Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 705 The Deserter Returns

This arrow shocked the people outside the city and they fell to the ground on the spot.

At the same time, the city gate of Blackstone City slowly opened, and the centaur troops headed by Drogo quickly rushed out.

Seeing the oncoming centaur troops, the group of people outside the city were instantly frightened and turned pale. Without any time to think, they all immediately knelt down on the ground and made a gesture of surrender.

When Drogo saw this, he did not directly take the lead and charge forward. Instead, after closing to a certain distance, he quickly spread out his formation and surrounded these people.

"Where are you from? What is the purpose of coming to Black Rock City?"

Upon hearing the question, a middle-aged man in the group took courage and shouted in a hoarse voice...

"My lord, have mercy on me. We are residents of this city. We were later captured and sent to the army. There was a battle between the two armies before. When we got scared, we ran away."

As early as before, looking at the other party's clothes, Drogo already had some guesses in his mind.

Now that I hear this, I have a basic idea.

In the previous battle, there were probably about two thousand deserters alone. The large group of deserters in front of us was estimated to be three to four hundred at least.

It is estimated that after escaping, they realized that there was no food in the wild and they could not survive at all. Finally, they had no choice but to come back.

Escape from battle is a capital offense, and desertion is basically a dead end.

However, after seeing the centaur troops coming out of the city, the deserters who seemed to have realized something couldn't help but feel a little hope in their hearts.

After all, Yan Sheng didn't have any centaur troops, but there was such a force in Da Zhou's troops.

The matter itself is no secret.

Now that the Centaur troops have come out of the city, does that mean that Black Rock City has been occupied by Great Zhou's troops?

Drogo didn't know what these deserters were thinking. After figuring out the situation, he made a gesture directly towards the wall.

Soon, the garrison on this side sent a group of infantry out to search the deserters, put ropes on them, and took them into the city.

These deserters came here to seek a way to survive, so naturally they did not dare to resist at this time.

During this process, Drogo had nothing to do, so he asked casually.

"At least one or two thousand people escaped at that time, but you were the only ones who escaped alive? Where were the other deserters?"

"Back to Guan Ye, the situation was chaotic at that time. Everyone fled in all directions. Those here basically fled in one direction, and some met on the road. We really don't know where the others went."

Drogo did not hesitate about this and cooperated with the garrison troops to escort these deserters back to the city.

During this process, the news of a group of deserters appearing outside the city was reported to Zhou Xu as quickly as possible.

Zhou Xu was not surprised by this situation.

It is still winter, and these deserters are staying in the wild without supplies. They are basically facing a dead end. If they want to survive, they can only go to the surrounding cities to surrender.

However, according to his original conjecture, from the perspective of these deserters, compared to Blackstone City where the situation was unclear, Xishan City, which was occupied by the rebel army led by Liu De, should be a better place to go.

This is indeed the case. While deserters appeared outside Blackstone City, a large number of deserters also appeared outside Xishan City.

And let the rebel army headed by Liu De learn that Yan Sheng sent troops to Xishan City and was attacked by strange cavalry troops on the way.

Of course, these deserters have no idea who loses or wins that battle, whether Yan Sheng lives or dies.

This gave Liu De a headache.

"National Master, what do you think we should do now?"

After following the instructions of the imperial master, successfully taking Anling City, and even subduing Long Potian, Liu De's trust in Kong Daqian seemed to be beyond reach.

Whenever he encounters something that he is not sure about, he comes to ask Kong Daqian for his opinion.

Compared to Liu De who had not analyzed anything, after hearing the news, Kong Daqian was basically certain that the ones who attacked Yan Sheng's army midway should be their Da Zhou troops.

But other than that, he had no idea what the specific situation was.

[In this situation, if Liu De is allowed to take action rashly, it will cause trouble for the king. 】

Thinking of this, Kong Daqian also had some concerns in his mind.

"Your Majesty, the situation is unclear at the moment. It is better for us to wait and see what happens."

"Okay! Just follow the instructions of the Imperial Master!"

On this side, Liu De, who had been deceived by Kong Daqian, did whatever Kong Daqian said.

On the other side, after the people in Blackstone City learned that the deserters had escaped and were captured by Zhou's troops, many people knelt outside the city lord's palace, hoping that Zhou Xu would be merciful and release them. family.

Zhou Xu frowned slightly after learning the news.

This behavior of the people outside is somewhat of a moral kidnapping.

Winning the hearts of the people at this moment is an important thing for him. Under this premise, if he refuses, it will definitely affect his reputation.

However, this matter cannot be all considered bad. If he agrees, it will also gain him a lot of public support.

Of course, the potential risks in this move cannot be completely ignored.

In response to this situation, Zhou Xu pondered for a while.

"Pass my order to set up a registration office outside the military camp. People who want to know their family members can report their names and physical characteristics, and register their home addresses. We will check those deserters."

"Your Majesty, are you really going to let me go like this?"

Silke was a little surprised. Even he could see the hidden dangers in it.

Hearing this, Zhou Xu smiled and shook his head.

"Of course not. If they want to take back their family members, they must have requirements. You will do so when the time comes..."

While talking, Zhou Xu gave Hilke a series of instructions.

Silke's eyes lit up after hearing this.

"My subordinates will do it now!"

The people who wanted to ask Zhou Xu to take their families back were basically concentrated outside the city lord's palace and the military camp. It was not difficult to notify them.

Zhou Xu set up the registration office outside the military camp. In short, he first asked the people of Blackstone City who had such requests to gather at the registration office at noon.

The news here spread very quickly in the city. By noon, there was already a sea of ​​people outside the registration office, which made Hilke's eyes jump.

[At least two to three thousand people came here! 】

This was despite the limited open space outside the registration office. The open space was already crowded with people, and the people even crowded into the outer streets, forcing the city defense troops to be dispatched to help maintain order on the scene.

Faced with this situation, Silk did not hesitate and quickly climbed onto the temporary wooden platform, ready to speak.

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