Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 20 The power of Overlapping Waves

As soon as Su Chen finished speaking, everyone present took a deep breath.

You know, the first and third bedrooms have a total of forty Xiao Yuan Dan each month, which is 480 pills a year.

Not to mention three years, five years...

The bet proposed by Su Chen was not a ruthless one. It was going to destroy the Xiaoyuan Dan of the first and third rooms!

Jiang Minghao agreed without thinking: "Humph, what's not possible?"

It’s impossible for you to lose anyway, so just agree!

But, at this moment, a voice came from outside the stadium: "Wait a minute!"

Then, Jiang Shan walked over quickly, his face darkening: "Minghao is just a junior, he can't make the decision for such a big bet, so let's change the bet."

Su Chen had expected that Jiang Shan would stop him, so he was not surprised.

If it had been Jiang He, he wouldn't have stopped him, because on the surface, Su Chen's chance of winning was almost zero.

But Jiang Shan, who is cautious by nature, will not allow any eventuality to happen. If Su Chen were to leave and get lucky, the cultivation resources of the first and third rooms would be gone.

Of course, that possibility is extremely low.

Su Chen said calmly: "Okay, then if I win, the first and third rooms will give the second room 500 Xiao Yuan Dan at once."

Five hundred Xiaoyuan Dan is enough to hurt the first and third rooms.

Jiang Shan and Jiang He looked at each other, and Jiang Shan said slowly: "Okay."

After all, it was the people on their side who proposed the bet first. If the bet is not agreed to, they will be slapped in the face.

"Don't worry, uncle, I won't lose!" Jiang Minghao said confidently.

Su Chen said nothing, but there was a sneer on his lips. Just wait, Jiang Shan will soon regret it because of this stupid nephew.


The discussion begins.

Jiang Minghao sneered and drew out the long sword from his waist: "Su Chen, didn't you let me use all my strength? What I am best at is swordsmanship. See if you can survive three moves under my sword?"

"So much nonsense."

Su Chen snorted lightly and pulled out the long sword, "Then I'll play with you with the sword."

As soon as the long swords of both sides came out, there was a burst of exclamation from the outside. It turned out that Jiang Minghao's sword was specially made by his father Jiang He using cold light meteorite iron and went through eighteen complicated processes. The compatibility between Qi realm warriors is far beyond that of ordinary long swords.

But the long sword in Su Chen's hand was just an extremely ordinary iron sword.

In terms of weapons alone, Su Chen lost a lot.

Jiang Minghao held the long sword in his hand and became more powerful. He unleashed his cultivation at the eighth level of the Qi-drawing realm, displayed a yellow-level low-level swordsmanship and fought towards Su Chen.

"Three talents of swordsmanship!"

Jiang Shan outside the court nodded with satisfaction. Although Jiang Minghao's martial arts level was not as good as Jiang Mingxuan's just now, Jiang Minghao's cultivation at the eighth level of the Qi-inducing realm alone was enough to instantly kill Su Chen, who was at the seventh-level of the Qi-drawing realm.

You know, the difference in cultivation level is a whole level, and the strength is completely different. The so-called "ten levels of inducing qi, one level of heaven and earth" is not an empty talk!

However, just when Jiang Shan was thinking this, he saw Su Chen on the competition field suddenly taking a step forward.

At this step, Su Chen suddenly felt a wave of infuriating energy that was no less powerful than Jiang Minghao's!

"Eighth level of Qi-entraining realm!"

Xu Yin, who was not far away, took a breath of cold air and looked shocked. Xiaochen actually broke through to the eighth level of Qi Entrainment Realm!

"Why is that kid at the eighth level of the Qi Entraining Realm?"

Jiang He, who was next to Jiang Shan, was also extremely surprised. According to the information they found, Su Chen was clearly at the seventh level of the Qi-inducing realm, and it had not been long before he had broken through to the seventh level. How could he have broken through to the eighth level?

"Brother, we seem to have misjudged that brat's strength!" Jiang He's face was gloomy. He originally thought that Jiang Minghao's cultivation would be able to crush Su Chen, but who knew something like this would happen?

Jiang Shan was also a little surprised, but quickly said: "Why panic! Even if the cultivation levels are the same, the gap in martial arts and weapons is irreparable. Don't you still have confidence in your own son?"

Not to mention the power of Jiang Minghao's sword, let's talk about the "Three Talents Sword Technique" practiced by Jiang Minghao. It is also one of the more precious among the low-level Huang-level swordsmanship and martial arts. It is not much different from the mid-level Huang-level swordsmanship and martial arts!

"Brother is right, I don't believe that kid can come up with swordsmanship and martial arts that are better than Sancai Swordsmanship?" Jiang He sneered again after Jiang Shan reminded him.

Su Chen was just an ordinary disciple of the Zhengyi Sect. It would be good if the sect could send him away with an ordinary low-level yellow-level martial skill. How could he expect to get a precious low-level yellow-level martial skill like the Three Talents Sword Technique from the sect?

To put it bluntly, even if the Zhengyi Sect had given Su Chen precious yellow-level low-level martial arts, that level of martial arts was not something that just an eighth-level warrior of the Qi-entraining realm could master.

Just now, Jiang He suddenly saw Su Chen's true cultivation and lost his composure for a moment. After all, the bet was a full five hundred Xiaoyuan Dan.

But now that Jiang He had calmed down, he knew that Su Chen couldn't win.

In the field.

Jiang Minghao shouted: "Take my sword!"

The sword's light was like snow, and he was in front of Su Chen in an instant!

Su Chen, on the other hand, kept his eyes slightly closed, as if he was in trance, neither hiding nor dodging.

When Jiang Minghao saw this, he couldn't help but sneer at the corner of his mouth. Could it be that Su Chen felt that there was no chance of winning, so he gave up the resistance?

But, just when Jiang Minghao thought so.

Su Chen's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened.

When Jiang Minghao's sword was only one foot away from him, Su Chen suddenly raised his sword!

"Large Waves Slash!"

Layers of sword power erupted like waves, one after another, carrying a huge momentum, slashing horizontally towards Jiang Minghao, seemingly slowly but actually quickly!

A heavy wave!

Second wave!

Triple wave!


The swords in both sides' hands collided heavily.

Boom boom boom!

After three dull blasts of air, one of the men's arms began to tremble violently, and he almost couldn't hold the long sword in his hand, and his body even staggered back more than ten steps!

That person is not the Su Chen that everyone imagined, but Jiang Minghao!

"How is it possible that Master Minghao was knocked back so far by Su Chen's sword?"

Jiang Minghao barely managed to steady himself, his face full of shock and disbelief, and he muttered to himself: "How is it possible?"

His head-on confrontation with Su Chen ended with him staggering back more than a dozen steps?

"What happened? That Su Chen broke Master Minghao's swordsmanship with just one strike?"

What just happened was so fast that many onlookers didn't see it clearly.

Only Jiang Minghao knew in his heart that Su Chen's sword just now seemed to be just one sword, but it actually had three levels of power, and one level was stronger than the other!

When the second level of power exploded, Jiang Minghao was already unable to withstand it, and the third level of power caused him to lose directly.

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