Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 523 Return to the Great Zhou Dynasty

The moment he left the energy channel, the cold wind that swept over him made Zhou Xu shiver on the spot.

As far as the eye can see, there is a sheet of white snow. The first snow since winter has already fallen on the Dazhou Grassland.

Although Zhou Xu was mentally prepared in advance, the change in temperature difference at that moment still made him quite uncomfortable.

He was like this, not to mention the lizards and centaurs headed by Diak who lived in the tropics. Many of them shivered on the spot, and their two rows of teeth were rattling from the cold.

Letting out a breath of hot breath, the patrol team responsible for guarding the border area has already approached.

The news that Zhou Xu might be coming back had been sent back by the messenger as early as the last time the energy channel was opened.

Now that their identities were confirmed, the soldiers quickly welcomed them into the garrison camp.

Before they entered the energy channel, considering the changes in the environment and climate, each of them had already put on a few extra clothes. Now it seems that it is obviously not enough.

Ye Jinghong, who had received the news before, took this into consideration and prepared woolen clothes here early.

This is their new product this year. After all, they have started raising sheep in Prairie Village, and they have also produced wool this year, so they asked the weaving factory to develop new business in advance of winter. A certain amount of production has been completed before.

This batch of woolen sweaters was given priority to the troops, and the rest was put into clothing stores for people to consume, adding some consumption items to them so that they could have somewhere to spend the money they earned.

Since the weaving efficiency of woolen sweaters is not high at this stage, the price is not cheap either.

But this is not a necessity of life.

The existence of woolen sweaters can make people live warmer this winter and improve their happiness in winter, but without woolen sweaters, this winter will not be difficult to get through, and it can be regarded as a very suitable consumption item.

The centaurs and lizard people who came back with him immediately felt less cold after putting on their woolen coats, and began to marvel at the warmth-keeping ability of these clothes.

Zhou Xu, on the other hand, tugged on his collar somewhat uncomfortably.

As a time traveler, he only felt that this woolen sweater was very tight on his body.

However, he is not a pretentious person. The most important thing in this season is to keep warm. Woolen sweaters have excellent thermal insulation capabilities and are not as heavy and bulky as animal fur coats. In terms of performance, he is quite satisfied with it, that is, it is comfortable. The degree needs to be improved.

After simply changing into winter clothes at the garrison camp, Zhou Xu checked the time here, which was around nine in the morning.

So Zhou Xu didn't plan to stay here any longer.

"Chief Diak, it's already winter here and it's still snowing. Why don't you go to my place and stay for a few days first? When the snow stops, I'll let Drogo take you to the tribe to settle down?"

After hearing this, Diak looked up at the snowflakes floating in the air. In this windy and snowy day, it was obviously unrealistic for them to build the tribe directly against the wind and snow.

Therefore, Diack did not refuse Zhou Xu's proposal.

"Thank you very much, Your Majesty."

After reaching a consensus with Diak, the group successfully arrived at Prairie Village before noon.

"Ye Jinghong, see the king!"

Zhou Xu raised his hand to signal Ye Jinghong to excuse himself, but he had no intention of dismounting. Instead, he pointed at Diack and the others behind him.

"Jinghong, let Chief Diak and the others settle down. Drogo, you stay here and take care of your fellow tribesmen."

After saying that, Zhou Xu didn't even plan to enter the village. He planned to take the resources and lizard people directly to Black Moon Village.

It's still early now, there are no jobs for lizard people here in Prairie Village, and the weather is still cold, so it's better to rush to Black Moon Village as soon as possible and settle down completely.

The lizard people, who are very uncomfortable with the climate here, have no complaints about their king's arrangement. They even want to leave as soon as possible.

The distance from Prairie Village to Black Moon Village is not too far, but the changes in terrain and environment are quite obvious.

It was snowing lightly on the grassland at the moment, but after they left the grassland area and moved some distance, they could clearly find that the snow had stopped.

During this period, the messenger soldiers took the first step, and when the large troops arrived at Heiyue Village, the village chief Zhang Xiaoshan, who received the news in advance, had already made preliminary preparations for the resettlement of the new population. At the same time, people were already waiting at the entrance of the village.

"Zhang Xiaoshan, see the king!"

"No gift."

As he spoke, Zhou Xu quickly dismounted from his horse, and the guard who had been waiting for him quickly stepped forward and took the reins from his hand.

During this process, many people's eyes fell on those lizard people.

There is no way, for the people living in Black Moon Village, they have only heard of lizard people, but have never seen them. This wave is an eye-opener.

Among them, Zhou Xu also noticed the prairie elf standing among the crowd.

The way they looked at these lizard men was much more complicated.

Zhou Xu, who noticed this, cleared his throat and announced directly in front of everyone...

"We won the battle against the lizardmen on the front line!"

This news had already come back when the energy channel was opened, but now that they heard their king personally announcing it, the people who came out to greet him were even more excited and cheered loudly.

"The king is mighty!"

"The king is mighty!!"

Bathed in the cheers of the people, Zhou Xu raised his hands and pressed them down to signal to silence.

Following this action, the scene quickly became quiet.

"Now the lizard people have surrendered to our Great Zhou and are willing to bow their heads and serve as our Great Zhou's subjects!"

"We, the Great Zhou, have always been tolerant, and my people are naturally as tolerant as I am, just like the various tribes that submitted to us before. As long as they are willing to work loyally for our Great Zhou, then they will They are my people in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and I will treat them equally! There will never be any exclusion!"

Listening to their king's speech, the people raised their heads and looked quite proud.

And they do have something to be proud of.

Throughout this ancient era, the tribes had too much to take care of themselves, not enough food to eat, and not enough clothing to cover their bodies. Which force can be like their Great Zhou, with a territory that stretches from the grasslands in the east to the rolling mountains in the west? It is so vast that it can also incorporate All races, work for them?

Ask other forces, can they do it?

As people of the Great Zhou Dynasty, they were extremely proud to be born in this era, and even the grassland elves who later surrendered were no exception.

And this pride in their identity as 'people of the Great Zhou Dynasty' will give them a sense of belonging.

Once this kind of emotion arises, if they try to exclude the lizard people, they will look petty and will only make them feel embarrassed.

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