Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 437 Ordnance and Equipment Headquarters

Wang Pengfei has been here for a long time. It is impossible for the villagers to be unclear about his urine properties.

At this time, Zhou Xu could tell that even though they knew Wang Pengfei was unreliable, the villagers still liked to gather around here and listen to his advice on the situation. In fact, they just wanted to have fun.

After all, in this era, there are basically no entertainment projects, and it is not easy to find some fun.

But at the same time, he could also see that the villagers actually had no ill intentions towards him.

Even if it comes down to it, Wang Pengfei himself seems to be enjoying it.

Without disturbing them, Zhou Xu turned around and came to the office. After finishing the work at hand, he ordered someone to call Wang Pengfei over.

After not seeing him for a long time, Wang Pengfei was as nervous and cramped as ever after seeing him. He was not at all as comfortable as when he was surrounded by villagers and used his name to pull the tiger skin and pull the banner.

Zhou Xu was not surprised by this. Although he and Wang Pengfei were both time travellers, they did not have much contact with each other.

In comparison, with the villagers of Tieshan Village, they work together every day, so it is natural that Wang Pengfei feels more comfortable staying with them.

"Wang Pengfei, the common man, please see your Majesty!"

When Zhou Xu heard this, he twitched the corner of his mouth and tried not to laugh out loud.

[Good guy, all the common people have been pulled out by him. 】

Wang Pengfei's voice was still tight, with obvious nervousness, but at least he didn't stutter like last time.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just here to take care of some things and check on you."

"Thank you, thank you so much for your concern, Your Majesty. The common people are so grateful!"

These words are said one after another. The aborigines here are not as good at wording as this, which can be regarded as the advantage of the time travellers.

Next, Zhou Xu casually asked about Wang Pengfei's situation. Before the conversation ended, Zhou Xu suddenly thought of something and asked...

"Oh, by the way, how much do you know about armor-related things?"

"Armor. If we talk about the armor in the cold weapon era, then it's scale armor and chain armor. Scale armor is made of armor pieces that are shaped like fish scales and then strung together. To put it bluntly, chain armor is a piece of armor. It's made of metal rings..."

While speaking, Wang Pengfei quickly showed that he seemed to know everything, and he spoke clearly and clearly with just one opening of his mouth.

But from Zhou Xu's point of view, he could actually feel that Wang Pengfei's words were actually very false. They sounded quite similar and made some sense, but they didn't say anything. Substantive content.

Putting aside everything else, how easy is it to string armor pieces together into a piece of clothing, or fasten metal rings one after another into a piece of clothing? He really just relies on his mouth.

Of course, Zhou Xu had known about Wang Pengfei's situation for a long time, so there was nothing surprising now.

In comparison, what he is more curious about is...

"What? Have you ever played against each other in forums like armor or cold weapons before?"

Hearing this, Wang Pengfei smiled awkwardly.

“I’ve visited these two areas too. In fact, we often talk about this in the historical area and the military area.”


The combat area is quite broad.

After that, Zhou Xu and Wang Pengfei chatted casually for a while around the topic of armor.

I don't expect the other party to give very professional ideas. In fact, I just borrow the flexible thinking of a modern person like Wang Pengfei.

After all, this is a person who has been in countless forums. His knowledge may not be professional or even correct, but he really knows a lot about miscellaneous things. In the process of talking about it, sometimes he can Give Zhou Xu some thoughts.

It was this boy. I don’t know if it was because he gradually drifted away during the process of pulling apart, or because he awakened his long-dormant instinct. The words that popped up from time to time made Zhou Xu unable to bear it several times. Stop, I want to ask someone to drag this kid down and give him a good beating.

After the conversation with Wang Pengfei ended, Zhou Xu picked up a pen and paper and began to record the making of the armor, writing down all the ideas he had compiled.

Needless to say, his next step was to start making iron armor.

According to his speculation, after they started spring, a war would break out with the lizard people.

As a result, by some mistake, the war did not break out completely, which gave them more time to develop.

During this period of time, weapons made of iron have become widely popular, and the iron ore in the Tieshan Mine continues to be mined.

This shows that their internal 'iron' reserves have officially begun to rise.

But it would be meaningless if it was left unused, so Zhou Xu moved out his "iron armor" casting plan in advance.

After returning to Black Moon Village, looking at the drawings in his hand, Zhou Xu was thinking about how to arrange this matter. It turned out that whether he handed this matter over to the Equipment Department or the Forging Department, it seemed inappropriate.

Because the casting of iron armor itself requires both the excellent manual skills of the equipment department and the forging capabilities of the forging department.

This question made him realize that based on the current situation, his previous planning for this department was no longer reasonable.

Zhou Xu is also a person who does what comes to his mind. He will never delay anything that can be solved on the spot.

In this way, Zhou Xu gave a direct order in response to this issue.

"Let's do this. From today on, the Equipment Department and the Forging Department will be merged into the Ordnance Equipment Headquarters, which will be responsible for the research, development and manufacturing of all military equipment. I will be the head of the headquarters temporarily, and I will appoint Zhuang Mengdie and Wang Dachui as deputy ministers, and a separate branch will be opened. The Civilian Equipment Department is responsible for the corresponding work of civilian equipment."

Zhou Xu's adjustment can be said to be extremely simple and crude, but it is indeed convenient.

After the order was passed on, Zhuang Mengdie had no idea. Wang Dachui was stunned for a moment. He never expected that he was doing well as a minister, but then he turned around and became a deputy minister.

However, since Zhuang Mengdie is also the deputy minister, and the head of the headquarters is nominally served by their king, he has no objection.

Anyone who is not stupid can see this wave of transfers. The two former ministers, Zhuang Mengdie and Wang Dachui, have actually changed their names. It has no impact on their daily work at all. Even the personnel The transfer and work location have not been moved.

After making the appointment, Zhou Xu directly ordered people to call Zhuang Mengdie and Wang Dachui, then spread out the design drawing he drew, and followed the two deputy ministers to start a discussion around the armor above.

During this process, both Zhuang Mengdie and Wang Dachui clearly realized that this matter was indeed not something they could easily handle alone.

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