Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 460 The authorities are obsessed with it (2)

The giant lizard that the high priest had placed high hopes on was intercepted and cracked in an instant. There was no surprise on Soros's face.

After all, he had already reacted just now.

The other party had in their hands the bone whistle they used to command the giant lizards, and at the same time, they also understood some of their instructions to a certain extent.

Regarding this news, Gruul mentioned it earlier when he withdrew his troops from the opposite world and reported to the high priest.

Later, when he took over the work here, the high priest also mentioned this matter to him.

As a result, it came full circle. At this juncture, the high priest himself made the same stupid mistake that he had repeatedly warned...

There is no doubt that this is also a kind of "obsessed by the authorities".

The high priest is not a god, and even if he is a god, he cannot guarantee that he will never make mistakes.

The limited time coupled with the emergency situation left the high priest no time to think carefully, which led to oversights like this.

Seeing the giant lizard being easily deceived, both the high priest and Thoros looked unhappy at this moment.

After knowing that the bone whistle and some of the instructions fell into the hands of the enemy, they didn't think of ways to deal with it.

But the reality is that there is no way to deal with it!

It is not difficult to see from the situation just now that monitor lizards are definitely not smart creatures. They can understand the instructions of the bone whistle because they have started to undergo relevant training since they were hatched.

Under this premise, do you want to adjust the instructions?

Not to mention the issue that all the monitor lizards will have to be retrained if this is done, let’s just say whether they can learn it, there is a high probability that there will be no chance.

Everyone knows that the best time for organisms to learn things is when they are young, and even humans as primates are no exception to this.

The brains of these monitor lizards entering the battlefield are definitely not comparable to those of humans. Moreover, they are all adults, and their behaviors have already been determined. It is already unrealistic to train them.

As their thoughts flew, the Zhou cavalry was about to rush in front of them.

At this point, the high priest had no choice but to let the lizard infantry surrounding him build a final line of defense for him.

The lizardfolk infantry who received the order quickly took action.

Among them, the fast-moving green lizard infantrymen, who carried short spears on their backs, moved faster and launched operations directly from both sides. It seemed that they were planning to adopt a formation similar to a fan-shaped turnaround.

While the green lizard infantry was moving, in the position where they stepped aside, a stronger blue lizard infantry stepped forward and shouldered the burden of the frontal battlefield!

They hold a shield in one hand and a sword in the other. With the proper configuration of sword and shield soldiers, they look very powerful.

Just like Zhou Xu originally considered the mountain and forest environment and equipped his mountain soldiers with sword and shield weapons that were more effective in complex environments.

The lizard people here are not fools. They also understand that in the rainforest where they live, long-handled weapons will only get in the way and have no room for use. Therefore, even spears are equipped to adapt to complex environments. A short spear, not a long one.

In the previous simple battle with the Green Lizard Infantry, it is not difficult to see that the Green Lizard Infantry is fragile and lacks frontal confrontation capabilities on the battlefield. Its positioning is more inclined to perform some harassment, cover, or support tasks on the flank battlefield.

And now, the lizardman infantry tasked with frontal battlefield combat has undoubtedly appeared!

They seemed to be more courageous than the Green Lizard Infantry and better at engaging in frontal combat. The Zhou Clan cavalry charging all the way had undoubtedly noticed their presence, but Zhou Chongshan and the others would not slow down their charging speed because of this.

The opponent's purpose is too obvious, which is to stall them at all costs.

Once they stall, the speed dragon cavalry behind them will get entangled and form a melee, and it will be difficult for them to escape.

In the current situation, the best way is to break through the interception net of the opposing infantry in one breath and kill them while ensuring that their charging speed is not affected!

Thinking of this, the elf knights headed by Silk quickly stepped forward.

"Let's lead the team!"

After experiencing the previous series of battles, the elf knights were now very exhausted, and their combat power had declined significantly.

However, with a just-in-case mentality, Hilke and the others still left some room to spare.

And now, it’s time to put it to use!

[Air flow barrier! 】

The wind roared, and an air flow barrier was quickly formed. Silk directly led the team to break through.

But their trick is no longer a secret here.

As soon as the air flow barrier appeared, the green lizard infantry who adopted a fan-shaped encirclement formation from both sides threw their short spears in unison, using this long-range attack to consume their air flow barrier.

At the same time, the Blue Lizard infantry blocking the frontal battlefield also began to disperse their formations, increasing the distance between them.

Silke's face darkened as he saw this scene in his eyes.

There is no doubt that they have been studied hard by their opponents.

The air flow barrier will continue to consume power from the moment it is turned on, and being attacked will cause the power to be consumed faster.

Under this premise, if the blue lizard infantry blocking the front are positioned densely enough, they can still fight to see if they can squeeze out their strength and penetrate through in one breath!

But now the opponent has greatly dispersed their formation, which clearly means to bring them down!

Silk and the others, who withstood spear attacks from the green lizard infantry and maintained the air flow barrier, had just knocked away the two rows of blue lizard infantry blocking the front, and the air flow barrier surrounding them was already becoming unstable. .

Along with the chaotic whistling sound, the surrounding airflow began to become more chaotic, as if it would completely collapse at any time. This was a sign that the airflow barrier was reaching its limit.

Within the field of vision, Silk could clearly see that the other side seemed to realize that they were approaching their limit. The Blue Lizard infantry who had originally evacuated their formation had now begun to gather towards them.

You don't need to think about it to know that when the air flow barrier dissipates, the opponent will definitely launch the most violent attack to block their charge.

"Damn it! Is that the end?!"

At this time, Hilke's face was full of unwillingness. He had already worked hard for this, how could he be willing to fall here?

At this moment, two voices sounded from both sides of him.

"Leave it to us next!"

"Kill him in one breath!!"

At some point, Drogo and Zhou Chongshan had exploded in speed and passed directly past Silk. Like two sharp knives, they rushed to the front of their cavalry unit, carrying a violent fighting spirit that Silk had never had before!

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