According to their prescription, the captured medicine arrived quickly. It was just in time to put the two medicines together for the doctors on both sides to study and confirm each other.

It's a pity that Ye Yan is not here, otherwise he would definitely be better at this matter.

But now it's not a big problem just to briefly study the prescriptions of both parties.

During this process, the doctors on both sides soon discovered that there were several identical herbs in each other's prescriptions, but they had different names. The things were exactly the same.

In addition, there are naturally medicinal materials that are not available in each other.

As a person with outstanding abilities in the field of medicine, Zhang Jingyan naturally has a strong desire to explore new prescriptions and new medicinal materials.

At this moment, he was obviously interested and completely immersed in the discussion of those new medicinal materials.

During this period, he kept asking questions to Da Zhou's army doctors to confirm the medicinal properties of each medicinal material and why this medicinal material was added.

Fortunately, those who can serve as army doctors are among the outstanding ones among the doctors in their great Zhou Dynasty.

The understanding of medicinal materials, medicinal properties, and even prescriptions is the most basic thing for them, and they all know it by heart.

Nowadays, we are discussing and exploring the two prescriptions and the new medicinal materials that are not available in each of them, and they are not far behind.

As a descendant of the 'Great Han Miracle Doctor', Zhang Jingyan naturally still had a bit of arrogance in his heart. At first, he didn't take Dr. Zhou in his eyes too seriously.

But after some discussion, all the contempt in Zhang Jingyan's heart had dissipated, and he even had some admiration for the prescription in front of him.

According to his current understanding of the medicinal properties of the various medicinal materials in this prescription, the combination of those medicinal materials can be said to complement each other, and the combination is quite exquisite.

"I wonder who developed this prescription? Can you recommend it?"

"It was developed by our minister, but unfortunately, our minister is not here. He is studying various medicinal herbs in the rain forest."

"Rainforest? Where is that?"

Zhang Jingyan could understand these two words alone, but when combined together, they completely confused him.

When he mentioned this, the doctor got excited.

"The rainforest is a great place..."

Ever since Da Yeyan became obsessed with the rainforest and established a medicinal garden there to study herbal medicine, it has become a holy place in the eyes of their doctor, Da Zhou.

But this is actually not an exaggeration.

The rainforest area is rich in plants and there are countless kinds of medicinal herbs. It is simply a natural treasure house.

Not to mention the development of medical skills, Zhou Xu is confident in the field of herbal medicine. With the Rainforest Medicine Garden in hand, he will definitely surpass this side in terms of the type, quality and quantity of herbal medicine, and may even be completely overwhelmed.

At this moment, Zhang Jingyan was also amazed when he heard it, and he wished he could grow wings and fly over to find out.

Of course, more importantly, he wanted to have a good discussion with Ye Yan on medicine. I believe that by then, both of them would gain a lot from it.

Just as Zhang Jingyan was thinking this, Zhou Xu, who was standing aside, glanced at Huo Qubing, who was almost out of his mind, and then let out two dry coughs.

"Should we get the medicine to be boiled first?"

Hearing this, Zhang Jingyan couldn't help but blush. He was so busy chatting that he accidentally forgot about Huo Qubing.

The main reason was that the cold was really not a serious illness, and he used acupuncture to treat it, so there was basically no problem.

"The grass-roots people have been negligent. Now there are two sets of medicine here. The one the grass-roots people use is the same one they used to drink to cure the cold. It's better to try a new medicine this time. I'm sure the effect will be better."

The medicines here in Dazhou have been used for some years and are confirmed to be effective and have no problems.

Under this premise, instead of letting Huo Qubing drink the old medicine, it is better to let him try this new medicine.

After stewing the medicine, they let Huo Qubing have a good rest, and the group moved to the lobby of the city lord's mansion.

"Thank you for your hard work this time, sir. I wonder how the consultation fee is calculated?"

Upon seeing this, Zhang Jingyan hurriedly saluted Zhou Xu.

"Reporting to your Majesty, the common people don't ask for money, they just want to ask for some food from your Majesty."

Having said this, Zhang Jingyan paused for a moment, and finally, as if he had made up his mind, he knelt on the ground and bowed down to Zhou Xu.

"Your Majesty Mingjian, food is scarce in Blackstone City now, and the people in the city have no rice to cook with. If this continues, some people will starve to death soon."

"Now that the king has taken over Black Rock City, the people of Black Rock City are also the king's people. Please have mercy on the king and help the people!"

While speaking, Zhang Jingyan had already knocked his head deeply.

He didn't know at first that he was going to treat Huo Qubing, so he volunteered himself. He came just for food.

Originally, he just wanted to ask for some food rewards to distribute to the people, and he would be able to help as much as he could.

But in the simple contact that followed, he vaguely felt that the king of Zhou Dynasty in front of him seemed to be a benevolent king. From his words and deeds to how he got along with others, he was completely different from the tyrant Yan Sheng.

This made Zhang Jingyan determined to take the risk!

Seeing this, Zhou Xu immediately helped him up from the ground with his own hands.

"Sir, there is no need to be like this. When I entered the city, I said that as long as you surrender loyally, I will treat you all equally without any prejudice. I have always planned to do things to help the people in the city."

"Early tomorrow morning, porridge shops will be set up near the gate areas on all sides of Black Rock City to provide porridge, morning and evening, so that people in need can line up to receive it."

Hearing this, Zhang Jingyan's expression was dull, and he looked up at Zhou Xu with a gentle smile, as if he was looking at a living Bodhisattva who came down to save the people and save the suffering.

For a moment, his eyes turned red and he almost burst into tears.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Thank you, Your Majesty!!"

There is no way, ordinary people like them are living a miserable life under the rule of that tyrant Yan Sheng!

This made Zhou Xu at this time just like a light shining into their miserable lives!

Looking at Zhang Jingyan who was a little out of control, Zhou Xu softly comforted him. After the other party calmed down, he thought about it and simply extended an olive branch to him.

"Sir, your talents should not be buried like this. They should be used to save the common people. I wonder if you, sir, would be willing to work for me?"

Zhou Xu originally thought about recruiting Zhang Jingyan for a while before discussing it.

However, this sudden and unexpected situation had brought his emotions to this point, so he just went with the flow.

Facing the olive branch thrown by Zhou Xu, Zhang Jingyan naturally understood its meaning. After thinking about it for a moment, he knelt down again.

"If the king does not give up, Zhang Jingyan is willing to die for the king!"

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