Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 517: Blaming each other

"See my lord!"

This time, the movements of the high priest and Thoros kneeling down were so smooth.

During this period, they also discovered that the more they obeyed, the less pressure they felt on their bodies, and the more they tried to resist, the greater the pressure they had to endure.

Turning his attention away from the rank panel, Zhou Xu's eyes fell on the high priest and Thoros kneeling below.

Without rushing to get them up, Zhou Xu directly activated the mantra.

【Eye of Insight! 】

Soon, the panels of the high priest and Soros appeared in front of him.

Name: Bo Levin

Sex: Male

Age: 89

Race: Lizardman, half-dragon

Status: Obese, tired

Mantra: None

Talent: Hand of Control: He has a good talent in control spells and can get twice the result with half the effort.

Bravery: ★☆

Intelligence: ★★★

Spirit: ★★★★

Endurance: ★☆

Command: ★★★

[Good guy, another partial subject. 】

Looking at Bo Levin, the high priest's attribute panel, Zhou Xu couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Judging from the other party's previous performance, Zhou Xu guessed that he must be at least a three- or four-star character, and he was not wrong about this.

[The bravery and endurance are not as good as those of ordinary people. This should be caused by obesity. 】

[With three stars for command, three stars for intelligence, plus four stars for mental attributes, and taking talent into account, this panel should belong to the kind of magic general who has a certain ability to lead troops? 】

[Speaking of which, this guy is actually eighty-nine years old? Do lizardmen naturally live that long? Or is it because the dragon-human bloodline was accidentally stimulated, thus extending the lifespan? 】

[The natural lifespan of dragons is already long, and the corresponding bloodlines have been stimulated. The natural lifespan has been extended, which is not a strange thing. 】

[Also, don’t you have the power of mantra? In other words, should the extraordinary methods he showed before be the same as those of the elves, similar to racial inheritance? 】

After briefly sorting out the thoughts in his mind, Zhou Xu's eyes fell on Soros.

Name: Soros

Sex: Male

Age: 61

Race: Lizardman, half-dragon

Status: tired

Mantra: None

Talent: Environmental Tactics: He is very good at using the environment to do something.

Bravery: ★★

Intelligence: ★★★

Spirit: ★★★

Endurance: ★★

Command: ★★★☆

[This is a relatively typical type who is good at leading troops in combat. 】

The former, Bo Levin, is a general who relies mainly on his own strength and has the ability to command troops, while the latter, Soros, is very orthodox. From the distribution of attributes on the panel to his natural abilities, he has a The feeling of 'coming from a professional background'.

If two generals like these were to be put into the battlefield, Soros would definitely be in charge of commanding the rear area, while Bolevin should be positioned in the middle of the battlefield, unable to charge into the battle, but his own abilities also prevented him from commanding the rear area. Play from the rear.

In terms of talents, Zhou Xu had not gained anything for a long time. Now that he had gained two four-star general officers, he felt very happy.

"Without courtesy, you can just call me your king from now on."

Zhou Xu said something casually and motioned for them to get up.

During this period, although Bolevin and Thoros didn't know why their gods asked them to change their titles to kings, since it was the gods' will, they just obeyed and there was no need to ask.

"I will obey the king's orders!"

Seeing their obedient looks, Zhou Xu nodded with satisfaction.

"In the previous battlefield on the plains and in the battle in the rainforest area behind, you were the one responsible for commanding the lizardman troops in combat, right?"

While speaking, Zhou Xu's eyes fell on Soros.

Hearing this, Soros didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse, but he didn't dare to lie. He could only admit it with a nod.

However, all worries and nervousness were soon completely dissipated with Zhou Xu's words.

"You are very good."

To be honest, he should really thank Soros. If he hadn't encountered such a difficult opponent, Li Ce would not have grown so fast.

He took a chance to take a look before, but now Li Ce's intelligence and command ratings have both reached three stars!

There is no doubt that Li Ce has completely grown into an outstanding general who can stand alone.

After receiving Zhou Xu's praise, Soros seemed to have received a great gift, and he immediately beamed with joy.

But Bo Levin, who was standing aside, was secretly embarrassed.

Looking at this situation, it seems that their king values ​​Soros more?

When he thought of this, Bolevin's mentality became a little worse.

Thinking about it carefully, wasn't it the boy Soros who proposed to abandon the temple and retreat first?

As a result of this back and forth, could it be possible that I would become the one who suffered the most?

Just as Bo Levin was thinking this, Zhou Xu's eyes had already fallen on him.

At that moment, Bollevin no longer dared to think nonsense and quickly made a respectful gesture.

"As for Bo Levin, you..."

Bollevin was not surprised at all that their king knew his name. After all, in his opinion, gods knew everything.

"You already left, why are you coming back now?"

As soon as this question was asked, Bollevin was so frightened that his heart beat wildly.

To Borlevin's ears, this was all about pursuing him for his heinous crime of betraying God!

The fat body fell to his knees on the spot with a 'pop'.

"My Lord, no, my king, forgive me! Your most loyal servant will never betray you. It was Thoros who bewitched me at that time!"

When Soros heard this, his expression suddenly changed, and he immediately fell to his knees.

I wanted to argue a few words, but found that it was really him who brought up the matter.

Now that the gods were in front of him, Soros didn't dare to lie at all, so he simply bit the bullet and spoke...

"The situation was critical at that time, and my subordinates did put forward some ideas to the high priest, but it was the high priest who made the final decision. Without the permission of the high priest, the tribesmen would not have been able to take action."

"Soros, don't even think about slandering me!!"

At present, both Bollevin and Soros are under invisible pressure.

Bollevin was already in a bad mood because of what happened just now. As soon as Soros said the blame-blaming words, he became angry and lost control of his emotions. His fat body rushed directly towards Soros.

Although Bolevin's physical fitness is not good at all due to obesity, Soros is also from Baltu (green lizard).

Although as a special individual, his physical fitness is stronger than that of ordinary Baltu, and his height is over 1.7 meters.

But in front of the obese Bo Levin, who is two to three meters tall, he is still very thin.

As soon as Bollevin pounced on him, he immediately beat him up, eyes flashing with stars, and at the same time, it also made Soros angry.

With a pounce on the other side and a move on the other side, the two figures, one large and one small, were stunned to fight directly in front of Zhou Xu.


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