Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 690 Unexpected Relationship

After a brief chat, Zhou Xu asked Huo Qubing where he currently lived after seeing a tired look on his face.

After learning that the other party had already sold his house to make ends meet and was now living in a dilapidated thatched house, he directly ordered someone to clean up a room in the city lord's mansion for Huo Qubing to stay.

To be honest, Huo Qubing still didn't understand why Zhou Xu valued him so much.

But no matter what, his gratitude towards Zhou Xu has become even stronger.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

While he was talking, Huo Qubing was about to kneel down again. Seeing this, Zhou Xu quickly supported him.

"Okay, you are too weak, so don't kneel down. If there is anything in your house, I can order someone to move it over for you. I will find a doctor later to help you see a doctor. For you right now , the most urgent thing is to cure the disease first."

Hearing this, Huo Qubing's gratitude was beyond words.

However, he is also a sensible person. He knows that he is already weak and is still ill now. If he does not cause trouble to their king, he is already helping. Even if he wants to serve in the future, he must recover from his illness first.

While the two were chatting, his soldiers had roughly figured out the layout and rooms of the city lord's mansion.

Zhou Xu directly asked Huo Qubing to choose a room to rest.

In the past, after such a torment, he would have to sit on the chair for a while before he could recover and have the strength to walk.

But today I don’t know why, maybe I am emotional? The condition is actually much better than before.

He walked directly to the room without resting in between, making Huo Qubing secretly surprised himself.

During this period, watching Huo Qubing's back slowly leaving, Zhou Xu knew that according to his situation, it was not just a matter of curing the wind-cold disease first.

The reason why Huo Qubing was frail and sickly was due to congenital deficiencies.

However, for people with congenital deficiencies, it is very difficult to make up for them through the day after tomorrow.

It is true that Huo Qubing is a top internal affairs talent, but he is also an internal affairs talent who is at risk of dying if he is not careful.

It may even fail unexpectedly before it even starts to work, leaving him with nothing to gain.

Rounding things off, this is considered a venture capital investment.

[Let’s go back and study the medical development here first. If that doesn’t work, there is still Ye Yan we can count on. 】

Ye Yan is the first five-star character under his command. He has five-star intelligence and is the mainstay of their development of Dazhou Medicine.

There is no doubt that Zhou Xu has high hopes for Ye Yan. As long as Ye Yan is here, their pharmaceutical development in Dazhou can be guaranteed.

This also convinced Zhou Xu that as long as Huo Qubing could survive for a few more years, Ye Yan would always have a way to make it up to him.

With this mentality, Zhou Xu first asked the doctors in his army to take a look at Huo Qubing. At the same time, he ordered people to find the best doctors in the city and asked them to treat Huo Qubing one by one.

Doctors in the army move directly with the army and arrive faster.

After meeting Huo Qubing, I simply looked at his complexion and asked about his symptoms. After understanding the situation, I was basically sure.

"Reporting to your Majesty, this little brother's condition should be a winter cold."

Huo Qubing had previously said that he was infected with wind-cold, but to Zhou Xu, this actually meant the same thing.

Under his influence, they called this disease winter cold internally.

In winter over there, many places are very cold, such as grassland areas and mountainous areas.

This kind of disease is inevitable every winter, which makes their doctors in Dazhou have rich experience in dealing with this symptom.

While talking, the doctor had already prescribed the medicine.

"If nothing else happens, you can noticeably improve by taking medicine three times a day for three to five days. However, this little brother is very weak and his recovery ability is probably much worse than that of ordinary people."

Hearing this, Huo Qubing, who was sitting there, also smiled in shame.

He had actually been used to hearing similar words since he was a child, but this time, because Zhou Xu, who admired him, was standing beside him, Huo Qubing still felt a twinge of joy in his heart after being said like this. Awkward.

But the doctor didn't care so much and continued to report to Zhou Xu.

Considering that the person in front of him was personally named by their king to be cured, the doctor was also cautious when prescribing the prescription.

"It's better to take this medicine for three days first. I'll check the situation again after three days and make adjustments based on the recovery situation."

"Then thank you doctor."

Regarding his own illness, Huo Qubing himself can be considered a good doctor after a long illness. According to his own experience, it may take ten days and a half to recover.

At this moment, a soldier from outside led a lame man in carrying a medicine box.

Huo Qubing, who was sitting in the room, was obviously a little surprised when he saw the other party.

"Uncle Zhang."

Hearing this shout, the middle-aged man who was called Uncle Zhang also looked startled. Then after noticing Huo Qubing's presence, his face also showed a look of surprise.

"Are you two still relatives?"

Upon hearing the question, Huo Qubing responded respectfully to Zhou Xu: "Your Majesty, my uncle's name is Zhang Jingyan. He is not a relative of me, but we have a close friendship."

"My subordinate has been weak and sick since he was a child. His father always asked Uncle Zhang's father to treat his subordinates when he was sick. At that time, Uncle Zhang also accompanied him on medical visits as a disciple and learned from the sidelines."

Zhang Jingyan nodded when he heard this.

"But my father passed away five years ago, and I have been treating him all these years."

Speaking of this, Huo Qubing also showed a trace of sadness on his face.

"Uncle Zhang's grandfather was a divine doctor of the Han Dynasty, and he was also a chosen one. When the Han Dynasty was still there, he was a court doctor. He died at the hands of bandits when the country fell. His father also had a friendship with my father. He can be regarded as an elder who has watched me grow up since childhood."

The relationship between Zhang Jingyan and Huo Qubing was a bit beyond Zhou Xu's expectations.

But if you think about it carefully, there's nothing wrong with it.

Huo Qubing was born with deficiencies and had been frail and sick since he was a child. If he wanted to raise him, in addition to having a rich family, he would definitely need a capable doctor to treat him.

Under this premise, Huo Qubing's grandfather was an official of the Han Dynasty, and Zhang Jingyan's grandfather was a court physician of the Han Dynasty.

After reasoning like this, the relationship between them is not a strange thing.

Even to a certain extent, it is simply a matter of course.

The update is here. If nothing else, there will be an update after 10:30.

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