Looking at Bam whirring, Zhou Xu was speechless.

As the son of the Dragon God, in the previous brief contact, Xilan's calm and reserved image was like two extremes compared to this snarling brat, which opened Zhou Xu's eyes.

No matter whether they knew each other before or not, what was their relationship like? At least now, he is not in the mood to spend time with this brat.

"Okay, I have to remind you that the world today is probably very different from the world in your impression. According to my current understanding, the old civilization has been destroyed for many years, and the 'old gods' have also All have fallen with the destruction of the old civilization, among which the dragon god Ceylon..."

At this point, Zhou Xu's voice paused.

Although he had always called Bam a brat before, when this matter came to his lips, he really didn't know how to speak.

"Dead, right?"

However, what Zhou Xu didn't expect was that Bam, who was sitting on the altar, spoke nonchalantly.

If it weren't for that moment when he saw the dimness in the other person's eyes, Zhou Xu would have doubted whether there was something wrong with their relationship.

Before Zhou Xu could think about how to comfort this brat, the other party had already cheered up again.

During this period, he felt the surprise in Zhou Xu's eyes, and Bam curled his lips.

"I already guessed it when you held the ceremony to put me into a deep sleep. I'm not stupid. If we can win, can you guys do this?"


【I am speechless? 】

Although Zhou Xu had no clue about these matters, listening to Bam's words, it was not difficult for him to deduce that there was a high probability that the situation was not good at that time, and they had even begun to prepare some backup plans based on the premise of defeat.

"What exactly happened at that time? Please tell me in detail."

Zhou Xu was basically confused at the moment, and Bam in front of him had undoubtedly become his biggest source of information.

Faced with this problem, Bam spread his hands.

"have no idea."

Then, facing Zhou Xu's slightly suspicious eyes, Bam couldn't help but become a little annoyed.

"I really don't know, you didn't tell me anything at the time."

Having said this, Bam became even more angry.

"Humph, do you regret it now? If you had told me earlier, this wouldn't have happened."

Even though this kid was dishonest and had even lied in front of him before, looking at him now, it didn't look like he was lying.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu couldn't help but ponder this issue.

That's why you didn't tell this kid the information?

If they really knew each other before, and he was really involved in this matter, then according to his own temperament, there must be a reason not to tell the other party the information.

After thinking about this, Zhou Xu asked casually...

"Did you ever tell me why I didn't tell you?"

"why did not you tell me?"

Bam was stunned by this question, then he tilted his head and thought about it for a while, and found that this matter seemed to have been mentioned before.

"It seems that the enemy this time will be in danger just by knowing the existence of the other party. It is best not to even know the other party's name, and if you know it, don't read it out, because even if you just read the other party's name, the other party will have it. It may be induced and thus pose a threat. What is the safest thing if you don’t know anything?”

At the end of the sentence, Bam's tone was full of obvious doubts.

Obviously, he doubted the veracity of this statement.

After hearing these words, Zhou Xu fell into deep thought.

He is definitely not the kind of person who would make up lies to amuse children when he is idle, let alone the son of the Dragon God.

[Forget it, let’s not explore it yet. Since it is safest not to know what to say, it would be unwise to explore it now. 】

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu estimated the time. It had been a long time since he came in. It would be better to go out early to report to Li Ce and others that he was safe.

"Let's go. From today on, I will take care of you."

After saying this, Zhou Xu glanced at Bam, but unexpectedly found that Bam was looking at the empty altar in a daze.

Zhou Xu, who saw this scene in his eyes, was silent for two seconds.

"Do I want you to stay here for a while?"

Hearing this, Bam took a deep breath.

"No need, let's go."

After saying that, Bam flapped his dragon wings and flew up, quietly following Zhou Xu and walking outside.

I have to say that this brat still looks very spiritual when he is not talking.

There is absolutely no ferocity of the giant dragon in the conventional impression, but more of a radiance with holy spirituality.

Just when Zhou Xu was thinking this, Bam flapped his wings twice and landed directly on his left shoulder.

"No, I'm tired, you better carry me."

Bam's words were not false. Before, he forcibly mobilized his strength in an attempt to make his body bigger and return to the size before falling asleep. As a result, he was slapped by Zhou Xu and was slapped back to his original shape. When his body became smaller than before, , the little strength left in the body has been completely consumed, and it is now weak.

[So, what were you pretending to be? 】

But Zhou Xu didn't care. He estimated the weight and found it was only four or five kilograms, which was easy for him.

As a result, as soon as he turned around, he found that everyone led by Li Ce hurried in, and Chitose was the one at the front.

"How did you get in?"

As soon as this question was asked, Zhou Xu himself realized that probably with the dissipation of the last ray of consciousness of Dragon God Ceylan, the barrier also lost its power to maintain, so it was lifted directly.

Li Ce and the others were not stupid either. The barrier was suddenly lifted. Something must have happened inside, so they rushed in to confirm the situation.

After going for a walk, Chitose, who suddenly couldn't find Zhou Xu, became even more anxious and rushed faster than anyone else.

Looking at Chitose who rushed over and finally stopped in front of him, Zhou Xu smiled and touched its head to show comfort.

Just then, Bam's voice sounded.

"Oh, there's actually a critical-level creature. Judging from his qualifications, he can barely make ends meet."

As Bam said this, he flapped his wings and flew in front of Chitose, and then said rather awkwardly...

"I am Bam, the son of the Dragon God. From now on, you will be my slave, Lord Bam. Serve me well, and you may be able to get promoted in the future..."

However, before Bam had finished speaking, Chitose's front palm slapped him directly. With a slap on the spot, Bam was knocked to the wall next to him. Then he ignored the other person, stretched out his head and pushed around hard. Feeling rubbed against his body.


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