Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 643 Withdrawal of Troops

After a day's rest, the centaur cavalry led by Drogo also regained their energy. After nightfall, according to Zhou Xu's wishes, they continued to harass the enemy camp endlessly, causing the enemy troops to I couldn't rest peacefully at all, and didn't come back until dawn.

In the next three days, just as Bai Tu had speculated in the previous discussion, the enemy siege troops launched a high-intensity siege against them for three consecutive days.

After gaining previous experience, the soldiers defending the city became more proficient in their responses.

After fighting for three consecutive days, the siege troops on the opposite side did not get any benefits from them, and by taking advantage of the defensive advantages brought by the city wall, their internal casualties were basically controlled to less than a hundred people after three days.

On the other hand, as the siege party, the number of casualties increased exponentially. Even a rough estimate of the number of soldiers killed in the battle was at least five or six hundred.

During this process, Long Zhantian, as the commander-in-chief, has clearly realized that the opposing defenders have too much advantage and they do not have enough troops. If they continue to fight, the losses will only continue to increase.

At the same time, starting from the first day, they have been harassed by the opposite Centaur cavalry for four consecutive days after dark. Not only is the morale of the siege troops low, but their condition is getting worse and worse. If this continues, it will definitely not work. of.

With no choice, in order to get rid of the lingering centaur cavalry, Long Zhantian could only order the withdrawal of troops with a dark face.

Originally, I was thinking of retreating a hundred miles away and keeping such a safe distance. Those centaur cavalry couldn't come over overnight to harass them, right?

But then I thought about it...

[I have already retreated a hundred miles away, so it is better to return directly to Black Rock City. There is not much distance to go anyway. When we return to Black Rock City, we don’t need to worry about the harassment of the Centaur cavalry at all, and the army can rest more thoroughly. 】

With this thought in mind, Long Zhantian withdrew completely, then bit the bullet and wrote a letter to their king, reporting on the latest battle situation on the front line.

Of course, he appropriately embellished the content, saying only that the enemy's defenders were very tenacious and that Huangsha City could not be easily captured, and finally requested military support.

Generally speaking, he didn't lie.

During this period, news of the enemy's siege troops' retreat was undoubtedly delivered to Zhou Xu's eyes immediately.

For Zhou Xu, this was expected.

"Just in time, we can also take a good rest."

Although there were not many casualties on their side, the soldiers were indeed tired after days of fighting.

Coupled with all the post-war work, the next three days flew by in the blink of an eye.

In a blink of an eye, the day comes when the energy channel opens again.

The difference from the past is that this time they need to bring back, in addition to the 800 immigrants, there are also wounded soldiers who were seriously injured and had to withdraw from the front line.

A group of people were sent away, and the food pressure in the city was much reduced. In addition, they had successfully repelled the enemy's siege troops in four consecutive battles. This made the generals, including Zhou Xu, My mood became much lighter.

In comparison, Yan Sheng, who was far away in his own capital, was not in a happy mood at the moment.


I just received a letter from Long Zhantian, and his eyes suddenly became furious after reading the content.

From his previous actions of annexing surrounding countries and proclaiming himself the First Emperor, it is not difficult to see his expansion.

But now?

The fact that Huangsha City was destroyed in one day already made him very unhappy.

Not only did his general fail to recapture Huangsha City, but now he led a large army back to Black Rock City in despair. How could Yan Sheng not be so angry about this result?

During this process, the six ministers standing on the side, knowing how explosive their Majesty's temper was, did not even dare to let go of one of them.

Until their Majesty's voice sounded again.

"Hurry up and tell the general to come see me!"

Yan Sheng issued the order, and soon, a burly man with a height of at least 1.8 meters, an upright face, and a powerful appearance walked in wearing official robes.

"I will resolve (xiè) Liancheng and see your Majesty!"

With the insight coming in, Yan Sheng didn't waste any time and directly motioned to the eunuch beside him to send the flying pigeon letter to the other party for review.

Jie Liancheng took it and looked at it, and immediately let out a sneer.

"That guy Long Zhantian only has a few abilities, so why not let me lead the troops to go out and take back Huangsha City."

As he spoke, Jie Liancheng looked down upon Long Zhantian.

During this period, the six ministers standing nearby all maintained a state of 'eyes watching nose, nose watching heart', and they could not hear or see.

But Yan Sheng couldn't do it. Invisibly, his face became a little ugly.

Although he had just scolded Long Zhantian as a waste before, no matter how waste he was, he was still one of the four dragon generals he personally named. Yan Sheng was naturally unhappy when Liancheng laughed at him like this.

But when I thought about how this guy had always been such a jerk, and that the other party was indeed capable, I didn't say anything more.

"General, Gu Zheng has this intention! And this time, Gu also wants to lead the expedition himself!"

Hearing that Yan Sheng wanted to lead the imperial expedition in person, the six ministers, who had had no sense of presence before, finally made some noise.

"Your Majesty, you can't do that!!"

While shouting, the six ministers knelt down.

"As the king of a country, how can you put yourself in danger? Just leave this matter to the general."

The voices of the six ministers rose up and down, and they all responded, which made Yan Sheng's head hurt.

Jie Liancheng, who was standing there, even picked out his ears in public, and then blew a mouthful of earwax at the six ministers.

He was definitely the most indifferent person present as to whether His Majesty wanted to lead the expedition in person.

Yan Sheng saw this action in his eyes, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

[With some skills, this guy is really getting more and more presumptuous! 】

Of course, he just thought about it in his mind.

This Jie Liancheng had a special status. He was able to annex neighboring countries one after another, and the other party took great credit. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was the master of the country.

And this also made Yan Sheng feel a little suspicious of him.

If possible, he didn't want to let Xie Liancheng lead the army, but the other three of the Four Dragon Generals were guarding the other three borders.

If they were to be transferred back to support Long Zhantian, it would not be a wise choice either in terms of distance, time or border garrison.

In this way, it became a hard condition for him to lead the expedition in person.

What's the point here?

The point is that if he were to conduct the conquest in person, the military power would be in his own hands!

On the other hand, if Xie Liancheng is allowed to lead the troops alone and the other party has military power, who knows what will happen to him?

"Shut up, everyone! My mind has been made up, there is no need to discuss this matter again! Everyone, go down and make preparations!"

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