Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 447 Misjudgment

"Speaking of Thoros, the centaurs who escaped on the other side, have you found any traces of them recently?"

Speaking of serious concerns, the high priest would definitely not forget about the centaurs.

To be honest, the pressure the lizardmen feel mainly comes from the alliance between the centaurs and the opposing forces.

If there was no contact between the two sides, they wouldn't need to be so nervous at all.

"Reporting to the high priest, no trace of the centaur family has been found yet, but my subordinates have stepped up patrols in that area."

It’s not that Soros doesn’t understand this arrangement.

After all, if the fleeing centaurs get together with the opposing forces, it will be more difficult to deal with them.

But on the other hand, the act of sending additional patrols there has clearly made Soros's already insufficient troops even worse.

"Don't relax, let the patrol team continue to patrol with sufficient intensity, and they must not be allowed to merge on both sides."

The high priest emphasized.

At this moment, Soros could clearly feel that the high priest was in a much better mood than at the beginning.

In this operation, they wiped out the opposing camp and destroyed the opponent's supplies. In the next period of time, the opponent will definitely be more honest and buy time for themselves in disguise.

At the same time, the war with the rat people in the south has recently entered a period of fatigue, and both sides have begun to feel war-weary.

The lizards and the rat-men are mortal enemies and are at war all year round, but this does not mean that they are fighting non-stop every day. This is unrealistic and no one can afford to do this.

There must be a truce in the middle. It does not mean that the two sides have negotiated a peace, but that when they realize that continuing to fight will have a greater impact on themselves, they will tacitly agree to stop and slow down for a while. Everyone can get a chance to recuperate.

When will the next war begin? It all depends on who strikes first.

At this time, the high priest has undoubtedly made plans. The next truce period with the rat people will be the perfect opportunity for him to destroy the opposing force.

No matter what happens, the opponent's frontline troops will be wiped out!

Thinking of this, the high priest couldn't help but give a few more instructions.

Soros is in a relatively relaxed mood at the moment. Will he bring back troops next time there is a truce? This is great news for him.

At this time, Thoros finally saw a glimmer of hope to escape from this troublesome matter. When he left the temple, his steps were a little brisk.

In this way, half a month passed quietly.

During this period of time, there was indeed no movement from the Zhou troops led by Li Ce.

In the previous confrontations, there were undoubtedly some casualties among the soldiers. The injured soldiers needed to recuperate. In addition, the frontline camp that had been reduced to ruins must also be rebuilt. These two things made it difficult for them to survive during this period. There is no leisure.

During this period, the energy channel was opened again, and this time, the lizard people were no longer in the way.

Li Ce guessed that it was probably because the armored dragon's injury hadn't healed yet, or the outer carapace hadn't recovered yet. If the carapace could be recovered...

In that round of fighting, the crossbow troops completely destroyed the armored dragon's carapace.

Under this situation, if the opponent dares to send out the armored dragon again, Li Ce is sure to shoot the armored dragon directly on the plain.

The other party probably also expected this situation, and Soros did not want to take this risk.

Just maintaining a state of waiting quietly, waiting for the high priest to mobilize troops from the front line to deal with the enemies here is the safest for him. He seeks stability now.

Taking advantage of the opening of the energy channel, Li Ce, who was on the front line, sent a soldier back to report the situation.

Zhou Xuren happened to be in Prairie Village at that time, which allowed him to learn the latest situation at the first time.

"The defensive ability of that giant beast is so strong?"

Zhou Xu was actually very confident about the three-bow bed crossbow they developed.

After all, considering the background of the times, the fact that they are holding three-bow crossbows now is equivalent to bringing out artillery in the cold weapon era! Logically speaking, it should be a dimensionality reduction attack.

However, judging from the results, it seems that it does not show such a strong effect.

Zhou Xu reviewed this a little bit.

From the perspective of the weapon itself, the version of the three-bow bed crossbow they developed and manufactured is subject to some material and technology limitations, and it has definitely not reached the peak level in its original history. There is no doubt about this.

If we make breakthroughs in technology, technology and materials in the future, we will definitely be able to continue to upgrade.

From the perspective of the other party, lizardmen and humans are different. You cannot use some common sense from a human perspective to figure out a special unit of a special race like lizardmen in a less scientific world.

Calm down, Zhou Xu accepted this reality.

Fortunately, although the three-bow bed crossbow did not show the super-powerful effect of the dimensionality reduction strike he expected, it could still pose an obvious threat to the big guy.

Judging from the content of Li Ce's report, the big guy's movement efficiency is too slow, coupled with its lack of flexibility, the crossbow unit can completely defeat the opponent by disintegrating layer by layer.

The premise is that they need enough time and giant crossbow arrows.

The previous fight was actually an opportunity. The opponent had never seen the power of the three-bow crossbow in a real sense, and did not even know that the three-bow crossbow could break the big guy's carapace.

According to the situation at that time, if the crossbow troops had not run out of ammunition and food, they might have been able to shoot the big guy on the plain.

However, whatever happens in this world happens, and if it is not done, it is not done. How can there be any if or not?

Some things were destined from the beginning. Zhou Xu made a mistake in judging the strength of the big guy's defense.

This was caused by insufficient intelligence. What he knew about the big guy was that he had no other information except that the other party had easily conquered the elf village before.

This resulted in him making arrangements for this big guy without enough intelligence data to support him, so he could only make guesswork.

The final estimate was that there were not enough giant crossbow arrows.

There was actually some inventory in the camp at that time, but they were all trampled to pieces by the big guy.

A giant crossbow is not something that can be picked up and run with one hand. In that situation, who can bear to get it?

The first batch of supplies sent in did not include this ration, because he did not expect that the giant crossbow arrows would be consumed so quickly. This was a chain reaction caused by his misjudgment.

For each batch of material supplies, within the limited transportation capacity, he must make choices among various materials. It is impossible to collect everything and deliver it all to you. In that case, the transportation capacity will not be enough.

"Send the order to speed up the production of giant crossbows. We must send a batch over the next time the energy channel opens."

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