Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 618 Mine outside the city (2)

Since becoming the captain of the soldiers, Silk has become one of the closest confidants to their king.

In this process, the familiarity with their king naturally increased day by day.

Now based on the situation, Silke basically knew what was going on with just one look from their king.

During this period, Zhou Xu naturally heard clearly what the two parties were saying, but he had no intention of taking care of it.

As the captain of his own soldiers, Silk also needs some ability to handle things independently. Especially when Silk himself also has certain leadership abilities, he should be given as many opportunities to practice as possible.

Of course, another very important reason is that he really didn't pay attention to the small number of troops on the opposite side.

Although the cavalryman said he didn't believe what Silk just said, when he rode back to report the news, he whipped the riding whip much more diligently and basically rushed all the way back to the mine. .

There are only dozens of soldiers stationed here at the mine, and the person in charge is just a junior military officer.

After hearing the news brought back by his subordinates, his expression suddenly changed.

Although the subordinate said that the other party's words may not be credible, he was still not sure whether they were true or false.

They gave up resistance and surrendered. If what the other party said was a lie, they would be dead as soon as their own large forces arrived.

On the other hand, if the other party is telling the truth and they choose to resist, they will be dead when the opposing force arrives.

As a small official with little ability, he was faced with this fatal problem of "left or right", and for a while, he really couldn't come up with a solution.

Ten minutes may not be long or short, but for a small mine official who can't get a result at all, it is fleeting.

Counting the time silently in his mind, as the dominant side, Silk didn't care whether he was precise or not. When the time was up, just following his order, the elf knights of the Guards rode their horses and approached, and at the same time, they took off their hanging hangings. Bow and arrow in the saddle.

【Tracking Arrow! 】

The next second, a round of tracking arrows flew out.

Faced with this unreasonable method, the enemy archer who was located on the arrow tower and took advantage of his height advantage to aim at this side was shot mercilessly by the tracking arrow without even understanding what was happening.

Immediately afterwards, with the sound of "drive", the elf knights headed by Silk quickly drew their silver steel swords and charged towards the mine in the distance.

At the same time, hearing the screams that suddenly came from the top of the arrow tower, before they could figure out what was happening above, the elven knights who launched a charge in the distance quickly drew their attention.

"Fire the arrow! Fire the arrow quickly!"

After receiving the order, the archers immediately opened their bows and fired arrows.

However, with only a dozen or twenty archers, their attack could not form a scale at all. Facing the sparse arrows, Silk and the others did not even need to activate the 'air flow barrier'. With a wave of the silver steel sword in their hands, they could Easily resolved.

At the same time, in the mine, in order to avoid causing trouble to the hard laborers locked up in the mine when fighting broke out, the foreman who received the order was waving his whip and driving the hard laborers back to their cells.

One of them, a thin young man with black hair that had grown to cover his eyes, undoubtedly noticed the movement outside, so he turned his head and glanced towards the exit of the mine.

The foreman happened to see this scene, and without hesitation, he whipped the young man directly with his whip!

There was a 'pop' sound, and a bloodstain suddenly appeared on the young man's skinny body.

"What are you looking at?! Why don't you go back to prison? Do you want me to give you a few more whips?!"

Amidst the angry shouts, the foreman without saying a word, whipped the young man again.

They have always fought these hard labors whenever they wanted, and it didn't matter at all.

Unexpectedly, when the whip was swung out, the young man suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the whip in his hand.

Immediately after exerting force, the skinny body contained unexpected strength. It actually pulled the whip from the foreman's hand and roared loudly at the same time...

“If we don’t take action now, when will we wait?!”

Following the young man's roar, many hard laborers showed fierce looks and pounced directly on the foreman nearest to them.

How many people does this foreman have? Facing these violent labors, they were knocked to the ground in the blink of an eye. Many laborers still did not understand their hatred, so they picked up the big rocks at their feet and smashed them on the heads of the foremen.

The stone smashed down and smashed their heads, causing their brains to splash all over the floor.

But the young man had no interest in venting his anger to the foremen. He should have considerable appeal in the mine. He led a group of hard laborers and rushed to the exit of the mine, hoping to cooperate with the troops outside to break into the mine. field.

Unexpectedly, before they were completely close, at the entrance of the mine, a sky-blue slash easily broke through the Juma piled outside and slashed in, along with the Juma who was guarding the Juma with a spear at the time. The spearmen who were arrayed behind them were all split into two on the spot by this slash.

At that moment, under the almost dull gaze of everyone, hot blood splashed directly on the faces of the surrounding guards.

The defense they relied on was completely vulnerable to the opponent. Led by Silk, the elf knights holding silver steel swords filed in!

Any guard around who tried to resist or do anything was stabbed to death mercilessly by them.

From that understatement, what emerged was an overwhelming strength gap.

At the same time, the hard laborers, led by the young man, who originally planned to rush to the entrance of the mine, were stunned in place.

Riding on majestic war horses, the metal armors of the elf knights glowed dazzlingly in the sun, reflecting the handsome faces, making the knights in front of them seem to have stepped out of fairy tales. It gave the hard laborers a bit of a dream.

In order to cope with their charge, the guards of the mine were basically concentrated at the entrance, which saved them trouble. A round of charge, combined with Silk's Wind Slash, killed almost all of them.

His eyes swept around, and after confirming that there was no threat, Silk raised his hand, and the elf knights rode their horses in two directions, clearing a path in the middle.

At the end of this road, Zhou Xu, who was also dressed in military uniform and looked very powerful, calmly rode in.

"Who's in charge here?"

I don't know if their formation was too impactful, but there was a dead silence in the mine at the moment. Everyone, including the hard laborers, even held their breath.

Only the young man stepped forward and knelt in front of Zhou Xu's horse.

"He is dead."

The young man pointed at the separated corpse of the junior officer in the mine, and then kowtowed towards Zhou Xu.

"Baitu, a humble citizen, is willing to follow you, sir! Please take him in!!"


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