Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 658 Do you think it is possible?

Chapter 658 Do you think it is possible...

From Black Rock City to Huangsha City, it would take about three to four days if a large force were traveling normally. The specifics would also depend on the efficiency of the troops.

After the Battle of Huangsha City, the large army suffered a lot of troop losses when they retreated, and there were also many deserters during the period. By the time they returned to Black Rock City, the number of frontline troops was basically only a little over 3,000.

There was no need to tell anyone about the dejected look on their faces. Everyone could see that they had lost the battle, and they had lost miserably.

In the city lord's palace of Black Rock City, after listening to Xie Liancheng's brief report, Yan Sheng's face was so gloomy that he almost shed tears.

"How could there be such a big loss?!"

At this moment, Yan Sheng no longer cared about the identity of the general Jie Liancheng and directly reprimanded him face to face.

According to his observations, although those giant skeleton beasts and the extraordinary creature were a huge threat, their killing efficiency was actually not high.

Take the extraordinary creature as an example. The extraordinary creature charged and killed them all the way. Although all their soldiers were killed wherever they passed, the total number of dead was probably only a few dozen.

After all, the soldiers are not stupid. When they see this ferocious beast coming towards them, they all grease their soles and run faster than anyone else.

The unlucky ones who really died under the claws of that extraordinary creature had no time to escape or react.

Facing Yan Sheng's aggressive questioning, Jie Liancheng, who was standing below, did not let Yan Sheng get used to him because of his previous divine thunder. He only listened to his serious expression...

"Do you think it's possible that after seeing Your Majesty running away, the soldiers completely lost their will to fight and fled in all directions, increasing the cost of casualties?"

Upon hearing this, Yan Sheng, who had been so angry just a moment ago, immediately froze on his face.

Xie Liancheng's words were basically a slap in the face.

If he were an ordinary general, even if the other party was telling the truth, he would definitely cut off the other party's head. Otherwise, how could he maintain his dignity?

But the problem is that the person who said this is Xie Liancheng, the most powerful general under his command.

The situation suddenly changed.

A thousand armies are easy to get, but a general is hard to find!

A top-notch general was of great value in the era of cold weapons, so he would naturally enjoy some special treatment.

Not to mention that he had just lost Long Zhantian, a general on the border, which was enough to add a lot of trouble to him. No matter how stupid he was now, he would not be able to kill Jie Liancheng because of this.

Take a deep breath and calm yourself down.

After some self-adjustment and calming down, even Yan Sheng felt that he had been a little impulsive just now.

Xie Liancheng has always been a fool, and it wasn't the first day that he knew about the other party's urinary properties. The reaction he had just now seemed extremely normal to Jie Liancheng.

Thinking of this, Yan Sheng no longer cares about this matter. For him, the most important thing now is what to do next!

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but become agitated again after he had just calmed down. At the same time, he looked towards Jie Liancheng below.

At this glance, the veins on his forehead suddenly jumped.

I just saw that Liancheng had already found a chair to sit down on his own, then crossed his legs and leaned on the chair, as if it was none of his business.

Yan Sheng was in a bad mood at the moment and wanted to scold him.

But then he thought about it. Although Xie Liancheng was a fierce general, he was not very handsome. Let him think about it, he probably couldn't come up with any good strategy. It would be better for him to shut up and stay aside. At least it would be quiet.

After understanding this, Yan Sheng's mentality suddenly improved a lot.

But it does nothing to change the difficulty of the problem at hand.

This made Yan Sheng realize more clearly that he lacked an adviser who could advise him.

Talent is not something he can just get if he wants to, it just depends on luck.

He originally wanted to establish a system similar to the imperial examination to select talents for himself.

But he soon discovered that if he wanted to take the imperial examination, he must first popularize all relevant written knowledge, and literacy was only the most basic requirement.

But in this day and age, it’s not easy to just have a few literate people.

Not to mention that he doesn't have that many books with relevant knowledge in his mind that he can write down now.

It can be said that the implementation of this matter was much more difficult than he expected, and in the end he could only leave it alone until now.

After he forcibly annexed Weiguo before, he originally planned to take a few years to rest, develop internal affairs, and wait until the internal population was completely assimilated before launching follow-up actions.

Who would have thought that, instead of taking action, a new enemy jumped out from the other end of the energy channel and attacked him first.

Yan Sheng is not a fool. Of course he knows that there are many internal problems in the country.

Due to the previous war with Weiguo, their domestic grain reserves had been basically emptied. At this time, there was not much food in the granary at all, and the other party's invasion had affected their spring plowing and autumn harvest.

Judging from this situation, they may not have a good time in the next year, and the country will definitely be even more unstable by then.

[A ceasefire with the opponent first? Control the domestic situation and hold on until next year, waiting for the new year's food harvest? 】

As soon as this idea came up, Yan Sheng immediately shook his head and threw the idea into the trash can.

[No, the other party will never just watch like this, and Long Zhantian is dead on this border, and I can't stay here forever. If I leave, I can't hand over the military power here to that guy Jie Liancheng. Bar? 】

As his thoughts changed, a cruel look gradually appeared on Yan Sheng's face.

[Just assemble an army of 10,000 in one go, defeat the enemy as quickly as possible, recapture Huangsha City, and then disband the troops and resume development! 】

Compared with the previous method of betting on whether the opponent would take action, directly summoning a larger force to attack was undoubtedly more in line with Yan Sheng's ideas.

At this time, Yan Sheng was like a gambler who had lost his sights. He gradually started doing things regardless of the consequences. Now he didn't even want to wait for a moment longer, he just wanted to win back everything he had lost before. !

"Somebody come!"

Hearing the sound, the attendant waiting below quickly stood up.

"What are your orders, Your Majesty?"

"According to Gu's order, a conscription order was issued to recruit 7,000 troops as quickly as possible!"

As soon as Yan Sheng said this order, Xie Liancheng, who was slumped on the chair next to him, his eyelids suddenly jumped.

Not to mention Jie Liancheng, even the attendants who stood up from the side to take orders knew that recruiting another seven thousand troops at this time would cause big problems!

But he didn't dare to say anything. He was not the general Xie Liancheng, he was just a small attendant. Facing their majesty's orders, if he dared to say even one more word "no", he would be killed!

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