Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 450 Three-party calculation

Lizardmen and Ratmen are mortal enemies of each other, and the history of the war between the two sides can even be traced back to the old civilization.

The end of an era, and even the destruction of the world, could not let these two races put down their hatred.

In the wars from generation to generation, the hatred between the two sides has continued to accumulate, and there has long been no room for turning around.

Nowadays, the two sides frequently fight each other. Although it always ends up that neither of them can do anything to the other, as long as they are given a chance, they will undoubtedly want to kill each other.

And now the Centaur clan suddenly appeared on the battlefield in the south, and the news they loudly announced all the way undoubtedly added fuel to the fire of the war that was about to come to an end for both sides.

This is good, there is a high probability that the Rat Man will not let it go.

The high priest didn't know how long it took him to calm down. He never expected that the group of centaurs did not think about approaching the plain area to join the opposing forces, but instead turned around and rushed to the southern battlefield!

No wonder the patrol team sent by Soros has never found any trace of those centaurs, because they are no longer in this area!

However, the more the high priest thought about this matter, the more he felt something was wrong.

Although they and the Centaur clan have maintained a state of incompatibility for a long time, they still have some preliminary understandings.

According to his understanding of those centaurs, those guys shouldn't have such brains.

At the same time as he realized this, the high priest subconsciously thought of a series of previous actions of the centaurs. The more he thought about it, the more something went wrong, and finally his attention fell on the force in the opposite world.

"Could it be that the opposite force is behind this?"

The more the high priest thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case. Ever since the centaur on their side came into contact with the opposite force, they had obviously become dishonest.

This can't help but make the high priest more determined to never let the Centaur clan come into contact with the opposing forces again.

Of course, now is not the time to dwell on this. The most important thing right now is that he still needs to make decisions about the situation on the front line.

"Reporting to the high priest, after the centaurs spread the news, the rat-man offensive on the opposite side seems to have slowed down. Two days before my subordinates came back to report, there was basically no movement on the rat-men side."

Listening to the lizard man's report below, the high priest sneered secretly in his heart.

What good intentions can those ratmen have? He must be planning something!

At the same time, the centaur clan somewhere in the southern battlefield showed their presence on the battlefield here and exposed the old secret that the lizard people had been hiding. Naturally, they fled quickly.

They themselves simply don't have the strength to challenge the serious main force of the lizardmen head-on. Once caught by the lizardmen, there is a high probability that they will really die this time.

Fortunately, the lizard people here didn't expect them to appear at all.

In addition, it was still on the battlefield at that time, and the lizards and rat people were fighting fiercely. There was no spare power to chase them and let them escape successfully.

After repeatedly checking the movement behind him to ensure that there were no pursuers, Joseph breathed a sigh of relief. Having just returned from a reconnaissance mission, he quickly ran to report to Diack.

Along the way, they were wandering around, and each of them looked unkempt and embarrassed.

"Clan leader, I've gone to see it, and there seems to be no movement among the rat men. Could it be that they don't believe it?"

Hearing this, Diak frowned and then said...

"Whether they believe it or not, let's just get this done."

Nowadays, a series of actions of the Centaur clan are all arranged by Zhou Xu. When Zhou Xu was deducing the situation with Diak, he put forward the hypothesis that the lizard people might take action.

Of course, he had made corresponding arrangements for what to do after the lizardmen took action and the centaurs successfully broke through.

Needless to say, his arrangement was to have the Centaurs rush to the battlefield where the Lizardmen and Ratmen were fighting, and inform the Ratmen of the situation where the Lizardmen were being attacked from both sides.

Since the two sides are mortal enemies, the rat men will definitely not let go of this opportunity to completely destroy the lizard men.

Under this premise, the harder the rat men fight, the less pressure they will feel on the Dazhou troops on the other side.

Even after the rat people knew the news, they didn't do anything. Just by their actions of releasing the news, the lizard people became highly nervous.

Anyway, lizardmen dare not relax and be careless.

"Then chief, when are we going to join Da Zhou's troops?"

Joseph blinked twice when he asked this question.

This life of wandering outside is really hard. He misses Dazhou's dry and comfortable bed and delicious food so much now, especially the latter!

Diack undoubtedly saw what Joseph was thinking, and he was speechless.

"At this moment, the lizard men must be hunting us everywhere and running towards the Zhou army. Isn't that looking for death?"

"What should we do?"


Faced with this question, Diack did not give an answer.

What else can be done? Just hang out outside first, and then wait for the opportunity.

To be honest, since the centaurs built a village there, they have not experienced this kind of wandering life for a long time, and their life is really difficult, but they have no choice.

At the same time, in the Ratman camp, a Ratman stood on two feet and looked like a big rat covered with gray and black hair. It was also because of the latest order issued by them. confused.

"Leader, why don't we step up our offensive? Do you think those centaurs are lying to us?"

As the rat man asked, he looked up at the rat man sitting in the main seat with a large number of dirty gray bands wrapped around his head, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed.

Needless to say, this rat man is Jikumu, the supreme commander of the rat army here.

Facing the questions from his trusted subordinate, Jicumu just glanced at him sideways, and then his mouth split open, revealing his rotten gums and his ferocious canines.

"Let's just think that the news is really good. The main force of the Stinky Lizards are here. In this case, they were also attacked by other enemies on the other side, but they were not completely defeated. That one It can explain a reason.”

"That means the enemies on the other side are average and not enough to directly pose a threat to the lizard people. While the lizard people are fighting against us, they still have enough power to resist the invasion from the other side."

Having said this, Jicumu paused and turned to look at his closest subordinates.

"If you were a lizard man, what would you do now?"

"If I were a lizard man..."

While mumbling to himself, the rat man slowly expressed his thoughts...

"As for me, I should want to destroy the weaker force first, and then concentrate on fighting us!"

After talking about it, the rat man suddenly realized.

"Yes, that force has not been killed yet, which means that although the opponent is not strong, it still has some strength. If the lizard people want to kill the opponent, they need to mobilize their troops."

As he spoke, the grin on Jikumu's face became even bigger.

"If the lizardmen move their troops and leave, the strength of the troops here will be weakened. At that time, it will be our chance to take action!"

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