Early the next morning, Drogo brought breakfast to Nina as always. Diak came over and took Drogo aside.


I saw Diack trying to speak several times, but swallowing his words several times.

Seeing Diak's hesitant expression, Drogo thought about it seriously, and then as if he had thought of something, he took out the meat pie he was carrying and handed it over.



Looking at the meat pie that was handed to him, Diak sniffed. The delicious food he tasted yesterday appeared in his mind unconsciously, and saliva began to secrete in his mouth.

But with a strong willpower, he still waved his hand.

"No, I didn't mean that!"

"Ah? Isn't it? I thought you didn't have breakfast again."


He hadn't had breakfast and wanted to eat it, but this time he was looking for Drogo, obviously not for a meat pie.

"Just, what we talked about yesterday was about surrendering to the Great Zhou."

At this point, Drogo was speechless as he looked at Diack, who was obviously unable to squeeze out. He rolled his eyes secretly, and then simply pointed it out.

"Clan Chief Diak wants to bring the Centaur clan to surrender to our Great Zhou?"

As soon as Drogo opened his mouth, he said it right, making Diak feel relieved.

"If I want to bring my tribe to surrender to the Great Zhou Dynasty, what will Second Lieutenant Drogo think about this?"

I don't know if it was because he was talking about business, but Diak unconsciously put a military rank after Drogo's name.

In this regard, Drogo said without even thinking...

"Of course I support this. After all, you are my tribe. I also hope that you will have a good life, right?"

Ye Jinghong didn't teach him this. Zhuo Ge accidentally said something wonderful.

After hearing these words, Diack was stunned for a moment, then took a deep breath and made up his mind completely.

"I've thought about it, Second Lieutenant Drogo, and I plan to bring the whole clan to surrender to the Great Zhou!"

On this day, Zhou Xu arrived at Prairie Village at noon. After Drogo went back to confirm the news, he didn't waste any time and brought Diack to surrender early the next morning.

Along the way, he had been mentally prepared and asked Drogo about the details in advance. Now that he saw Zhou Xu, Diack gritted his teeth and bowed down directly.

"Diak, pay your respects to the king! I am willing to lead the whole clan and submit to the king, and I hope the king will take you in!"

Although Zhou Xu had already learned about the situation from Drogo as early as last night, now that he heard Diak surrendering with his own ears, he couldn't help but look happy.

"Chief Diak, please wake up quickly! With the addition of you centaurs, our Zhou army will be even more powerful!"

While speaking, just like Drogo and Silk who had surrendered before, Zhou Xu directly gave Diack the basic military rank of 'warrant officer', and then explained a little bit...

"After joining our Great Zhou Dynasty, you will be named a 'warrant officer' before you have achieved military merit. After you have achieved meritorious service in the war with the rat people, I will give you a reward."

Although Diak didn't quite understand some of the words, Drogo had already taught him what to do at this time.

That is, don’t worry about anything and just say, ‘Thank you, Your Majesty! ’ That’s it.

Now I try it, and it really works.

After Zhou Xu signaled Diack to excuse himself, he talked to Diack about the matters arranged by his tribe.

Having already subdued Drogo and the others, Zhou Xu thought he knew a lot about the centaurs.

To put it simply, there are only two things that the centaurs are good at, one is fighting and the other is hunting.

They can do other things to make ends meet, but relatively speaking they are not that outstanding.

Therefore, all the centaurs are soldiers.

However, occasionally some centaurs are unable to participate in the battle due to various reasons.

For example, being injured or disabled, or being pregnant.

These centaurs will definitely not be able to go to the battlefield. At the same time, Diak will undoubtedly have to leave a few tribesmen to take care of these centaurs.

In this way, there were fifty centaurs who could finally accompany the army to participate in this operation, excluding Drogo.

Although there are not many in number, their combat power is not comparable to that of ordinary human cavalry, especially if they possess the ultimate move of 'War Charge'.

The charging momentum of these fifty centaurs was comparable to that of two to three hundred human cavalry.

After that, Zhou Xu directly asked Diack to summon all the centaurs. As always, he first checked the attribute panels of these centaurs.

However, since he was about to rush to the front line and needed to recover the power of his mantra before that, Zhou Xu naturally had no intention of coming in person at this moment.

Instead, he handed over the job to Wang Dong.

Wang Dong didn't refuse. Compared with the boring enchanting work, looking at the attribute panels of these centaurs was a bit interesting.

Of course, Zhou Xu didn't look at anyone. He looked at two centaurs who felt that the panels must be good, namely Diack and Joseph.

【Eye of Insight! 】

As soon as the power of the mantra was activated, the attribute panels of Diak and Joseph were immediately unfolded in front of him.

Name: Diack

Sex: Male

Age: 29

Race: Centaur

Status: None

Mantra: High-speed attack, war charge

Talent: Desperate Breakout: When you are in a desperate situation, your breakout ability will be greatly improved.

Bravery: ★★★

Intelligence: ★★

Spirit: ★★★

Endurance: ★★★☆

Command: ★★☆

Zhou Xu's eyelids jumped when he saw Diak's attribute panel.

To be honest, he didn't expect the distribution of Diak's panel attributes. A three-star level of bravery would definitely be considered excellent, and the actual combat effectiveness displayed was already quite outstanding.

Under this premise, having a four-star endurance potential is considered outstanding among the centaur tribe whose endurance is already excellent.

Paired with the three-star bravery, the actual long-term combat ability displayed is beyond the comparison of a simple three-star brave general.

To a certain extent, these two attributes can be said to complement each other. Diak's actual combat ability, taken together, can actually be regarded as three and a half stars.

The commander who also has the potential of three stars also makes Diack's abilities more comprehensive. He can fight and lead troops. He can be regarded as a general with excellent comprehensive abilities.

What Zhou Xu really didn't expect was that Diack had the spirit of a Samsung!

You know, including Drogo, the centaurs Zhou Xu had seen before had only two stars in their spiritual attributes.

From this point, it is not difficult to see that the Centaurs themselves are not a race with outstanding spiritual attributes.

But Diack actually has three stars! This is very special!

Don't underestimate the change in this spiritual star, it means that Diak can have more mantra power and use mantra methods more times! The improvement in strength can be said to be a qualitative change!

Zhou Xu felt that this might be related to Diack's talent of 'breaking out of desperate situations'.

In addition to affecting the actual power of the mantra, spiritual attributes often represent the strength of willpower, and in desperate situations, it is still very important to have strong willpower.

[Combined with his talent, Diack is a functional general with very comprehensive abilities. 】

After making a conclusion for Diak in his mind, Zhou Xu moved his eyes to Joseph's attribute panel. The next second, his eyes began to widen unconsciously.

"Ah this..."

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