The human cavalry, whose eyes had already adapted to the night, squinted their eyes a little unaccustomedly when they saw the flash of fish belly white in the distant sky and the light overflowing slightly on the horizon.

In this battle, Zhou Xu himself mainly defended passively. He persisted until this point and waited for his vision to open up before looking for opportunities to actively launch a counterattack.

Unexpectedly, the whole planning process went much smoother than he expected.

The commander on the opposite side didn't know what he was thinking, but he actually tried to interrupt their offensive by letting the dragon cavalry charge into the camp.

That's not to say that this approach doesn't work. From the other party's perspective, this is a feasible approach, but it's too risky.

Facts have proved that the other party fell into the hole he dug?

The moment the opponent steps into the 'Skeleton Defense Line', the opponent's retreat is basically cut off.

This is like a set of combos. Once caught by him, unless Zhou Xu makes a mistake later, the possibility of the person being beaten to get rid of it is very small.

It can be said that the lizard people who were caught by Zhou Xu did not take advantage of this wave of military advantage at all, and were almost completely taken away by Zhou Xu's combo.

For the lizard people, this is undoubtedly the worst situation.

The lizard messengers who came with the order to retreat saw the Zhou cavalry launching a group charge from a distance, and their entire faces instantly turned pale.

He quickly turned back and reported the latest situation to Soros.

At that moment, Soros realized that the tide was over and this wave was basically a failure.

The methods on the other side were far beyond his imagination. At this time, being on the front line, Gruul, as the leading general, should have taken the lead and gained some room for maneuver for him, the rear commander.

It's a pity that he and Gruul really lacked tacit understanding, and the other party was too young, so he made a wrong move and basically had no chance of fighting.

Sighing, Soros looked up at the sky. At this time, he felt that he was completely overwhelmed by a deep feeling of powerlessness.

[Now it’s time to think about how to face the wrath of the high priest. 】

Although the high priest had been defeated in the battle with the Zhou army before, Soros did not dare to talk about this matter.

Now this matter has become a taboo. The high priest has become more and more irritable recently. If he dares to mention this, there is no guarantee that the high priest will kill him in anger.

At the same time, Gruul, who was covered in blood, fled in panic with a group of dragon cavalry.

I don't know if his subordinates recognized him as the leader and felt that following him would have a greater chance of survival. Many subordinates subconsciously followed him.

This is good, he has directly formed a certain scale.

You know, when you are running for your life, it is not a good thing to form a certain scale.

Because the opponent has a mentality of wiping out the opponent's vitality as much as possible, they must chase them where the enemy is more numerous.

Sure enough, they were targeted.

Gruul cursed secretly in his heart, and was about to loudly remind them to disperse and evacuate. At this moment, a sound of howling wind suddenly came from behind!

Gruul glanced out of the corner of his eye and happened to see the elf knights who had activated the 'air flow barrier' and were charging towards them at an accelerated rate!

This situation immediately doubled his pressure.

He had personally experienced the power of the 'air flow barrier' during previous battles between the two sides. At this moment, Gruul never expected that the other party would directly activate this ability to hunt them down!

Accompanied by the surging airflow, the elf knights headed by Silk caught up with them with unstoppable momentum.

Unlike the centaurs and the Zhou cavalry, who were charging violently, the elf knights maintained their speed. While passing by their speed dragon cavalry, they directly cut off the speed dragon cavalry one after another with the sharp silver steel swords in their hands. The head of a dragoon! It fully demonstrates the essence of the three words "quick, accurate and ruthless".

In the previous night's battle, due to the unsuitable environment, Hilke and the others just followed the cavalry troops throughout the entire operation, focusing on conserving their strength.

This also makes them now directly become the core force in annihilating the remaining lizard people!

Listening to the exclamations and screams from his subordinates behind him, Gruul clenched his teeth. Their velociraptor mount had no speed advantage in this environment. Now it was entangled by the elf knight again, and it was difficult to get away. Easier said than done?

While he was so agitated, Zhou Chongshan had already caught up with him through the 'air flow barrier' of the elf knights.

"Hey, are you running away?"


At that moment, humiliation, anger, and all kinds of extreme emotions surged into my heart at the same time. Recalling all the previous events, Zhou Chongshan's understatement was like a flame falling on Gruul's powder keg, and He exploded instantly!

"You human!"

Amid the roar, Gruul maintained his riding position, turned sideways and slashed directly at Zhou Zhongshan, who was catching up.

Zhou Zhongshan swept away his attack with a single sweep of his spear.

Immediately afterwards, he heard ancient tones coming from Gruul's mouth.

The moment they heard this voice, the faces of the speed dragon cavalry who were accompanying them also showed a trace of determination. Without any orders, they also shouted loudly.

At that moment, the blood in their bodies began to boil, and the original panic and anxiety disappeared at this moment, replaced by extreme excitement!

Zhou Chongshan and the others are no strangers to this method of lizard people.

In fact, when facing their group charge before, many speed dragon cavalry launched this move in an attempt to fight back desperately.

But this was obviously not enough for them to compete with the group charge of the cavalry troops when they were trapped.

There is no need to say much about the results afterwards.

Now that Gruul has launched this move, he has undoubtedly given up hope of living and just wants to avenge his shame before death!

"Come on! Fight to the death with me!!"

Entering the 'boiling blood' state, Gruul, who was already risking his life, roared and rushed towards Zhou Chongshan.

Zhou Chongshan, however, still maintained his composure and raised his gun to attack.

"Leave this lizard man to me, and you can deal with the other velociraptors."

Looking back on the previous battles, it was time for him and Gruul to decide whether to live or die!

While speaking, the spar sword in Gruul's hand was slashing towards him again.

Seeing this, Zhou Chongshan directly stabbed out with a spear. He used the tip of the spear to open the opponent's sword and neutralize the attack. He quickly swung at Gruul in an attempt to hit Gruul. Fall to the ground.

However, after a night of fighting, Zhou Chongshan's condition declined significantly. Gruul, who had obtained the 'Boiling Blood' enhancement, withstood his attack, then directly withstood the attack and swung his sword at him again.

Zhou Chongshan had to admit that Gruul's fighting state was ferocious.

The opponent's style of play was originally a bit open and closed, but now affected by the 'blood boiling', the amplitude has become even greater.

This is not a good thing.

After several fights, Zhou Zhongshan saw an opportunity and thrust forward the iron gun in his hand, directly piercing Gruul's throat! This battle is over!

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