Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 201 Show off your skills on the spot


Only then did the woman notice Su Chen and frowned, "Don't talk nonsense. How could the furnace explode?"

She was obviously refining at a critical juncture and could not stop at all. After speaking, she ignored Su Chen and continued to concentrate on refining.

However, just a breath later, there was only a deafening loud noise.


The alchemy furnace exploded, the entire furnace cover was blown off, and the billowing air inside suddenly rushed out.

The woman's expression immediately changed. Fortunately, she reacted quickly and hid immediately, so that the hot air did not hit her face, causing her disfigurement.

But even so, the woman's face still showed a look of shock.

She looked at the exploding alchemy furnace and murmured doubtfully: "How could the furnace explode?"

"Because you didn't add green aconite in your recipe. This auxiliary ingredient is one of the most important ingredients in the Qingfeng Pill. You didn't add it. Which idiot wrote the recipe for you and actually removed the aconite? ?”

Su Chen said calmly.

The woman looked up at Su Chen in surprise. Just now, it seemed that this young man was the one who stopped her and told her not to refining, saying that he would blow up the furnace, but she didn't listen.

However, when the woman changed her mind, she suddenly became furious: "How dare you call my teacher an idiot?"

With that said, the woman rushed towards Su Chen and struck out with a palm. The true energy condensed in her palm. Her cultivation level had obviously reached the ninth level of the Yuan Condensing Realm.

However, even an ordinary ninth-level warrior of the Condensing Yuan Realm would not be able to beat Su Chen, not to mention that this woman's palm skills were sparse and not even as powerful as an ordinary ninth-level warrior of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

In fact, this is normal. Learning alchemy requires too much energy. Alchemists generally don’t have extra energy to focus on martial arts. This woman’s ninth-level cultivation in the Condensation Realm should have been forcibly improved by taking drugs. In fact, His combat prowess is far less than that of ordinary Ninth Level Condensing Yuan Realm warriors.

"Call me teacher, you go to hell!" The woman's face was full of anger, and she slapped Su Chen several times in succession. However, her face was extremely beautiful, almost as beautiful as Gu Qianyin's.

"Did I scold him wrong?" Su Chen frowned. It was a taboo to modify the elixir recipe without authorization. Alchemists without a certain level would generally not dare to do this, let alone make the mistake of modifying it by removing such an important auxiliary material. .

"Teacher has been studying for many years and finally completed the incomplete Qingfeng Dan recipe. This is a great contribution to the alchemy world. You actually insulted him like this. You are simply morally corrupt!" The woman said more and more. gas.

The incomplete Qingfeng Dandan recipe?

So, is it possible that at this point in time, there is still no complete recipe for Qingfeng Dan?

Su Chen was surprised that the recipe of Qingfeng Dan was indeed an ancient recipe, and in the process of being passed down from ancient times to the present, its recipe was somewhat incomplete. Later, some alchemists from the Dan Region joined forces to complete the recipe for Qingfeng Dan and spread it to other continents.

Could it be that at this point in time, the recipe for Qingfeng Dan has not been completed, or that the completed recipe has not yet been transmitted to the Yunyuan Empire?

No wonder this woman said that her teacher had completed the recipe for Qingfeng Dan. Presumably, her teacher had completed the incomplete recipe on his own, but because of his limited ability, something had gone wrong.

Su Chen thought of this and felt that there was no need to fight anymore, so he stepped back and left the battle circle, saying: "Your teacher's completion of the elixir recipe is very good, but there is a small mistake in the elixir recipe he completed. Even if the furnace is not exploded, the quality of the elixir will be poor. I have the correct elixir recipe, and the quality of the refined elixir will be better."

"You're bragging. How old are you, how can you be better than my teacher." The woman didn't believe it at all.

"You can try it on the spot. You will understand when you see it with your own eyes. At worst, if I am bragging, I will try it again when the time comes." Su Chen said.

"Okay." The woman nodded.

Su Chen sat in front of the alchemy furnace. Naturally, he would not easily show off to outsiders that he had condensed the elixir fire, so at this time, he chose to use this woman's alchemy furnace to refine it.

"Bring the green aconite." Su Chen ordered.

The woman pursed her lips, obviously still feeling that Su Chen's suggestion of adding Green Aconite was unreliable, but she still took the Green Aconite over.

This hall itself is an alchemy hall, so all kinds of common materials are naturally available.

"Here are the green aconite. Let me see how you refine it." The woman looked at Su Chen sitting in front of the alchemy furnace with disdain. In her opinion, what Su Chen said was complete nonsense. The elixir developed by her teacher How could Fang be wrong? The teacher is the deputy dean of the Alchemy Branch of Anyang College, and his rank has already reached the highest level among second-grade alchemists, that is, a quasi-third-grade alchemist.

With such attainments in alchemy, even if the Prince of Anyang County saw him, he would still be polite.

But now, a young man who is still young is brazenly saying that the teacher's prescription is wrong and that he has a better prescription. If this spreads out, people will definitely laugh at him.

However, just as her thoughts were turning, she was surprised to find that Su Chen's method of refining alchemy was actually different from ordinary people.

He did not follow the strict step-by-step rules of ordinary alchemists at all. Instead, he was very careless and threw all the materials into the alchemy furnace with a wave of his hand. Then he immediately turned the fire in the alchemy furnace to the maximum and started refining.

It was nonsense, it was simply nonsense. The veins on the woman's forehead could not help but beat. She secretly regretted that she should not have agreed to let Su Chen try to refine it. This time the furnace would definitely explode again. If the furnace exploded twice in a row, the teacher would definitely scold her.

But, just when she secretly regretted it.

Su Chen's refining technique suddenly changed. He pinched the Fire Technique with his fingers, as gorgeously and smoothly as playing a piano, communicating with the flames under the alchemy furnace, and controlling the flames to dance according to his own wishes.



In the alchemy furnace, the sound of the alchemy embryos rapidly rotating and rolling suddenly came from the alchemy furnace.

"This is the fire control technique!"

"How is it possible? How could he start condensing pills so quickly?"

The woman looked at Su Chen's alchemy refining movements in shock. The disdainful expression just now was completely wiped away, replaced by infinite horror.

In her mind, thunder exploded one after another. This young man actually knew the fire control technique, which was something only a third-level alchemist or above knew. Even the teacher could not do it. Moreover, he was able to enter the step of condensing the pill so quickly. What kind of magical method did he use?


Su Chen finally stopped refining and turned off the flame under the alchemy furnace. In the alchemy furnace, curls of white smoke were already rising, and a rich aroma filled the air.

Looking at the time, less than half an hour has passed.

This was the shortest alchemy session she had ever witnessed!

With surprise, the woman walked over and carefully opened the pill furnace. When she saw the bright-colored Qingfeng Pill, her pupils suddenly trembled.

A 13-star quality elixir!

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