Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 1 The Rebirth of the Alchemy Emperor

In the early morning, Zhengyi Zong, located in the Xuanqing Mountains, was shrouded in light mist, like a fairyland.

"It has now been found out that Su Chen, a disciple of Wuya Peak, stole ten Qi Gathering Pills from the sect. The evidence is conclusive!"

"His behavior is bad and has seriously violated the Zhengyi Sect's rules."

"According to the rules of the sect, he will be deprived of his Dantian and expelled from the mountain gate. He will not be allowed to step into the Zhengyi Sect's mountain gate for the rest of his life."

As soon as the sky dawned, a voice as loud and majestic as a yellow bell came from the majestic main hall of the sect.

In the main hall, there were thousands of Zhengyi Sect disciples standing at this moment, all of them expressionless, looking at the young man in gray below who was sentenced to the fate of the rest of his life.

Abandoning the Dantian and being kicked out of the mountain gate is equivalent to destroying the future, and you can only be a useless person from now on.

The gray-clothed boy's constant defense of "I didn't" was drowned in the cold sound of judgment, and no one cared.

Just then.

The young man in gray suddenly trembled, looking around blankly, looking down at his fair and young palms, his eyes suddenly emitted an incredible light.

"This is the punishment hall of Zhengyi Sect?"

"I, Su Chen, have really returned to my boyhood?"

At this moment, Su Chen's soul was no longer the fifteen-year-old boy who was wrongfully accused of stealing the elixir, but a generation of alchemy emperors who dominated the alchemy realm.

If Chen Dan Emperor's alchemy attainments were ranked second in the world, no one would dare to be ranked first.

No matter the Emperor of the Holy Dynasty, the Supreme Martial Arts, or the Fairy of the Nine Heavens, they all spent their fortunes just to obtain a pill refined by Emperor Qiuchen.

No one knows that when Emperor Chen Dan was young, he was actually an abandoned disciple of the sect.

When he was fifteen years old, he was expelled from his sect because he was wrongly accused of stealing elixirs.

It was not until the age of thirty that he was discovered by Alchemist Qingfeng who happened to be passing by this continent. Alchemist Qingfeng noticed his amazing talent in the alchemy path and brought him back to the alchemy realm.

In just a few years, he rose to prominence in the alchemy path, surpassing Qingfeng Alchemy Master and becoming a generation alchemy emperor.

However, even though this life has been full of glory, in his heart, he still never forgets the practice of martial arts. However, his Dantian had been destroyed when he was expelled from the sect, and he had missed the best time to repair it. Even if he became more proficient in alchemy skills, he would not be able to repair the damaged Dantian as before.

This has also become a regret in his life. A great generation of Alchemy Emperor cannot even step into the most basic first level of martial arts.

Although he mastered many of the supreme secrets of martial arts, he was unable to practice it himself and only had a vast theoretical knowledge of martial arts.

It was not until decades later that he finally understood the supreme meaning of reincarnation and refined the legendary Great Dream Qianqiu Pill.

Originally he just wanted to give it a try, but he didn't expect that this pot of Great Dream Qianqiu Pill would actually allow him to reverse time and reincarnation and return to his boyhood.

Moreover, it happened to go back to the day when I was fifteen years old and was wrongly accused of stealing the elixir.

This day was a turning point in his life!

Dantian was abolished, expelled from the sect, confused and reduced to a useless person...

The subsequent tragedies all started because of this day!

Now I am back, back to the moment before Dantian was abolished!

This time, everything can be saved in time!

"Su Chen!"

At this moment, a thunderous shout sounded.

"You stole ten Qi Gathering Pills from the sect. The evidence is conclusive, but you still deny it! Why don't you plead guilty!"

An old man with gray hair and wearing a star-and-moon robe pointed at Su Chen and shouted angrily.

The old man was the Xingyun elder of Zhengyi Sect who was responsible for refining pills. It was he who came forward to accuse Su Chen of stealing the ten Qi Gathering Pills he had just refined.

However, Su Chen knew that the so-called crime of stealing ten Qi Gathering Pills was completely framed.

It was because his talent in martial arts was so outstanding that he cultivated to the seventh level of the Qi-entraining Realm in just three years after joining the Zhengyi Sect. He accomplished what many people could not do in ten years and caused a sensation in the entire Zhengyi Sect.

