Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 525 Found a treasure

Trial and error does not actually require many people. If there are more people, it will be chaotic. The main test is patience. After all, you have to keep trying.

However, their blacksmithing department has done similar things.

For example, when they first forged a copper sword, it was easy to break if it was too long, but if it was too short, it would easily affect the combat effectiveness. In order to find the optimal length, they worked hard with patience and perseverance, and kept trying it out.

"The new material weapons developed this time are likely to play a key role in subsequent battles, so we must seize the time and research them as soon as possible."

Having said this, Zhou Xu thought of something again and quickly added a few more sentences.

"By the way, when casting, use the mold for making enchanted weapons. I plan to make it into an enchanted weapon for use."

"Besides that, I also have a suggestion that you can try to break the sharp crystal or even grind it into powder for smelting. This should make it more convenient to smelt."

During the conversation, Zhou Xu told Wang Dachui all his thoughts.

Wang Dachui also wrote them down one by one. Based on his experience so far, their king's ideas are basically quite reliable.

During this period, considering that Zhou Xu had just said to hurry up, Wang Dachui took a moment while the two were talking and ordered people to start crushing and grinding the sharp crystals.

Zhou Xu and Wang Dachui were watching from the side, and had some more in-depth discussions about the new material weapons that they needed to develop, and took another look at the polishing progress there from time to time.

"So, my king, what specific effect do you want this new weapon to achieve?"

This question is important.

It's like designing a product. You have to first say what function you want this product to play? What kind of scenarios does it apply to? This way their design direction can be clearer.

In response to this question, Zhou Xu pondered for two seconds.

"To put it simply, it is to improve the sharpness of the weapon while ensuring that it is basically consistent with the strength of the iron weapon. This is my expectation."

According to Zhou Xu's idea, considering the fragile state of the sharp crystal, it is unrealistic to use it to increase the strength of the weapon. As long as it can ensure that the strength of the weapon does not drop too much, it will be good.

After all, the most important thing here is to use sharp crystals to change the properties of iron, turning it into a special metal like 'mithril steel', so that their enchanted weapons can show better effects.

However, this issue does not require the Forging Department to worry about, and Zhou Xu does not intend to talk about it.

Sharp crystals are very brittle. While they were talking, the members of the forging department who were responsible for crushing and grinding sharp crystals had already pounded three pieces of sharp crystals into the size of fine gravel.

In fact, this state has been going on for some time. The member of the forging department can clearly feel that relying solely on the pestle and mortar to beat with hands is almost the limit.

After understanding this situation, Zhou Xu glanced at the crushed sharp crystal and said...

"You can crush all the sharp crystals into this size first, and then go to the Ministry of Agriculture to borrow a stone mill. By this time, the stone mill at the Ministry of Agriculture should be empty."

The Agriculture Department needs the help of stone mills to process potato flour, but this work is usually completed before winter. In winter, the stone mills are basically empty, so it can be borrowed for the Forging Department to grind sharp sharpeners. It wouldn't be a problem to get crystal stones.

Just as Zhou Xu was making arrangements, on the other side, as a test for them, the lizardman craftsmen who moved quickly enough had finished polishing the iron arrowhead.

After all, the arrowheads are only so big, so it doesn't take much time to polish them individually.

But the key point is that for iron arrowheads like this, the forging department often casts one or two thousand in one batch. As the number increases, the workload naturally increases.

Getting back to the topic, looking at the first batch of iron arrowheads that had been polished, Zhou Xu and Wang Dachui picked up one and looked at it. During the process, they also changed a few arrowheads for comparison.

To be honest, before this, neither Zhou Xu nor Wang Dachui had high expectations for the skills of the lizard craftsmen. They were only prepared to let them do hard work and start off.

After all, in their opinion, the lizard people's weapon-making technology is too backward.

As a result, when they saw it now, they were shocked.

Putting aside everything else, at least they are really good at polishing weapons.

wrong! Judging from the arrowheads that glowed faintly under the winter sun, this was not only in place, but also excellent.

"Good guy, this can be considered a treasure, right?"

Regarding the question of why these lizard craftsmen have such skills, Zhou Xu quickly came to a conclusion after turning a few corners in his mind.

Think about what they polished before?

It's sharp crystal!

This thing is brittle and not easy to polish, but the lizard craftsmen can even polish such sharp crystals into weapons in batches, and replace them with stronger iron weapons. For them, the difficulty is completely reduced. ah!

Listening to their king's words, Wang Dachui was also happy.

If those two hundred or so lizardman craftsmen had such polishing skills, it is no exaggeration to say that the efficiency of their forging department in producing weapons would surely reach a higher level in the future!

But before that, there is still a headache that remains unresolved for Wang Dachui.

"Your Majesty, what do you think I should do with these two hundred or so lizardman craftsmen?"

Obviously, the small amount of space in their forging department cannot accommodate more than two hundred lizardmen. They can't just let them work on the test field from now on, right?

Regarding this issue, Zhou Xu undoubtedly considered it.

"Don't worry, I have already thought about it. I plan to separate the 'polishing' work and directly form a subordinate department under the 'Ordnance and Equipment Department'. I will ask Xiaoshan to open a separate workshop for them to carry out the polishing work. No. It needs to be shoehorned in here.”

The scope of polishing work is very wide, not only the weapons of the Ordnance Forging Department need to be polished, but also some parts and equipment in the Equipment Department also need to be polished.

In general, the 'Grinding Department' wants to provide services for the entire 'Ordnance and Equipment Department'. In this case, instead of forcing them all into the Forging Department, it is better to open a separate subordinate department. This should be the most trouble-free There's a solution.

From now on, the forging department only needs to complete the first two steps, and the final polishing step can be sent directly to the 'polishing department'.

Under the Ordnance and Equipment Department, the Equipment Department and the Forging Department are the two largest and most core departments. Although Wang Dachui is the general person in charge of the Forging Department, he is also the deputy director of the Ordnance and Equipment Department.

Even if a separate 'polishing department' was set up, they would still be his subordinates, so he had nothing to worry about with their king's arrangement.

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