then it's a deal."

Li Shitong said and immediately started bidding on the nine-flower grass.

As a second-grade alchemist, Li Shitong's financial resources can be said to be very terrifying, and her financial resources are stronger than those of ordinary second-grade alchemists.

Soon, Li Shitong pushed this nine-flowered grass to a high price of one hundred thousand taels of silver.

Generally speaking, only the financial competition between alchemists can reach such a terrifying level.

Su Chen also nodded secretly. Li Shitong could easily tell the price of one hundred thousand taels, which showed that her success rate of alchemy was not low.

You know, although alchemy is said to be a hugely profitable industry, whether an alchemist can make a lot of money depends on the success rate of the alchemist's alchemy.

Because the materials for elixirs require costs, if an alchemist always fails in refining elixirs, then the loss of materials every time he fails to refining elixirs will be shared with the income from a successful elixir refining, which means that he will not make much money. money. On the contrary, if an alchemist can basically succeed every time he makes alchemy, he will definitely make a lot of money.

However, the success rate of alchemy is affected by many factors. Many alchemists devote their whole lives to improving the success rate of alchemy, but they cannot see any obvious results.

And Li Shitong is young, and her success rate in alchemy is not low, which shows that she has either worked hard in alchemy, or has extraordinary talents that are different from ordinary people.

While Su Chen was thinking about it, Li Shitong had already photographed the Nine Flower Grass and spent 138,000 taels of silver.

This made Su Chen couldn't help but sigh again. The people in Anyang City were indeed rich. If he hadn't asked Li Shitong to help bid today, with all the wealth he had accumulated, a single nine-flowered grass would have been consumed.

Xingchen Pavilion moved very quickly. As soon as Li Shitong finished the bidding, the steward of Xingchen Pavilion immediately brought over the tray with the nine-flowered grass.

"Whenever you teach me the secret technique, I will give you the Nine Flower Grass." Li Shitong stretched out his hand to put the Nine Flower Grass into his arms and said to Su Chen.

Su Chen couldn't help but twitched slightly and said, "Why, are you still afraid that I will default on my debt?"

"It's essential to be on guard against others." Li Shitong stuck out her tongue. She was really afraid that Su Chen would hack the Nine Flower Grass. This was all her hard-earned money.

"Okay, now let's go find a place immediately and I'll pass on the secret technique to you." Of course Su Chen didn't want to wait. He couldn't wait to refine the Sanhe Pill as soon as possible, so that his cultivation speed could be improved as soon as possible.

"Okay." Li Shitong naturally wanted it.

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