Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 630 Death Struggle

At the same time, since Huangsha City is determined to turn to the defensive after capturing the opposite border city, Zhou Xu and the others are undoubtedly mentally prepared to remain unchanged in response to any changes.

No matter what the other side planned to do now, they would continue to go about their own business and ignore him.

The energy channel was opened before, and along with the population transfer, the first batch of logistical supplies was also delivered.

This first batch of supplies is mainly based on food supplies. This was arranged from the beginning. The main reason is that they are afraid that the opposite army will besiege the city and cut off their supply lines. Therefore, they plan to stock up a certain amount of food in the city first. Just in case.

During this period, it had only been a week since the first batch of people were sent away, and the number of people queuing up to receive porridge was increasing.

Obviously, there are more and more people in Huangsha City, and there is no food left at home.

This is normal. Huangsha City itself does not have much grain-producing capacity. The food that feeds the entire city on weekdays is basically transported from the large grain-producing city in the rear.

Now that the city has been captured by Zhou Xu and the others, the gates on all sides are closed, and the city has entered a state of war readiness. The food in the city will only become less and less.

In fact, in the past few days, there has been a situation in the city where the porridge stalls have not enough porridge.

And this situation was quickly reflected on Zhou Xu.

Listening to the report, Zhou Xu frowned slightly. In fact, this was not the first time they had faced this problem. In just one week, he had already increased the food input for making porridge twice.

Now faced with the problem of not enough porridge again, Zhou Xu took a look at the current food reserves in the city's granaries and immediately refused.

"We will not increase our investment in food for distributing porridge. The most important thing for us is to ensure that the soldiers in the army have enough food to maintain their combat effectiveness."

Zhou Xu doesn't think he is a bad person. Under normal circumstances, when people are in trouble, he will definitely save them if he can, but he is definitely not a bad person.

The supply of food must be given priority to the soldiers in their own army.

As for the people in Huangsha City, it is impossible for him to ensure that everyone can get a bowl of porridge for every meal.

He set up porridge stalls everywhere and distributed porridge twice every day, morning and evening. This was considered to be the most benevolent and righteous thing. If you couldn't get it once or twice, you could always get it three times, four or five times, right?

In this current situation, it would be good to be able to survive.

Under this premise, the registration desks set up next to the porridge stalls can be said to be full every day with people queuing up to register.

Obviously, these belated people have also realized that there is no way to survive by guarding this city. If you want to survive, the best way at the moment is to sign up to go to Dazhou.

And this is actually one of Zhou Xu's purposes.

It is true that he will not force those people to immigrate, but he does not mind letting them recognize the reality and then make this decision on their own.

This reality has made some people who had gone back on their word and failed to do so regret it in their guts.

Now for them, it is no longer as simple as re-registering.

But even if they sign up, they will only be the last ones to leave!

When they thought of this, they wanted to slap themselves twice.

Zhou Xu obviously didn't care about this, it could even be said that no one cared.

These three-legged toads are hard to find. Aren’t there two-legged people everywhere?

Those who can be selected into the first batch to go to Dazhou can only be said to have certain advantages in their types of work, but they are not necessarily the only ones.

If Dazhou is compared to a huge precision instrument, then the ordinary people of Star 2 are simply like the countless screws and gears on this instrument.

Are these screws and gears important?


Without these screws and gears, this device cannot be assembled.

However, there are many screws and gears. If one is broken, you can still use it with a new one. They are not irreplaceable in any way. Don’t take yourself too seriously.

The frequency of opening of the energy channel here is relatively high. It can be opened about three times in a month.

Due to the continuous growth in the number of applicants, Zhou Xu basically had no chance to be idle during this period.

In the busy work, ten days can be said to fly by for Zhou Xu.

The list of the second batch of transfers has already been confirmed. Like the first batch, it is also 300 people.

This time, apparently no one regretted it. After everyone was ordered according to the order, they were sent away as soon as the energy channel was opened.

Unlike the first batch of lists, which were mainly farmers, the types of work in the second batch are much more complex.

In the past, due to the type of work, not even one person came to the Tieshan Mine in Tieshan Village. This time, a hundred people can be left directly for them to speed up the efficiency of iron ore mining.

At the same time, Li Ce, who was on an expedition to the Ratman territory, had destroyed four Ratman nests in succession from the time of the expedition to the present.

After the fourth underground ratman lair was leveled by him, Li Ce could clearly feel that the ratmen, who had originally gathered their troops to preserve their combat power, began to harass and consume him.

From this move, it is not difficult to see that the Rat People have begun to change their strategy. At the same time, it can also be boldly guessed that the Rat People have no retreat!

The more times like this, Li Ce behaves more steadily, knowing the opponent's mentality, and he will never give the Rat Man any opportunity to take advantage of him.

Li Ce's calmness made Soros, the deputy commander of this unit, even look askance.

In fact, during this process, Soros wanted to launch a direct attack several times, but Li Ce remained unmoved at all, making every step of their frontline army as steady as a rock.

The lizards and the rat-men are feuding, and even the clever Thoros will inevitably get angry sometimes and make impulsive decisions.

But Li Ce is different. He and the Rat Man have no intrinsic hatred, so he can be largely unaffected by this factor and maintain a calmer mind to think about the other party's actions. to figure out how to respond.

As the enemy, Li Ce's response was impeccable. Every time he defused the harassment and attack of their rat troops, it put pressure on the claws.

In recent times, with the gradual advance of the lizardman army, Talon's mood has become more and more violent.

But when the irritable mood subsided, it was replaced by a deep sense of powerlessness, which almost dragged him into the abyss of despair.

Facing such an opponent, the situation in front of him left him with no hope of a comeback.

To even speak of it, since the battle at the border and the rat army was almost wiped out, all the subsequent actions of Sharp Claw, in Li Ce's view, were nothing more than a desperate struggle!

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