Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 537 Sooner or later you will be abducted

Even considering the combat assistance that the Centaur clan can provide them in the future, Zhou Xu definitely hopes that Diak and his clan can survive well.

After learning the good news from Drogo that food could be traded, Diak, who was still very nervous at first, was overjoyed. At the same time, he quickly asked the tribesmen who were responsible for hunting every day to catch the prey alive so that they could trade with Dazhou.

Early the next morning, when Drogo and the others came over after breakfast, the centaur clan's hunting team had already set off.

Drogo, who learned the news from Diak, immediately proposed the idea of ​​going over and taking a look.

After all, Drogo, who is also a centaur, knows that his centaur family is good at shooting prey, but relatively speaking, they are not very good at catching prey alive.

Capturing alive is inherently troublesome, but don't think of it too easy.

And Diack was undoubtedly a little worried, so as soon as Drogo mentioned the matter, he immediately agreed.

These two are both resolute and resolute. After reaching a consensus, they did not waste a moment and set off as quickly as possible.

The centaur clan generally does not go hunting in the areas where the herdsmen of the grassland villages graze. If this area is excluded, it is not difficult to find traces of the hunting team on this vast grassland.

"Look! Over there!"

When Drogo discovered them, the hunting team's operation should have just come to an end.

They approached directly and looked at the wild horse that had been hit by an arrow and fell to the ground. Although it was still alive at the moment, it was in a dying state. It looked like it was not far from death.

"That's not okay."

Drogo also knew that what they needed were alive and healthy horses.

After obtaining these horses, they will generally be domesticated for a certain period of time. After the basic domestication is completed, some tests and some military training will be conducted.

Those who can meet the standards will be put into military use, and those who cannot meet the standards will either stay at the horse farm to continue training or simply be put into civilian use to engage in work such as pulling carts.

A dead, injured or disabled horse is unlikely to meet their requirements.

"Since you want to capture them alive, it's best not to attack them."

"Then how do we subdue them?"

Most of these wild horses have fierce tempers and are difficult to control. At the same time, their running speed is not inferior to that of their centaurs.

To deal with such a target, the centaur clan usually uses arrows to shoot the opponent's legs, feet or internal organs, at least to make the opponent bleed.

In this way, in their subsequent pursuit, the target will gradually lose speed due to excessive blood loss, and eventually fall into their hands.

But once they can't attack and hurt the wild horses, then their whole set of methods will be impossible to use.

Looking at the centaurs whose faces were full of headaches, Drogo smiled proudly.

"In times like this, you need this."

As he spoke, Drogo took out the flying rope and horse roping pole.

This time he came here with the intention of helping his fellow tribesmen, so he and his subordinates brought tools.

After the wild horses escape, they will not run away endlessly. If they follow the tracks and catch up, if they spend more time, there is still a possibility of catching up, and the possibility is even not small.

"Let's go and show you."

Drogo waved his hand, and the subordinates led by him immediately moved. When Diak and the others saw this, they naturally followed immediately.

They were lucky enough that the wild horses didn't go too far. After following the tracks for a while, they soon saw the wild horses resting next to a natural lake.

"Keep your eyes open."

As they spoke, the centaurs headed by Drogo quickly took action.

They were quite proficient in this business back then, and even though they haven't done it for a long time, they are not unfamiliar at all.

Using this set of tools skillfully, he easily subdued a wild horse and captured it alive.

The centaurs headed by Diak were amazed.

Although this whole process looks simple, there are actually many ways to do it, and more importantly, experience.

"That's about it."

Holding the wild horse that they had initially tamed, Drogo walked over with a smile, and at the same time handed over the tools he had used to capture the wild horse, such as the zip rope and the horse pole.

"These utensils are given to you."

In the following days, the centaur clan holding tools quickly produced results.

They obtained horses, and the centaurs also obtained food for survival, which was considered mutual benefit.

At the same time, Diak certainly did not forget Drogo's help to them, so in the following days, he became more attentive to Drogo's teachings.

If you want to recite the mantra fluently, there is essentially no shortcut. There is only one way, and that is to practice more.

But when the power of the mantra is exerted, Diack still has a lot of experience in how to control this problem.

In this way, with Diak's dedicated help, Drogo and the others worked hard to study and train. In a relatively short period of time, they made rapid progress.

【War..Charge! 】

The key to this training is undoubtedly to master the powerful advance skill of 'war charge'.

At this moment, although Drogo's mantra was still unclear, he was able to recite it accurately and fairly smoothly.

In an instant, a force quickly blessed Drogo's four legs, driving him to fly.

During this period, with each step, Drogo could clearly feel the energy shock spreading from his feet.

It felt like he was flying on a spring bed. It was really not that easy to control his body shape steadily.

In the end, he fell onto his butt.


After rubbing the place where he fell, Drogo rolled over and simply collapsed on the ground. The long-term practice and the consumption of the mantra's power also made him very tired.

At this moment, a figure broke into his field of vision. It was a very simple face with toned bronze skin. The bright smile on his face made Drogo feel that all the fatigue was swept away in an instant, and his face Even more unconsciously, he had a silly smile.

"Why are you here?"

Drogo said as he quickly stood up.

"Passing by."

The centaur girl said a little guilty, and then handed over an animal skin water bag.

"Give me some water. I think you're tired."

During this period, I estimated the time, and Diak, who had just returned to the camp to deal with internal affairs, returned now.

[I don’t know how Drogo and the others are doing. 】

As soon as I came back, I saw the two figures that were almost close to each other from a distance, and then I felt complicated.

If this situation continues, the centaur girl will be abducted sooner or later.

But considering that Drogo had helped them so much before, and there was no force, what could he say? This mouth has been blocked for a long time.

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