Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 648 The other side is

Chapter 648 The opposite side is...

At the same time, on top of the wall of Huangsha City, Zhou Xu saw that the other party had sent people out to assist him. He didn't even have time to check the opponent's panel, so he quickly ordered Zhuoge to come out of the city to support him!

Almost at the same time that he issued this order, Li Tie hit Long Zhantian with a flying axe, violently killing Long Zhantian on the opposite side, causing the emotions of the soldiers in the Great Zhou garrison to agitate.

At the same time, in conjunction with the sound of the weapons in their hands hitting the ground, the soldiers let out war cries in unison, and in conjunction with the wildly beating war drums, they further strengthened their own momentum and at the same time demoralized the enemy's siege troops.

On the siege force side, although General Xie Liancheng was in charge, Long Zhantian's sudden death still made the soldiers on the opposite side feel like they were mourning, and their morale suddenly dropped.

And this also greatly increased Zhou Xu's confidence. If they could kill another general from the opposite side, their morale would definitely be greatly increased!

During this period, outside Huangsha City, Xie Liancheng was wondering whether the opponent should find an opportunity to 'accidentally' let the opponent get their weapons back, so that he could still have a little more fun fighting.

Otherwise, it would be too boring to face an opponent with bare hands.

As a result, before he could finish his thoughts, another figure rushed out of Huangsha City!

After seeing the figure of the visitor clearly, Jie Liancheng's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Centaur mercenaries?!"

Before seeing the previous letter asking for help from Long Zhantian, although Jie Liancheng had heard about the fall of Huangsha City, he did not know it clearly. He had no idea that there were centaur mercenaries on the opposite side.

Now when he saw a centaur coming out from the opposite side, Xie Liancheng, who knew the strength of this group, immediately became excited.

"I've long wanted to meet you!"

When Yan Sheng spent a lot of money to hire centaur mercenaries to help them, Xie Liancheng already wanted to fight with them.

But in the situation at that time, he obviously had no chance. Now that he finally got the chance, how could he let it go?

Zhuo Ge came out to support Li Tie during this period, but no matter what Xie Liancheng was thinking, he only knew that their king was now bent on killing two generals on the opposite side and severely damaging the morale of the opposite side.

In order to complete this task, he did not hold back any chance, and when he saw an opportunity, the 'War Charge' broke out!

With each step, invisible energy shock swept towards Jie Liancheng crazily.

As early as in the previous war with Weiguo, Xie Liancheng had already seen the Centaur's methods, so it was naturally impossible for him to be unprepared at this time.

But even so, the bad horse under him still couldn't escape the impact of Drogo's 'war charge', and was knocked to the ground on the spot.

Xie Liancheng had obviously expected this, so he simply abandoned his mount and jumped to the ground first to stabilize his body.

It was impossible for Drogo to let him go like this and maintain a 'war charge' to pursue him all the way.

Logically speaking, in the face of such an offensive, normal people would have no time to escape, but Jie Liancheng did the opposite.

He directly suffered an energy impact, and with this impact, he suddenly distanced himself.

'War Charge' itself is a means of gaining explosive power. The explosive power cannot be maintained for a long time, and the same is true for 'War Charge'.

After some maneuvering, seeing the moment when Drogo's "war charge" dissipated, Jie Liancheng raised the weapon in his hand and immediately stepped forward.

When Drogo saw this, he did not flinch and directly raised his gun to attack him.

In an instant, the weapons of both sides frequently crossed each other, and the weapon in Jie Liancheng's hand was also special. It was not among the eighteen weapons, but a strange weapon, a three-pointed two-edged sword!

The three-pointed, two-edged sword is complicated to use, and if it falls into the hands of an ordinary soldier, it may not be able to be used at all, but it will become a drag. However, such a strange weapon shines brightly in the hands of Jie Liancheng.

You know, in terms of individual combat power alone, Drogo is one of the best generals under Zhou Xu at this stage.

However, in just one encounter, Drogo was directly at a disadvantage under the three-pointed, two-edged sword.

This discovery shocked Zhou Xu, and he quickly activated his 'Eye of Insight' to look at the other party.

Not everyone can see with his ‘eye of insight’.

From a strength perspective, if the opponent's strength is equal to or even stronger than your own, then there is no way to see it.

In terms of usage conditions, although he can activate the 'Eye of Insight' to improve his vision to observe targets that are too far away, he cannot open the opponent's attribute panel.

In addition, if the opponent has been moving at high speed and his sight cannot keep up with the opponent's movements, he will not be able to see it. To put it bluntly, he is moving too fast and cannot clearly see what it is, let alone observe it.

Previously, Zhuoge and Jie Liancheng kept moving around, making it difficult for Zhou Xu to observe. Now he finally found an opportunity.

Seizing the opportunity, Zhou Xu opened the 'Eye of Insight' and looked at the other party, dumbfounded for a moment. Then he hurried out of the city gate without any time to think.

Near the city gate, the elf knights headed by Silk heard that their king was about to go out in person. After a while, the generals on the opposite side were dumbfounded, and then they all stopped them.

"Your Majesty, think twice! The general opposite is even stronger than Lieutenant Drogo. This move by Your Majesty is too dangerous!"

Although Drogo had just lost the battle at this moment, the strength gap between the two sides had already become apparent.

"Instead of letting the king put himself in danger, it is better for his subordinates to go and meet him for a while!"

Silk said this bravely.

But he knew in his heart that in terms of one-on-one strength, he was still inferior to Drogo. If even Drogo was not hostile to the other party, then within the Zhou Dynasty, only Zhou Chongshan would be the only one who could give it a try.

But compared to their king, it’s better to let him go.

Zhou Xu was naturally clear about Silke's thoughts.

"I never do anything I'm not sure about. I've already made up my mind on this matter, and there's no need to say anything more!"

While talking, Zhou Xu didn't waste any time talking to them and rushed out of Huangsha City on horseback.

Are you kidding me? If you say a few more words, Drogo might not be able to stand it anymore.

Rushing outside the city, looking at Jie Liancheng in the distance with the three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand, which was already overwhelming Drogo, Zhou Xu shouted...

"The person on the other side is Xie Liancheng, the marshal of the world's soldiers and horses who is sweeping across the world?!"

Upon hearing this, Jie Liancheng, who was suppressing Drogo just a second ago, immediately looked stunned and stopped unconsciously with his hand movements.

Seizing this opportunity, Zhuoge quickly got rid of Xie Liancheng's pursuit, and then hurriedly retreated, blocking Zhou Xu's front.

At this moment, Drogo was completely confused.

"Your Majesty, why did you come out?!"

At this moment, Li Tie, who was just as confused as Drogo and had just seized the opportunity to retrieve the crystal iron battle ax, quickly retreated to Zhou Xu to protect him, looking like he was facing a formidable enemy.

Unexpectedly, Xie Liancheng was standing there with no intention of pursuing him.

Instead, he waved the three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand, posed in a pose, and then cleared his throat and shouted...

"That's right! It's this marshal! Opposite us is Zhou Hongxu, the Ancestral Dragon Emperor who has annexed five continents, swept across three oceans, and dominated the world with invincibility?!"

"That's right, it's the widow!"

After that, the two of them looked at each other and smiled, feeling like a hero cherishing a hero.

"I have admired you for a long time!"

"Disrespect, disrespect!"

Update sent, thanks to book friend ‘Qianzhu’ for the reward

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