Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 588 Besieged on all sides

The Ratmen did not immediately launch an offensive. The previous days of pursuit were also exhausting for them.

In addition, they will launch a strong attack with a larger force next. In order to increase the chance of victory, it is necessary to take a good rest and recuperate.

The offensive was launched again, three days later.

Thoros stood on the top of the wall, looking at the tide of rats sweeping in the distance, with a solemn look on his face.

"The scale of the rat tide is far greater than before. I'm afraid it is as much as the original four or five rat tides combined. Moreover, it has been divided into three before it gets close. Judging from the formation, it must be to surround our border fortress. The king completely guessed it."

"The king really knows things like a god."

Amidst the admiration, Li Ce's face became more solemn.

Although their king had expected this move, there was no good way to solve it. The only thing that could be done was to deploy defensive forces to various walls in advance and prepare for battle to prevent the ratmen on the opposite side from taking advantage of the loopholes. .

The large troops that had been withdrawn before had basically recovered to their condition after seven days of rest. It was more than enough to defend the four city walls while participating in the city defense.

To put it bluntly, there is simply no room for so many soldiers on this wall.

The extra soldiers can also take shifts to ensure their condition and allow every soldier to have time to rest. This is also a major advantage for the defender.

Relying on their strength, the Ratmen directly laid out a formation to surround the city. After the offensive started, Li Ce, as the defender, had already deployed defensive troops and city defense equipment on the four walls. As soon as the Ratmen surged over, they immediately attacked with wood. Lu Gunyou greeted him.

At the same time, within the fortress, the cavalry force, headed by Zhou Chongshan, replenished its strength and expanded to 300 cavalry in the past few years.

Now in this fortress, the cavalry naturally has no room to play.

However, they are different from ordinary cavalry. They were trained by Zhou Xu as all-round troops. They are cavalry when riding on horses and infantry when on the ground. Now they are equipped with ordinary longbows, which can also be used directly as archers.

"Fire the bow!"

"Fire the arrow!"

Following Zhou Chongshan's order, a round of arrows shot across the city wall, fell from the sky, and landed on the rat slave soldiers outside the wall, adding another defensive force to the border fortress.

There is no doubt about the defensive strength of their border fortress. Even if it is surrounded on all sides, it is unrealistic to break through it in a short time.

The first day's offensive still ended temporarily with the Ratmen taking the initiative to retreat.

But Li Ce knew that this was just the beginning.

Sure enough, in the following days, the rat men came to attack the city every day. Looking at the battles, it was clear that they would fight to the death.

The siege was maintained on the third day.

On this day, the rat men came to attack the city as always, facing the surging rat tide. At this moment, a city gate on the side suddenly opened, and the blue lizard spearmen lined up in formation, blocking the entire city gate. In the passage, the crystal iron war spear was shining, and they came out with neat steps.

There is no doubt about the power of this spear formation that has thwarted the rat tide many times.

The spear array took one step closer, and the rat tide was killed. Keeping a steady pace, the blue lizard spearmen fought out of the city step by step.

Li Ce had no intention of guarding the city wall forever.

In the words of their king, unless they are completely unable to defeat the opponent and will be defeated immediately as soon as they go out, it is actually a waste to defend the city wall when they are in good condition and have the strength to fight.

Appropriate proactive attacks can not only better reduce the enemy's strength, but also reduce the pressure that the city defense needs to bear.

Li Ce regarded their king's words as truth.

In the next few days, Li Ce completely followed their king's ideas.

When he was in good condition, he took the initiative to attack and suppress the Ratmen's forces. When he was in bad condition, he retreated to the fortress and relied on the advantages of city defense to recuperate. With the fortress at his back, he could advance and retreat freely, driving the Ratmen almost crazy.


Back at the camp, Talon, who was extremely upset, kicked over a bucket next to him to vent his bad emotions.

Upon seeing this, a rat-man general nearby who had already noticed Jikumu's displeasure quickly seized the opportunity to attack him.

"Look at the bad idea you came up with!"

Unexpectedly, before he could say another word, a basin hit him directly on the head.

The rat man general's anger surged instantly, and he was about to scream, but he directly looked into the scarlet and bloodthirsty eyes of their clan leader, Sharp Claw.

"Shut your shit, idiot!"

Hearing such a roar from Sharp Claw, the rat-man general was immediately frightened to the point where he knelt on the ground and became silent.

According to his small brain, even if he thought about it, he probably couldn't figure out why their clan leader was angry at him.

Faced with the claws in this state, all the subordinates shunned them. You must know that their clan leader is famous for his cruelty and ferocity. It would not be a good thing to provoke their clan leader at this time.

Immersing himself in the darkness, Talon tried to calm his emotions.

After several days of fierce attacks, the rat slave soldiers under their command were killed in pieces, but they were still unable to produce results. As time went by, Talon's mood became increasingly violent.

Didn't he want to scold Jikumu? Of course he does!

But his reason told him that this matter really had nothing to do with Jikumu.

Because even now, he has not been able to come up with a more suitable offensive method than this.

After taking a few deep breaths and adjusting his emotions, Sharp Claw ordered...

"Go get Jicum here."

Jikum arrived soon, and Talon didn't show off to him, and went straight to a showdown.

"What should we do now? Although there are many slave soldiers, if they continue to die like this, they will all die!"

In this regard, after Jikumu said, "Clan leader, please follow me," he said no more, turned around and walked outside.

Talon followed with a frown. After walking for a while, he looked at the objects in the distance and his expression was startled.

"Is this the thing the other side dropped to attack?"

At this moment, there were five or six huge wooden beams placed in front of him.

"That's right, it's the weapons that the lizard men dropped to attack us. When we retreated, I ordered the soldiers to pick up some. On the one hand, it was to reduce the opponent's weapons and equipment, and on the other hand, I wanted to..."

As he spoke, Jicumu leaned into Talon's ear and whispered.

Listening to Jikumu's words, Talon's eyes lit up at first, and then he frowned suspiciously.

"Is this really possible?"

"Whether it's possible or not, when the battle reaches this point, it's impossible for the lizard people to go without any consumption. It's time for the regular army to enter."


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