At the same time, it also aroused the jealousy of Lu Yuan, the direct disciple of Elder Xingyun.

Lu Yuan was afraid that Su Chen would surpass him in the future and that his position as the chief disciple of the Zhengyi Sect would be affected sooner or later, so he teamed up with his master, Elder Xingyun, to co-direct such a good show to frame Su Chen for stealing the elixir.

At this moment, Lu Yuan, who was dressed in white and looked like an immortal being banished to the dust, walked slowly over, waved the folding fan in his hand unhurriedly, looked at Su Chen condescendingly, and wrote lightly: "Junior brother Su, the evidence is all solid, or... Confess the crime as soon as possible so that you can suffer less.”


You are all going to destroy my Dantian and drive me down the mountain, and you want me to suffer less?

Even though Emperor Chen Dan was in a state of mind that had remained stable for thousands of years, he couldn't help but feel a little angry at this moment. Thinking of the hardships he would endure in the next fifteen years, he just wanted to kill the old man and young man in front of him immediately.

However, he still suppressed his inner emotions.

In his previous life, he had many regrets, the most regretful of which was being deprived of his Dantian.

Even if he later became a generation of Alchemy Emperor and enjoyed unlimited glory, the regrets he had suffered could not be made up for.

Now that God has given him a new life, he must restart his life and reverse all the regrets.

The first thing that needs to be reversed is the deletion of Dantian!

In his previous life, because the evidence that he had stolen the Qi Gathering Pill was conclusive and irrefutable, even though he refused to plead guilty, he was still deprived of his Dantian in front of everyone.

This time, the same thing won't happen again.

At this moment, facing Elder Xingyun's shouts and Lu Yuan's hidden smile, Su Chen looked contemptuous, laughed, and uttered only eight words:

"If you want to incriminate someone, why bother?"

For a moment, Elder Xingyun thought he had heard wrongly.

"What are you talking about? Do you mean that I am slandering you?" Elder Xingyun pointed at Su Chen tremblingly, looking very angry.

But in fact, Elder Xingyun was shocked by Su Chen's contemptuous eyes.

An inexplicable intuition made Elder Xingyun feel that this young disciple Su Chen seemed to have changed.

Although Su Chen had amazing talents in the past, he was still just a fifteen-year-old boy with many immature aspects in his character and behavior.

But now Su Chen, with his contemptuous eyes and scornful aura, was like a born superior looking down at them, a group of ants.

Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s just talk about this matter at the moment. If it were the Su Chen from before, how could he be so contradictory?

But now Su Chen, instead of showing any fear, actually looked down upon everyone.

Just listen to Su Chen sneer again and again: "Haha, isn't it? You and your good disciple Lu Yuan planned this whole thing to frame me, but you want me to plead guilty?"

As soon as these words came out, a punishment disciple immediately shouted: "How dare you! How dare you slander the chief disciple of the sect!"

"Why don't you take a piss and see who you are? Are you going to let Senior Brother Lu Yuan target you?"

Even the ordinary disciples around him mostly thought that Su Chen was crazy and started biting randomly.

"Senior Brother Lu is much more powerful than Su Chen. How could he possibly frame Su Chen?"

"Su Chen is so shameless. He stole the elixir himself and then bit him back!"

Even Elder Xingyun sneered: "You stole the elixir, the evidence is conclusive, and you bite me back?"


Su Chen chuckled carelessly, "Are you talking about finding ten Qi Gathering Pills in my house?"

"That's right, you stole ten Qi Gathering Pills from my alchemy room when I wasn't paying attention, and hid them in your own house. All the physical evidence was found, and you still want to deny it?" Elder Xingyun sneered again and again.

"If I can easily refine the Qi Gathering Pill, then why do I need to go through so much trouble to steal it?"

When Su Chen said these words, the whole place was silent.

The next moment, everyone was in an uproar!

"What is Su Chen talking about? He can easily refine the Qi Gathering Pill?"

"It's the most ridiculous thing in the world. Who doesn't know that in the entire Zhengyi Sect, only Elder Xingyun can refine the Qi Gathering Pill?"

"Who is this Su Chen? I've never heard of him refining pills before?"

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