Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 635 Enemy Attack

"Centaur cavalry, really centaur cavalry!"

The hundred-cavalry team sent out from the opposite side was not only to take the first step as a pathfinding force, but also for the purpose of exploring the cavalry strength in Huangsha City.

Regarding this, Zhou Xu was quite clear in his mind.

However, the cavalry strength he had at hand had already been fully demonstrated when he captured Huangsha City.

When Long Zhantian, the general who defended the city on the opposite side, escaped with his remaining troops, there was no secret in the information itself, and there was no need to hide it.

When the hundred cavalry team on the opposite side saw that the centaur cavalry came out, they didn't dare to confront them at all, and immediately turned around and ran away.

After all, in their impression, even if they are also cavalry, the advantage of the centaur cavalry in terms of combat power is extremely overwhelming.

Once they fight against him, their Hundred Cavalry Team will definitely have to be stationed there.

Standing on the wall, looking at the enemy's hundred cavalry troops who were running extremely neatly, Zhou Xu could only think that they were self-aware.

They had also seen the strength of the cavalry on the opposite side outside Huangsha City.

To put it simply, horses are not good and soldiers are not good either.

By the standards of their war horses, the horses on the opposite side were inferior.

They also learned about the main reasons for this situation during the interrogation process.

To put it bluntly, it is caused by the environment. The environment here is doomed to the scarcity of horses. It is not easy to find horses, let alone excellent war horses.

This also makes Yan Sheng have no choice but to survive.

To a certain extent, the main reason why the Centaur mercenary group can be so rampant here is that the cavalry troops from various countries here are unable to take action.

Let's get back to the point, although the war horses are not good, they can't hold them at a safe distance from each other.

As soon as the opponent saw the centaur cavalry leaving the city, they immediately fled. No matter how fast Drogo and the others rushed, it would still take time. This time was enough for the opponent to complete the rendezvous with the large force behind.

Looking at the large army advancing steadily on the opposite side from a distance, Zhou Xu and Shi Lei's faces showed a hint of solemnity on top of the wall.

"Looking at the strength of this force, I'm afraid it's more than three thousand by visual inspection."

The environment here meant that the cavalry on the opposite side was not to be feared, but the threat of the infantry still could not be ignored.

Counting the more than 500 new soldiers led by Bai Tu, the number of troops on the opposite side was more than three times theirs.

From the perspective of military strength, as a defender occupying a city, the pressure does not need to be too great at this time.

The focus now is what siege equipment the opponent has.

Just like when he only had 500 troops, he used a three-bow crossbow to directly blow open the gate of Huangsha City and capture it.

A sufficiently powerful siege equipment can make a siege battle more effective with half the effort.

【Eye of Insight! 】

Without hesitation, Zhou Xu directly opened the 'Eye of Insight' to observe the enemy's situation.

Because the distance is too far, it is difficult to see the soldiers on the opposite side clearly even with the help of the 'Eye of Insight'. However, as a siege equipment, it cannot be small, so it is much easier to see clearly.

[That should be a battering ram, nothing to be afraid of. 】

This thing was in the arsenal of Huangsha City, so Zhou Xu recognized it at a glance.

His eyes continued to sweep, and further behind the large army, eight buildings that looked like towers broke into Zhou Xu's field of vision.

[Is this a siege tower? 】

Before this, they had basically no need for siege in the Great Zhou Dynasty, so in terms of siege equipment, they only had a three-bow bed crossbow, and other equipment had not yet had time to be developed, but this did not hinder his understanding.

[There is no such thing in Huangsha City. Was it specially built to take back Huangsha City? 】

The siege tower itself is not a complicated thing. If the technology and craftsmen are in place, it can be built quickly.

I have to say that the eight siege towers on the opposite side still look quite powerful.

In the process of looking up and down, Zhou Xu roughly understood the secret of this thing and explained it to Shi Lei.

After all, when the time comes, he will have to observe the situation and activate the power of mantra to intervene in the battle at any time. He may not have much spare power to direct this defensive battle.

So once the fighting starts, the commanding job will naturally fall on Shi Lei.

"Shi Lei, have you seen the eight towers opposite?"

"I can see it, but I can't see it clearly."

With the blessing of his 'Evolutionary Leader' talent, the blessed Shi Lei had excellent eyesight. Although he couldn't see clearly what it was at the moment, he could roughly make out its outline.

For Zhou Xu, this is actually enough.

"If I guess correctly, it should be a siege tower. The height of that thing should be basically the same as the city wall under our feet."

"After the war begins, the siege tower is pushed up and the top door is opened. The soldiers hiding in the space at the top of the tower will rush out and capture our wall."

"Not only that, other enemy soldiers who arrive at the corner can also climb up the ladder built into the siege tower. During this process, the tower body protects them. We cannot attack them easily, which greatly increases the number of soldiers on the opposite side. The probability of getting on the wall.”

In a few words, Zhou Xu basically explained the role of the siege tower clearly.

As a general with three-star intelligence potential, Shi Lei's understanding ability is not bad. He quickly realized the power of this thing and had an idea.

"Can we blow it up with a three-bow bed crossbow?"

Faced with this proposal, Zhou Xu shook his head. Shi Lei's understanding of the three-bow bed crossbow was still limited.

"In order to facilitate transportation, and also to ensure that the three-bow bed crossbow can have a certain degree of maneuverability on the battlefield, the crossbow body and the supporting carriage are actually integrated. If you want to move the three-bow bed crossbow, you must connect it to the carriage below. We’ll move it up together, but it’s not the most troublesome thing right now.”

"The most troublesome part is that when the three-bow bed crossbow is fired, the recoil force is amazing, so the surrounding fixing rods need to be inserted into the ground to stabilize it. On this stone wall, there is no way to do this. operate."

"Without this step, once the three-bow bed crossbow launches an attack, the entire bed crossbow and the carriage may not be overturned, and the accuracy cannot be guaranteed."

Speaking of this, Zhou Xu's voice paused.

"In fact, there is an easier way to deal with this siege tower, and you don't necessarily have to blow it up."

"My lord, what do you mean?"

Listening to Zhou Xu's words, Shi Lei seemed to have some thoughts.

Zhou Xu, on the other hand, did not show off and directly stated the countermeasures.

"In a siege, the most annoying thing for the defender is not knowing where the enemy will attack."

Hearing this, Shi Lei's eyes suddenly lit up.

"I understand, my subordinates. The existence of these siege towers is equivalent to telling us the enemy's attack route. We only need to send soldiers to guard these siege towers!"

"That's right."

Zhou Xu nodded and added.

"Send spear soldiers to block the exit of the siege tower, and send sword and shield soldiers on both sides just in case."


If nothing else, there should be an additional update at 10:30 today

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