Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 527 Passionate Zhou Xu

It has to be said that the two arguments put forward by Zhang Xiaoshan and Li Shitou at this time are also the two most confusing points.

Considering the internal situation of Dazhou, they really need to take a breather, take a good rest, and restore their strength. A war like this that wastes people and money cannot be fought in a short time.

But considering the situation over there and the situation of the rat people.

If we don't fight this wave, wouldn't we be letting the tiger go back to the mountain, leaving hidden dangers for ourselves in the future?

Around these two ideas, the court was divided into two groups today, and they were arguing endlessly.

"Lieutenant Shi Lei is indeed constantly absorbing the population, but it is not a good thing to annex a large number of the population of external forces in a short period of time."

"The previous group of people had not had time to be assimilated by us, and the latter group was escorted over again. This will have an impact on the internal stability of our country."

Zhang Xiaoshan's work style is more prudent. As early as in the previous report, he had mentioned that Shi Lei's recruitment work should be slowed down first and let them digest these people internally.

But the problem is that the troops on the front line are still losing casualties, the recruitment process is also going on, and the internal labor force is also declining. If he wants to make up for this part of the labor force, Shi Lei has to keep catching prisoners of war.

If they were compared to a machine, once any component failed, a chain reaction would quickly form.

At worst, the machine is damaged and work efficiency is greatly reduced; at worst, the machine is paralyzed and the working ability is directly lost.

Just ask Shi Lei if he dares to slow down now?

At this time, Zhang Xiaoshan undoubtedly put forward this argument again, hoping to get Zhou Xu's support.

At the end of the speech, he did not forget to criticize Li Shitou.

"What about the perfect opportunity to deal with the Ratmen? If we send out troops, can you guarantee that we will definitely be able to wipe out the Ratmen?"

Hearing this, Li Shitou fought back on the spot.

"Then on the other hand, without sending troops, how can you be so sure that we can't wipe out the Ratmen?"


Zhang Xiaoshan's idea is that the risk is too high, don't fight if you can't win!

And how could Li Shitou know he couldn't win if he was arrested without a word of beating?

The two of them slowly began to argue around this point, making Zhou Xu roll his eyes.


As soon as Zhou Xu spoke, the court suddenly became quiet.

"If you two want to argue, argue well and with good reason. Don't continue with such a nutritious argument."

After hearing this, Zhang Xiaoshan and Li Shitou confessed their crimes one after another, and Zhang Xiaoshan spoke again...

"Your Majesty, my subordinates still insist on their own opinion. We, the Zhou Dynasty, should recuperate and recuperate now. It is not appropriate to use weapons in a short period of time."

Li Shitou heard this and immediately picked up.

"Your Majesty, my subordinates still have the same idea. The rat people have been at war with the lizard people before, and they are not in good condition. Now that we have annexed the lizard people's population, the two forces have merged into one. Don't take this opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity. After destroying the Ratmen, are we going to let them go back to recover and pose a greater threat to us in the future?"

While talking, the two couldn't help but stare at each other.

During this period, Zhou Xu was sitting on his throne, dragging his chin with one hand and thinking about this matter.

It can only be said that both of their ideas are reasonable, and this decision is not easy to make.

Not to mention whether to fight or not cannot be decided in one sentence. More, it depends on the situation.

For example, in the battle with the lizard people, even though they won in the end, it could not change the fact that they were completely forced to fight in this battle, and it was not even their choice whether to fight or not.

Looking at the two people who were about to reach a stalemate, Zhou Xu spoke after thinking about it for a while...

"As for the rat people, the lizard people are still fighting with them. As for our internal forces, I will take opportunistic measures and take action immediately when I seize the opportunity. Otherwise, I will continue to lie dormant and observe the situation."

"In order to ensure that we can take action at any time, we have to maintain a wartime state. Of course, compared with before, there should be no large-scale deployment of troops in a short period of time. The pressure on the rear will be much less, and we can be considered to be recuperating. We usually mainly think of lizards People mainly provide logistical support.”

If you say you won’t fight, then you won’t fight 100%? Don't you take advantage of the perfect opportunity?

A bloody battle that is so mind-numbing to the end?

There is nothing so absolute in this world, there are too many factors that can have an impact.

At this time, Zhou Xu also made a relatively compromise approach, intending to wait and see what happens and strike later.

After leaving the court, Zhou Xu sat in the office and concentrated on processing the documents and reports sent by various departments. After staying in Heiyue Village for two days, he rode back to Prairie Village. He did not The centaur clan headed by Diak had been forgotten.

As a special combat force with strong enough capabilities, he must have a solid relationship with the opponent.

At the same time, as the Great Zhou Dynasty itself does not plan to send troops in a big way, if they want to form an effective combat force, they will undoubtedly have to ask the Centaur clan to send troops.

When riding alone, Zhou Xu moves very efficiently.

The snow on the grassland has stopped at this time, but the snow in the wild has not yet melted, but the impact is not big.

After arriving at Prairie Village, Zhou Xu didn't take a break and went straight to Diak.

"The Diak tribe has been waiting for a long time. I think we have been waiting impatiently for the past two days. Now that the snow has stopped, I will personally take you to the tribe's land!"


Looking at Zhou Xu with an enthusiastic face, Diack opened his mouth for a moment, but did not say anything.

On the other hand, Joseph next to him scratched his head, smiled and said what was on his mind.

"It's actually not that urgent."

As soon as Joseph finished speaking, Diack slapped him directly on the back of the head.


After completing a set of operations, Diack looked away with some guilt, not looking at Joseph's disbelieving expression.

He really wasn't that anxious.

It's not the first day they've come to Prairie Village. Life here is comfortable.

But for some things, just think about it in your mind, but it would be embarrassing to say it.

Zhou Xu knew this, but he pretended not to know and pulled the reins with a smile.

"Chief Diak, please gather your clan members and clean up briefly. Let's set off now."

Facing Zhou Xu's enthusiasm, Diack couldn't refuse at all, and in the end he could only agree with a dry smile.

"Okay, I'll go gather the clan members right away."

The centaurs moved relatively quickly and gathered quickly.

During this period, Diack and Joseph's state also changed from being reluctant to give up a comfortable life to looking forward to a new tribe.

After all, from their point of view, they are just guests in Dazhou at the moment. Only when they get their own clan land and build a village camp can they truly take root here.

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