The death of Talon basically announced the complete defeat of the Talon clan. It would probably take some time to completely wipe out the remaining ratmen who fled in all directions, but in fact it was no longer important.

After the war, in the frontline tent, Tash told Li Ce and Soros about his mount.

As he spoke, he seemed to want to change his mount.

Soros can actually understand Tash's thoughts to some extent. In essence, this is not a question of whether the velociraptor saved his life.

The most important thing between the mount and the knight is the tacit understanding, being able to understand each other's thoughts, and having compatible personalities.

Otherwise, on the battlefield, if you want to rush forward and it wants to run back, how can this be coordinated? If you are not careful, you will be holding each other back.

Not to mention that they actually have no way to determine now whether the velociraptor is simply timid.

But Li Ce had a different view.

"Whether that velociraptor is simply timid or not, I think it's pretty good."


Judging from the positions of the troops here, Li Ce, as the supreme commander, is also Tash's commander. When Li Ce opened his mouth, Tash suddenly didn't know what to say.

Li Ce didn't care and continued talking to himself.

"The king has said that your advantage lies in your strong endurance that can support you in long-lasting battles on the battlefield."

"Suppose that the enemy and we are fighting with 500 troops each. The other party's generals cannot be killed after killing thirty, but if you can kill forty, fifty, or even sixty, you can create more opportunities for the army. Take advantage and increase your chances of winning.”

"If you want to give full play to this advantage, you must first live a good life, instead of just fighting with everyone at every turn."

"Even if you are fighting with an enemy general, it is the same. If you are exhausted to the end and the opponent is exhausted, won't you be the winner?"

"Although it is normal for you to get angry easily when you are fighting on the battlefield, I have always felt that there is something wrong with your way of risking your life at every turn, or that your temperament that is prone to extremes needs to be tempered more. Grind.”

Soros, who is calm-minded and a rationalist, nodded secretly after hearing this analysis.

[Li Ce is right, Tash’s temperament needs to be tempered. 】

During this period, Tash, who was not very smart, was naturally rendered speechless by Li Ce's well-founded rhetoric.

"Then, how should I train?"

Hearing this, Li Ce smiled slightly and left the matter to Soros.

"Lieutenant Soros knows what to do, just ask him to help you."

Soros hesitated to deal with the job that his immediate boss suddenly threw at him.

"All right."

This is actually not that difficult.

To put it simply, Tash's situation is that his mentality is not stable enough, so just keep messing with his mentality.

After watching Soros and Tash leave, Li Ce continued to write the report he was preparing to give to their king.

At the same time, in Huangsha City, a closed door was kicked open.

The enemy deserter who was hiding in the house was startled and subconsciously pulled out his saber.

However, the next second, the soldiers of Zhou Dynasty rushed in from outside the door in large numbers, and they were even equipped with long sticks.

Before the saber even touched them, they were already knocked into the corner by the long sticks, and then knocked to the ground.

Within a short while, the four enemy deserters, whose noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, and whose hands and feet were shackled, were escorted out of the house by Zhou soldiers.

After seeing the city citizen who was guarding the door with a look of fear on his face, one of the deserters suddenly showed a look of hatred on his face.

"You bastard……"

However, before they could finish their harsh words, they were kicked to the ground by the soldier responsible for escorting them.

"Shut up! Be honest! If you dare to act rashly again, next time you will be greeted by a stick!"

These deserters had not had enough to eat for a while, and none of them had much strength. Now that they were so frightened, they suddenly became silent.

Seeing this, the city citizen breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked nervously at the officer standing beside him.

"That, that... Military Master, this person has also been caught. He promised the villain a reward before..."

"Don't worry, I won't miss you."

While talking, the officer picked up a bag of rice.

"Our king has said before that those who discover defeated soldiers and report them in time will be heavily rewarded!"

As the officer spoke, he handed the bag of rice into the hands of the city citizen in front of the crowd.

According to the current situation in Huangsha City, food is more valuable than money.

Many people around me looked at this bag of rice with green eyes, but they didn't dare to have any evil thoughts.

Don't forget, Dazhou's patrol team patrols the streets every day, which maintains a considerable degree of security in Huangsha City.

In addition, now is a special period, and making trouble here is basically not much different from seeking death.

After taking the heavy bag of rice, the city citizen became excited.

And the officer obviously hadn't finished speaking yet.

"Our king's reward is more than that. After reporting the report, you cooperated with us to successfully capture the deserter. Your name will be directly added to the list of the next batch of immigrants. Well, it will be six days later. You can follow directly then. The large group of immigrants are leaving together."

"Thank you, Master! Thank you, Master!"

The citizens of the city were immediately overjoyed.

Under such circumstances, this reward was a life-changing change for him, and it was no wonder that he was so excited.

"It is our king whom you should thank!"

After hearing this, the city residents immediately changed their tune without saying anything.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! Long live Your Majesty! Long live Your Majesty! Long live Your Majesty!!"

The officer standing next to him raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this.

【Ouch! That's pretty good, right? Why didn't I think of that before? Write it down. Write it down. 】

Huangsha City is only so big, and what happened here quickly spread throughout the city.

By reporting and cooperating in the arrest of deserters, not only can you get food rewards, but you can also leave directly with the next batch of immigrants?

This is undoubtedly too tempting for the people of Huangsha City today.

This made many people who had not originally thought about it start to think about reporting and meritorious deeds.

You know, in this era, among the neighbors, which family has more or less people, and who has not counted it?

Suddenly, Huangsha City was also very lively.

At that time, most of the soldiers on the opposite side were taken away by Long Zhantian, and not many of them actually escaped and hid in the city.

On the premise that all the deserters hiding in the city can be eliminated and hidden dangers eliminated, the consumption of rice is nothing to Zhou Xu.

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