Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 482 Take Action

When they arrived at the temple, the high priest did not bother with Thoros and directly informed him of the latest situation on the southern battlefield.

The moment he learned that there was news coming from the battlefield to the south, before the high priest elaborated, Thoros knew roughly that the pressure was 100% on his side.

Sure enough, after hearing the situation, the high priest asked Soros what he thought.

He said he was asking, but judging from the situation, he had no choice at all.

After all, from the perspective of the high priest, who is the better weak persimmon, the Rat Man or the Great Zhou? Does it need to be said?

Soros didn't believe that the opponent didn't think of this step. He could only say that the commander of the opponent had a good move and took advantage of the situation to catch them.

After leaving the temple, Thoros looked very ugly the whole time.

As the commander of the battlefield here, it is really difficult for him to be happy now.

It's not that he can't understand the situation on the southern battlefield, and he also knows that compared to this side, the high priest will definitely give priority to the southern battlefield. After all, for them, the rat men are stronger and pose a greater threat, so he can only make compromises here. .

The high priest did not choose to transfer the troops directly, but wanted him to command the troops to launch an offensive and defeat Zhou's troops, so that they no longer need to worry about the threat from Zhou in the next time, and can more It would be better to focus all your attention and troops on fighting the Skaven.

But to be honest, in Soros's view, the high priest might as well just transfer his troops away.

In this way, he can continue to guard the rain forest defense line as a matter of course and maintain the stability of his passive defense.

Unfortunately, the high priest didn't have this idea. He didn't want to keep this time bomb lingering within their territory, so the pressure fell on Soros.

Soros, who returned to the frontline camp with a calm face, directly called Gruul over and told him about the matter.

After all, if they were to take the initiative, they would definitely need Gruul to charge into the battle.

Gruul came over and knew what he was thinking when he saw Soros's expression.

Even Soros, a guy who usually keeps his mood and anger in plain sight, can't hold back, so that's definitely not good.

And considering their current situation, there are only a few possibilities.

Upon hearing it, it turned out to be true.

Although Gruul does not have an outstanding tactical mind, he is definitely not a stupid and reckless man.

Even if he didn't admit it, he knew in his heart that on the plain battlefield, he would most likely not be a match for the human general.

In fact, when he fought against the opponent on the rainforest defense line before, he just felt that he had an easier time fighting the opponent, but he did not have much upper hand.

This also made Gruul further aware of the strength gap between himself and his opponent.

Soros did not ask Gruul whether he could beat the opponent's general. Instead, after cleaning up his bad mood, he directly talked to Gruul about the next tactics.

"Anyway, I need you to avoid a direct confrontation with the opposing general and use your strength to strangle the opposing soldiers."

When the two sides were fighting at the rainforest defense line, Soros was hiding in the dark and could see clearly. He already knew the strength gap between Gruul and Zhou Chongshan.

So at this moment, he also directly avoided this question.

But to be honest, Soros really couldn't understand how a mere human could be so strong?

However, Soros did not dwell on the facts that were already in front of him. If he couldn't beat them, he could just avoid them.

War essentially relies on military strength!

"We have an advantage in the number of soldiers. As long as we kill the large army on the opposite side, it will be useless no matter how strong the few remaining generals are."

Listening to Soros's tactical arrangements, Gruul just nodded silently and did not mention that he would have a life-or-death showdown with Zhou Chongshan. He was indeed not stunned...

After quickly discussing some tactical arrangements with Gruul, Thoros, as the commander, still needs to make some pre-war preparations for the next battle. Obviously, he still has a lot to do.

Although the high priest did not urge him to take action immediately, he would never allow him to wait for ten days and a half, five to seven days at most. This was the limit.

In fact, Soros has no intention of dawdling.

If they have to take action anyway, then in the previous attack, many soldiers on the opposite side were injured, injured and poisoned. It is obviously more beneficial for them to take action while the opponent has not fully recovered.

With this mentality, Soros spent two days quickly making preparations for the war, and then directly launched into action the next night!

Under the night, urgent sirens rang throughout the entire camp.

"These stinky lizards really know how to choose their time!"

Since the centaurs have night vision, most of the patrol duties after nightfall fall on them.

Now aware of the actions on the other side, Diack, who happened to be on his turn to lead the night watch, quickly ordered someone to blow the alarm horn.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!!"

At the sound of the horn, the soldiers in the camp woke up one after another, and then immediately put on their armor and went out without saying a word.

At the same time, the camp, which had braziers lit everywhere, was completely illuminated by more torches!

If they want to fight at night, human soldiers like them must use firelight to provide vision, otherwise they are basically blind and cannot see the enemy's movements clearly.

Also awakened by the sound of the horn, Zhou Xu opened his eyes in the main tent and acted very calmly.

[It seems that the rat people have already taken action, otherwise the lizard people would not be able to ignore such a huge home field advantage and take the initiative in such a hurry. 】

Under this premise, the other party would choose to go out at night, which was not beyond Zhou Xu's expectation.

If people have the advantage of night vision, they will naturally want to take advantage of it.

"Send the order, let Drogo and the centaur clan contain the large force of lizardmen attacking at night, and cover the retreat of our large force."

Having said this, Zhou Xu turned his head and glanced at Chitose who was doing stretching exercises there.

"Chitose, you should also go and do a favor."

Hearing this, Chitose, who had finished stretching, didn't waste any time. He rushed out with an 'ouch' and disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

If the opponent chooses to launch a night attack, it is impossible for Zhou Xu to compete with the opponent in the frontline camp.

The defense facilities of the garrison camp at the rear are more complete, and by the way, this pull on the battle line can slow down the opponent's offensive rhythm to a certain extent and kill some time.

The longer they delayed, the closer they were to daybreak.

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