Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 543 Laying the Foundation

The centaurs headed by Drogo and Diak had difficulty moving in the rainforest area. Zhou Xu left some supplies and asked them to wait in the plain area with Silk and the others, and then sent Li Ce to The giant lizard that came over went to the lizard people's tribe.

Zhou Xu was idle all the way, and his attention suddenly fell on the giant lizard.

Although the surface of this giant lizard also has fine scales, they are not very strong. When it invaded their world before, bows and arrows could cause effective damage to it.

Under this premise, the IQ is not high. Like Zhou Xu and others, as long as they get the bone whistle and study the signals from the opposite side, they can effectively restrain the monitor lizard.

From this point of view, in the old civilization period, this giant lizard could only be used as a transportation unit, but there was nothing wrong with it. It was indeed not an outstanding war unit.

Being pulled into the field by the lizard man at this moment can only be said to be the tallest among the short ones.

While Zhou Xu was pondering this, relying on his ability to move quickly in a complex environment, the giant lizard had already arrived near the tribe's territory.

At this time, both Li Ce and Soros had already stood on the outskirts of the clan to welcome his arrival, along with Chitose who had stayed here before.

After seeing him appear, he immediately took the initiative to greet him.

"Li Ce (Soros), see the king!"

"Everyone is free of charge."

Jumping off the giant lizard, Zhou Xu patted the dust on his body and asked casually.

"How is everything going here while I'm away?"

Almost as soon as he spoke, Chitose had already moved up to him.

As a special combat force, Zhou Xu also deliberately left Chitose here when he left. This was an extra layer of protection for Li Ce. If something happened and force was needed, then according to Chitose's ability, It can definitely help in this complex rainforest environment.

Compared to Chitose, who was very clingy to her after not seeing him for a while, Bam was much more indifferent. He didn't even see his shadow at the moment.

Zhou Xu asked Li Ce, and Li Ce replied, "She should be sleeping." ’

Anyway, since he left, Bam's life in the temple has been eating, sleeping, and occasionally going to the inner temple to stay in a daze. His life is so decadent.

In this regard, Zhou Xu didn't bother to care about him.

Although the other party is the son of the Dragon God, Bam himself said that once his existence is exposed, he may cause some trouble.

From this point of view, it is a good thing for him to stay in the temple and be a dead man.

At the same time, Zhou Xu also silently excluded Bam from his combat list.

After thinking about it carefully, he felt that Bam was a hot potato, and now he just wanted to end the contract with the Dragon God as soon as possible.

Li Ce didn't know that their king had been thinking about a lot of things for a while and continued to report the situation here to Zhou Xu.

To put it simply, on the clan side, basically nothing happened. At the same time, on the frontline battlefield, thanks to Bolevin's bluff, the rat people have not launched any new actions so far after retreating.

"He's quite smart."

Listening to Li Ce's report, Zhou Xu laughed. Bo Levin's three-star intelligence was still somewhat useful.

"It seems that the rat men on the opposite side are still very afraid of him as the high priest, but after he arrives at the front line, if the lizard man troops fail to take action, it may not take long for the rat men to become suspicious."

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu did not dare to delay and immediately started making arrangements.

"Go and notify Drogo and the others, and let their cavalry troops go first, bring weapons and equipment, and rush to the southern battlefield as quickly as possible to provide support."

As long as the weapons and equipment of the large lizard man army can keep up, their combat power can be rapidly improved. Coupled with the support of the centaur clan, when the war situation there stabilizes, the pressure on him will be reduced a lot.

Afterwards, Zhou Xu had some tactical and situational discussions with Li Ce and Soros around the battle with the Ratmen.

According to what he knew so far, the two races, the lizards and the rat-men, were feuding. Rounding off, they had been fighting off and on since the old civilization until now.

After so many years, neither of the two tribes could do anything to the other, and Zhou Xu didn't think he could finish the battle that he had fought until now.

In this way, according to Zhou Xu's thinking, he actually doesn't have to kill the rat people in one go.

The main thing is that they can't destroy each other. The rat people have been operating in that land for many years, and they can be said to be deeply rooted. According to their current strength, it is not easy to uproot them.

The worst case scenario is that the lizard man and the rat man will continue to fight with each other like they did before.

Anyway, it is impossible for these two tribes to keep fighting forever. When the fighting is almost done, it is time for them to stop fighting and call a temporary truce.

"My lord, do you mean not to destroy the rat people?"

Li Ce obviously couldn't keep up with Zhou Xu's current thinking. To put it bluntly, it was a bit beyond his common sense.

In Li Ce's view, the enemy should be destroyed, and that is exactly what he has always done.

But how can the rat people and lizard people be compared to the primitive tribes that they could easily wipe out before?

After all, if two forces meet, one must be destroyed. Then there should be only one country in his original world. How can there be so many countries coexisting?

When you can't beat me and I can't beat you, the final result is often not to fight.

Such is the case with lizardmen and ratmen.

However, the hatred between these two clans was too deep, so the battle was fought intermittently. No one could defeat the other, but no one wanted to let the other go.

Zhou Xu was able to take down the lizardmen this time largely because the main force of the lizardmen were on the southern battlefield, and after he broke into the lizardmen's land, he obtained the rank of 'Dragon Lord', allowing the lizardmen to People surrender to him.

Otherwise, once the high priest leaves and the opponent's core is transferred, the matter is far from over.

After all, Li Ce is a smart man and has a strategic mind.

Although the question itself was beyond his common sense, he quickly understood it after Zhou Xu's simple explanation.

"We'd better get used to the existence of the Ratmen first."

At the court at that time, Zhang Xiaoshan was right. After experiencing a long war with the lizard people, considering the development of the rear, they really couldn't bear to fight another long war with the rat people.

By the way, Zhou Xu's visit to this world this time was not all for fighting.

Now that the lizard people's clan has fallen into his hands, he naturally plans to develop some development here and obtain some resources, so that the losses they suffered due to the war can be compensated in the process.

For this purpose, he specially brought a group of laborers here.

This group of labor force is mainly miners, who are here to mine the sharp crystals here.

Zhou Xu's idea is also very simple, that is, prepare for the worst.

If the rat army is so fierce that they cannot stop it in the end and have to evacuate, then they will not be left without sharp crystals.

On the contrary, after receiving support from its own weapons and equipment, if the battle situation in the south can be stabilized.

Then the next time the energy channel opens, he will mobilize farmers to start developing farming here, expand the farmland area, increase the harvest of crops, and step by step, let them take root in this world! Lay a solid foundation for the future elimination of ratmen!

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