
The siege force headed by Yan Sheng could not imagine such a change even if they tried their best to think about it.

Yan Sheng and Xie Liancheng, who were in the rear, cursed almost at the same time.

They looked at each other, and each could see the confusion in the other's eyes.

Although they also knew that this was not an ordinary world, the scene suddenly became a little too magical, right?

However, taking this opportunity, Yan Sheng also completely dispelled his doubts about Xie Liancheng.

At that time, he immediately turned his head and glanced in the direction of Jie Liancheng, just to see Jie Liancheng's reaction.

The other party's confusion was exactly the same as his. If this was all fake, then this guy must be an actor at least.

During this period, as soldiers on the battlefield, the panic they were experiencing at this moment was much greater than that of Yan Sheng and the others.

The morale that Yan Sheng had just used to boost the siege troops' morale through mantras completely collapsed in front of these giant skeleton beasts in the blink of an eye.

Facing such a huge, numerous, and unreasonable monster, anyone would be frightened.

Obviously, Zhou Xu was not idle during the time when Yan Sheng was gathering his troops.

According to their situation in the Great Zhou Dynasty, the easiest way to effectively increase combat power while avoiding population losses is to start with the 'Skeleton Troops'.

Considering the intensity of the battle at hand, the value that ordinary skeleton troops can display is undoubtedly limited.

Using the elimination method, the giant skeleton beast became the first choice.

The cost of controlling the giant skeleton beast is far beyond that of controlling ordinary skeleton soldiers. After activating the mantra to pull up all the giant skeleton beasts buried outside the Yellow Sand City in advance, Zhou Xu did not dare to waste even a second. , hurriedly controlled the big bones and the two bones to rush towards the opponent's siege tower.

As for the armored dragon skeleton that followed, Zhou Xu ignored it for the time being.

When the armored dragon was alive, it moved slowly. In the old civilization period, it was a domestic animal with resource output, not a war unit.

But now that he is dead and has turned into a skeleton, his movement efficiency is even worse. At the same time, his actions are still very slow. In terms of combat power, there is no way to compare with the big bones and the two bones.

This time, the reason why Zhou Xu went to great lengths to bring the skeletons of these armored dragons was simply to support his appearance. Otherwise, he would have to face the five thousand enemy troops outside the city with just two big bones and two bones. It’s not enough to watch.

Under the careful control of Zhou Xu's concentrated energy, Da Gu and Er Gu moved swiftly and violently. Wherever they passed, the soldiers of the siege troops fled in fear, not daring to fight against them.

This allowed Da Gu and Er Gu to easily rush to the bottom of a siege tower, and with momentum, they rushed forward without sacrificing their lives.

In an instant, there was only a sound of hard wood breaking. The originally stable siege tower lost its original stability after the structure was damaged and began to shake uncontrollably.

Zhou Xu seized the opportunity to launch a pursuit, and the big bone and the second bone shot and grabbed continuously, causing the hardwood structure of the siege tower to be completely destroyed and collapsed in an instant.

At the same time, the armored dragon, which Zhou Xu did not devote much energy to controlling, moved slowly to the vicinity of the city gate.

There is no need to do anything, the existence of the giant skeleton beast itself is terrifying enough, let alone such a huge size.

When those soldiers faced the giant skeleton beast, they showed no fighting spirit at all and turned around and ran away. This also caused the city gate area to be cleared quickly.

Yan Sheng, who was watching this scene from a distance, had a gloomy expression on the verge of tears.

As the core equipment of their siege tactics, the siege towers were completely vulnerable to those giant skeleton beasts, and were being destroyed one by one at this moment.

In addition, because of the presence of those giant skeleton beasts, the city gate area cannot be easily approached at this time.

"Isn't this too foul?"

Looking at the giant skeleton beasts, Yan Sheng's mentality was a little explosive at this moment.

Siege towers and ladders were used to capture the top of the wall, and the ground troops waited for opportunities to use siege rams to break through the city gates. This was considered the core tactic of their siege.

Under this premise, the existence of siege towers is crucial. It is an important piece of equipment for their siege troops to put pressure on the opposite wall.

The siege tower was destroyed, and the ladder alone was undoubtedly not enough. Their probability of taking the top of the Huangsha City Wall would also plummet.

On the other side of the city gate, there were those giant skeleton beasts guarding them. The soldiers did not dare to approach at all. The road to the city gate could be said to be directly cut off.

As his thoughts whirled, Yan Sheng turned to look at Jie Liancheng with his last thought.

"I wonder if the general can deal with those giant skeleton beasts?"

Faced with this problem, Xie Liancheng's facial muscles suddenly twitched, and then he raised the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand and made a gesture.

"Your Majesty, look at the weapon in my hand, and look at the size of those giant skeleton beasts. The size doesn't match up at all. Shall I go up and give them a pedicure?!"

This is Xie Liancheng's truest thought at this time.

"To deal with these giant skeleton beasts, we must at least have a catapult or a bed crossbow."

Hearing these two words, Yan Sheng suddenly felt upset.

Catapults and bed crossbows? It's simple to say, who can't use lip service? But how easy is it to actually manufacture it?

He had already asked people to develop it, but needless to say, the result was not successful.

There are some technical problems here, which he has not yet been able to effectively solve.

Under this premise, although Xie Liancheng's tone just now made him unhappy, it also made him unable to refute it at all.

Because the reality is indeed the case. Although Jie Liancheng is strong, it cannot hold up. The two are not units of the same standard at all.

This is like a single soldier fighting a tank. Facing such a huge skeletal beast, going up to Jielian City is just a pedicure.

Just as Yan Sheng was thinking this, the gate of Huangsha City in the distance slowly opened. The next second, with a war cry, a fierce and huge figure came out of the city.

It is a giant beast that can make people feel more stressed just by looking at it. In terms of size, it is comparable to Big Bone and Two Bones. It looks like a tiger and a lion, but it is more powerful and domineering than a liger. It is covered in darkness. The golden fur glows with a metallic luster in the sunlight, which is unusual at first glance!

Although it was huge in size, it was extremely fast. With one burst, it rushed directly into the position of their siege troops.

After crushing a group of soldiers to death, the giant beast roared again.

Along with this roar, circles of sound waves visible to the naked eye continued to spread, and the sand and dust floating in the air in the area began to tremble violently.

The person who broke into this battlefield at this time was Chitose who came with Da Gu Er Gu!

Thanks to book friend ‘Menghun Lian’ for the reward!

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