Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 562 The tenacious Bo Levin

On the first day, Zhou Xu took Bo Laiwen around the lizard tribe with the temple as the center.

Early the next morning, according to the plan, Zhou Xu was going to inspect the surrounding lizard people's residences one by one.

The distance between the two residences is obviously not close. Yesterday, while walking around, the fat man Bollevin was out of breath from exhaustion.

If he had to go to other surrounding settlements now, if he only relied on two legs, Boleven would definitely die of exhaustion on the way.

In the past, when Boleven traveled, he would ride a shield dragon or ride on a shoulder cart carried by blue lizard guards.

On the one hand, it was for show, and on the other hand, it was really inconvenient to move around because he was too fat.

But now that Zhou Xu is here, how can he dare to put on such a show in front of Zhou Xu?

However, considering the distance and efficiency issues this time, Zhou Xu did not plan to walk over on two legs.

According to Boleven's idea, their king should naturally travel on a shield dragon, which is also the highest riding specification on their side.

But after learning that the armored dragon could only be regarded as a domestic animal, Zhou Xu couldn't look directly at it. It felt like he was riding a cow or sheep.

Of course, more importantly, he disliked the armored dragon for being too slow.

For Zhou Xu, who always pays attention to efficiency when doing things, the slow movement efficiency of the armored dragon is simply painful, so now he plans to ride the velociraptor to move.

After receiving the order, the subordinates quickly brought two velociraptors over. Zhou Xu, who had already practiced riding skills, was now unambiguous when riding a velociraptor. He jumped up and climbed up easily without any pressure on his back.

But there is a new situation next to it...

Beside him, Bollevin was two or three meters tall. Coupled with his obesity, his body looked even bigger. Standing next to him, he looked like a mountain of flesh. The velociraptor next to him was simply petite. This He was standing there with an embarrassed look on his face.

At the same time, Athlon, who was standing next to him, also showed a little anxiety when facing the behemoth Boleven.

Bollevin didn't notice that he was preoccupied with psychological construction for himself at the moment.

Then he gritted his teeth and stamped his feet. He took the reins, raised his legs and stepped on the stirrups, trying to turn over on his back.

As a result, he stepped on it, and the sudden pressure made the Velociraptor's eyes widen instantly, and his eyeballs almost flew out of their sockets.

At that moment, Zhou Xu could clearly see that the Velociraptor wanted to hold on, but then his legs trembled for a while, and he was pressed to the ground with a 'bang', and his head tilted. He lost consciousness as foam overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Anyway, I'm just being stubborn.

That blow also caused Bo Levin to fall so hard that his butt almost broke into eight pieces. However, under Zhou Xu's gaze, he didn't even cry out in pain, but just kept silent with an embarrassed look on his face. I got up from the ground, not knowing what to do.

Trying not to laugh out loud, Zhou Xu tensed his face and waved his hand.

"Go and bring a giant lizard over to help him."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Seeing Bo Levin's embarrassed look, Zhou Xu took this opportunity to speak out again.

"Bolewen, I think it's time for you to lose weight."

"Reduce! I will start reducing immediately!"

When Bollevin said this, his tone was filled with shame and a hint of firmness. It was obvious that the experience he had just had had a lasting effect on his memory.

From Zhou Xu's perspective, Bo Levin was a four-star mage general. Although he didn't have to be at the forefront, if he wanted to show his value, he would inevitably have to launch an offensive with the large army.

Based on this premise, that overweight body will greatly affect his combat effectiveness and ability to lead troops, so asking him to lose weight is definitely not a joke, but a must-do.

What is more troublesome now is that in the case of severe obesity, losing weight itself will not become so easy.

Fortunately, Zhou Xu was not in a hurry.

As mentioned before, Bollevin is a mage-type general. While he has the ability to lead troops, he can also use magic means to attack the enemy at critical moments.

However, the means that Boleven originally possessed have now been lost. If he wants to regain those means, he may have to work more on the 'Dragon Lord' class panel.

But at this stage, he obviously doesn't know which project needs to be unlocked to allow Bolevin to regain his previous extraordinary means.

At the same time, even if he knew, this matter was not a high priority for him.

For Zhou Xu right now, the most important thing is to comprehensively strengthen and improve the physical fitness of the lizard people. As for other aspects, we will talk about it later.

As soon as his thoughts were whirling, the subordinate had already brought a giant lizard over.

The monitor lizard was originally a transport unit used to carry heavy objects. Although Bolevin's body was heavy, it was not a problem for the monitor lizard. After riding up smoothly, Bolevin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, this breath of relief was only for a moment. The previous fall caused his butt to hurt, but now that the giant lizard started running, the bumpy feeling instantly made Boleven gasp.

However, in front of their king, he did not dare to scream, so he could only grit his teeth and hold on for dear life. When he arrived at a nearby residence, he was already in pain and sweating all over, as if he had just experienced something. Round high-intensity exercise in general.

Originally, he only had to tell Zhou Xu about this, and Zhou Xu would most likely let him rest considering that he was injured.

But Bo Laiwen was determined to perform well with Zhou Xu. Even though his butt hurt so much that it was about to burst, he resisted saying anything. In the next few days, he even rode a giant lizard and followed Zhou Xu around. Inspect various surrounding settlements.

For normal humans, this is definitely adding injury to injury.

But I don’t know if his half-dragon blood gave him really strong resilience, or if Zhou Xu’s ‘Evolutionary Leader’ talent gave him some kind of strengthening bonus.

During this period of time, he really managed to resist. At the same time, the injury on his butt did not worsen. On the contrary, he slowly recovered in the process.

Then there was basically no need for Zhou Xu to say anything. Bo Levin himself had already taken the initiative to devote himself to his weight loss cause.

During this period, after shattering thirty pieces of the carapace shield, the durability test of the carapace shield was basically concluded.

In terms of durability, it also exceeds their current iron shield.

Of course, in terms of repairability, the carapace shield was completely destroyed by the iron shield.

Because after this carapace shield withstands a certain degree of attack, the shield structure is continuously damaged, and the final result is fragmentation.

And this broken piece is basically completely reimbursed, and there is no possibility of remaking it. It is a complete consumable.

Zhou Xu, who confirmed this result, was fully aware of it.

"In short, when the energy channel is opened next time, the carapace that fell off from the armored dragon will be sent back to the Ordnance Equipment Department in two vehicles for study. At the same time, a green lizard craftsman who understands this will be sent back to cooperate with the work."

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