Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 597 A fight to the death (2)

Led by Zhou Chongshan, the Great Zhou Iron Cavalry moved forward without hesitation, charging straight towards the rat men's regular army.

During this period, the rat tide surged, and countless rat slave soldiers mixed with regular army soldiers intercepted and killed them.

In the tide of rats, the giant rat knight suddenly jumped out and attacked the galloping Da Zhou cavalry.

Zhou Chongshan and the others had never encountered a battle like this before.

At the same time, they also knew that in such an offensive, it was not only the giant rat knight who was a threat, but also the rat man who was also riding on the back of the giant rat, but hiding behind the giant rat knight, ready to launch a sneak attack at any time. Soldier!

As expected, it was the same this time. Almost as soon as the giant rat knight jumped out to attack and attracted their attention, the rat soldiers hiding behind the giant rat knight also immediately launched a sneak attack on them.

But what is different from before is that this time the ones hiding and preparing for a sneak attack are not ordinary rat soldiers, but skinners as an elite unit!

Compared with ordinary rat soldiers, skinners move faster and are highly lethal when they strike.

Seeing the sharp claws that were about to pierce his eyes in the blink of an eye, Zhou Zhongshan relied on instinct, and with a lower waist movement, he quickly swung the knife in his left hand, and while dodging the opponent's attack, he cut the skinner in half on the spot. !

As a soldier, the Skinner's strength may be good, but in front of him, it is undoubtedly a bit inadequate. The difference in strength between this soldier and the general is still quite obvious.

At the same time, although the strength of the rest of the cavalry cannot be compared with Zhou Chongshan, they are all elites trained according to the highest standards by their great Zhou.

The Ratmen themselves are not known for their individual combat prowess, but rely on their numbers.

Although the skinners are elites, they are also elites! Where can I be afraid?


Amidst the roar, the giant rat knights and skinners who came to attack were stabbed to the ground with the crystal iron spears in their hands.

But the Rat Man's interception did not end there. A large number of rats around them were still pouring towards them.

What's even more troublesome is that there are regular rat troops mixed in with this rat tide, such as the giant rat knights and skinners just now.

From time to time, he would suddenly pop out and hit them, making them hard to guard against.

And this is the real combat mode of the rat army!

This method forced Zhou Chongshan to change his plan. Relying on the cavalry's ability to break out of encirclement, he first broke out of the encirclement and retreated to the periphery of the battlefield to regroup.

Then looking at the surging rat tide in the distance, Zhou Chongshan's expression became uncertain for a while.

I saw that the regular rat army troops that he had been targeting before were now completely integrated with the rat tide.

After the two forces merged together, the rat tide's comprehensive combat power became stronger, greatly increasing their charging pressure.

He did not have the tactical acumen like Li Ce, but he also knew that the physical fitness of their cavalry troops had declined during several rounds of charges.

Even the breathing of the horse under the seat has obviously become faster. If this momentum continues, they may not be able to bear it in a few rounds.

After all, if they are not in sufficient condition, they are likely to stall halfway through the rush due to lack of physical strength, and eventually be trapped and die in the rat tide.

At this moment, probably guessing Zhou Chongshan's situation, Tash led his speed dragon cavalry and rushed over.

"Let's cooperate in the charge!"


In response, the Great Zhou Iron Cavalry and the Speed ​​Dragon Cavalry quickly gathered together and charged towards the rat tide again.

The increase in the size of the cavalry force makes the group charge they form more powerful, and at the same time, the pressure they need to bear is also reduced.

At the same time, Li Ce's side.

After the gate was pushed open and the cavalry troops rushed out, Li Ce did not rush to command the infantry troops to rush out. Instead, he asked the blue lizard spearmen to spread out their spear formations and block the entrance of the gate to fight with the rat tide.

In this state, the left and right sides of the spear formation were sealed by the fortress walls, and there was no need to worry about being attacked by ratmen.

The only problem is that in this state, they lack the ability to pursue, and can only stand and output in this entrance area, making it difficult to further expand their killing efficiency.

Li Ce was not in a hurry about this. He blocked the entrance and killed two rounds first. At the same time, he also let the cavalry troops take advantage of this opportunity to go out and kill them wantonly.

After appreciating that it was almost done, a signal was sent to summon the cavalry troops to come back.

After receiving the signal, Zhou Chongshan and Tashi took a short rest and then led their troops back.

The arrival of the cavalry troops directly dispersed the tide of rats blocking the entrance of the fortress. Seizing this opportunity, Li Ce commanded the spear array and pushed it out in one breath, while the two cavalry troops turned around to follow, like guardians on the left and right. to protect the two wings of the spear array.

Soon, the spear array they had used to defeat the rat tide many times before was once again formed!

Looking at this formation in the rat tide, Lizhao's heart twitched, but now, he had no way out and could only fight to the end!

Amidst the screams, Sharp Claw quickly signaled the giant rat knight to cooperate with the rat tide to kill him.

The battle has reached this point, and they already know each other thoroughly, so what they are fighting for is hard power!

They had nothing to fear from the rat tide alone. Their spear array was enough to be invincible in the rat tide. But after being mixed into the regular army of rat men, the combat power of the rat tide seemed to have formed a chemical reaction. Imagine again. It had become impossible to retreat so easily before.

During this period, the border fortress also showed no reservations and came out in full force, followed closely by the six-headed armored dragon.

Unlike the spear formation, the armored dragons' body meant that they did not need to take care of it so much. Although they moved slowly at this time, their advancement speed was faster than that of the blue lizard spearmen who were confronting the rat tide. A lot faster.

In a short while, they crossed the spear formation and stepped into the rat tide without looking back.

At this moment, Li Ce's purpose of releasing the six-headed armored dragon was very simple. In addition to letting the armored dragon help kill some rat people, the biggest purpose was to let the armored dragon help them attract the attention of the rat tide, thereby sharing the burden. Take the pressure off them.

The effect of this move is still very good. After the armored dragon stepped into the rat tide, the surrounding rat slave soldiers subconsciously gathered towards these mountains of flesh, causing the spear formation and even the cavalry troops on both wings to , the pressure on them was greatly reduced.

Seizing this opportunity, Li Ce was not ambiguous at all and quickly commanded the spear formation to kill the enemy.

At the same time, the power of mantra spread from Li Ce.

[Skeleton soldier control! 】

On this battlefield, his skeleton soldiers were simply not enough to look at, but it was still better than nothing.

In this wave, both of them really devoted all their strength to the decisive battle in front of them!

Update sent, thank you to book friend "Xian can meet but cannot seek - Da" for the reward

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