Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 575 Development

"And what?"

Faced with Soros's behavior of talking loudly and showing off his words, Li Ce expressed deep condemnation in his heart.

"And last winter, our large border troops advanced all the way and knocked down the rat men's nests on the front line."

Soros said while looking at Li Ce.

"They also destroyed it during the evacuation, turning the opponent's lair into a pile of ruins."

Speaking of this, Soros showed a meaningful smile on his face.

"That lair is equivalent to the frontline stronghold of the Skaven. Without a frontline stronghold to maintain it, it is very risky for the Skaven to send a large force to launch an offensive, and the difficulty will also increase."

"Rebuilding the frontline strongholds is enough for them to invest a lot of time. I guess they don't have the energy to launch another offensive like last year this year. At most, they will consume us with a rat tide."

"The real strong attack should be postponed to next year."

What Soros said is quite reasonable.

If you want to compete with others on the front line, you must first establish a foothold on the front line.

The frontline stronghold is the embodiment of this.

As a commander of an army, and with the experience of leading troops on expeditions, Li Ce naturally knew how troublesome it would be without a frontline stronghold to maintain. This made him agree with Soros's guess to a large extent, but... …

"You can't be careless. You still have to take precautions."

"I know this even if you don't tell me."

Half a year of getting along with each other has made him and Li Ce completely familiar with each other, and they are no longer unfamiliar when they talk to each other.

As an old opponent who has been fighting for so many years, Soros does have enough understanding of the rat people, but it is precisely because of his understanding that he will not be careless.

Soon, time quietly entered autumn, and just as Soros speculated, during this time, the frequency and scale of the rat men's harassment was indeed increasing.

However, it was all within their response range, and nothing happened beyond their control.

Next, it depends on whether the Skaven plan to launch a strong attack this year.

During this period, as their major grain-producing point in the Great Zhou Dynasty, Black Moon Village also ushered in the harvest season.

However, in this supposedly festive season, the farming department in Black Moon Village brought some bad news to Zhou Xu.

Those are the seeds he brought back from the tropical rainforest. During this year's planting process, it can be said that 'all the people were killed'.

In fact, as early as the summer harvest, the farming department there had already seen obvious signs.

But after all, this was an important task ordered by their king himself. They were really unwilling to fail like this, so they tried harder.

But obviously, some things cannot be solved with hard work.

Of course, it’s not like they didn’t grow anything. In fact, they did grow some fruits and vegetables, but the quality was too poor.

Even the members of the Agriculture Department in Black Moon Village feel that using their land to grow this is a waste, and it is really not necessary.

This made Zhou Xu think of something.

If the orange grows in Huainan, it becomes tangerine, and if it grows in the north of Huaihe, it becomes tangerine.

Now it seems that the climate environment is still very important.

Regarding this matter, Zhou Xu could only choose to calm down.

In fact, they brought back only some of the seeds of fruits and vegetables. Later they discovered many new varieties, as well as the spices. At this time, Black Moon Village had not yet had time to try planting them. , I guess we have to wait until next year.

During this period, the main job of the farming department in Heiyue Village after harvesting the crops was to perform some post-processing.

What should be sun-dried, what should be ground into flour, what should be salted, after all, it will be winter.

On the New World side, Zhao Geng and the others at Pingyuan Farm are still very busy at the moment.

After receiving the results from the experimental field, they received the order from their king. At this time, they had completed farming the fields in Area 1.

Immediately afterwards, the work of cultivating and composting the fields in Area 2 began.

The climate here is like spring all year round, so they don't need to consider the seasons at all, they can just concentrate on plowing the fields.

During this process, with the reclamation of area No. 2, Zhao Geng also applied to Zhou Xu. The work of digging ditches had to begin, and it was necessary to transfer people from the Construction Engineering Department.

After all, the No. 1 area that was previously reclaimed was located near the water source.

They were close together, so even if they didn't dig canals to bring in water, it would be quite convenient for them to irrigate their fields.

But once they start to reclaim area No. 2, their location will be farther and farther away from the water source. If there are no canals to divert water, then they will have to invest a lot of time and manpower just to fetch water back and forth every day.

Zhao Geng's request can be said to be reasonable and reasonable.

At the same time, considering the rapid growth of the lizardman population in their great Zhou Dynasty, if the food production cannot keep up, it will undoubtedly be a big trouble for them.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu turned around and gave instructions to the guard beside him.

"Go and tell the Construction Engineering Department and ask them to allocate some manpower to help the Agriculture Department dig ditches and ask them to complete it as soon as possible."

The Construction Engineering Department is busy rebuilding the lizard people's village at the moment, so it is natural that they cannot be idle at this moment.

However, they also knew that this food-related issue was of vital importance and they were not allowed to have any opinions.

Fortunately, digging ditches is essentially a hard job, and it doesn't require too much energy. You can ask a master to plan it a little, and then send a team of strong men to dig according to the drawings.

In this way, after receiving Zhou Xu's order, the Construction Engineering Department readily agreed and immediately sent people over to confirm the situation and start work without any ambiguity.

This year, their internal development and construction in Dazhou can be said to be in full swing.

At the same time, in the mountains, Shi Lei, who had been leading the troops to explore deeply, also ushered in the phased end of this mission on this day.

Standing on a hilltop, Shi Lei, dressed in military uniform, raised his eyes and looked up.

At this moment, what caught his eyes was a vast expanse of black void that could not be seen to the end.

In the past, Shi Lei would have been clueless when faced with such a scene, but now it was different. They, Da Zhou, had already discovered the same scene on the grassland.

Although Shi Lei was in the mountains and had never been to the grassland, he had already received relevant news.

Now after a simple comparison with the intelligence at that time, he suddenly became convinced.

"We have arrived at the edge of this world..."

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