Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 423 Peace Talks

Although he didn't know what tricks the lizard man was trying to play this time, Tarr, after receiving the news, still decided to come and confirm the situation in person.

When the two parties met, Soros clearly stated his intention.

"I know that you have come into contact with the forces in the New World. I came here this time to ask you to send a message to the New World. We have no intention of starting a war with them. Of course, the same is true for you. Yes, so this time I want to reach a consensus with both of you and live in peace."


What Soros said was unexpected by Tal.

He didn't expect that the lizard man would come to him specifically to talk about this matter.

After all, although the centaur clan and the lizard people have not had a clear and definite discussion before, the two sides have maintained a state of harmony to a certain extent.

To be honest, there has never been a serious war.

After thinking about this, Tal quickly reacted.

[So it turns out, these lizardmen are afraid of the existence of Da Zhou! They were worried that our alliance with Dazhou would pose a threat to them, so they came to negotiate peace in advance, mainly to have a truce with Dazhou. 】

Thinking of this, Tal couldn't help but become more curious about that big Zhou.

As an old neighbor for so many years, Tarr knows the lizard man's temperament very well. He has always been able to kill you, so he will never talk nonsense to you.

Even if I can't kill you all at once, at most I'll just be like them, keeping their peace.

As an ancient race with a long history, you ask them to put down their dignity and negotiate peace with you? This is basically unrealistic.

And that big Zhou actually did it?

During this period, looking at Tal, who had not been able to give a statement for a long time after listening to his words, Soros couldn't help but remind him again.

"I think you all know the strength of our lizard people. If we really fight, it will not do you any good."

After hearing this, Tal's face darkened slightly, and he was inevitably a little displeased in his heart, but he could not refute it. In the end, he could only reply...

"I'll think about it, go back and wait."

This was his last bit of stubbornness.

Needless to say, after leaving the lizard man alone for two days, Tarr gave a reply and expressed his willingness to send a representative to summon him.

Obviously, before Drogo and the others left, they informed the Centaur clan of the signal passing through the energy channel, so that if something happened to them, they would not be trapped in the energy channel coming to their side of the world. Was attacked by a three-bow bed crossbow.

Chief Tal sent a team of five centaurs to carry out this mission.

Although Diack and the others had already passed there, they had no way of sending a message back, so none of them knew what the situation was over there. Out of caution, they sent a small team so that they could at least take care of each other.

To reach the edge of the world, traveling through lizardfolk territory is unavoidable to a certain extent.

Of course, this area belongs to the periphery, far away from the center of the lizard people's land.

In addition, the main force of the lizardmen is currently fighting the ratmen in the south, so the deployment of troops here is relatively less strict.

This was also the main reason why Drogo and the others were able to move relatively safely in this area.

The lizardmen's troops deployed at the edge of the world put a lot of psychological pressure on this centaur team.

It takes time to wait for the energy channel to open.

Especially if it was opened just once in the past two days.

As far as the current frequency is concerned, it will take another ten days and a half to wait at least.

But the current situation made the high priest no longer have this patience.

The high priest had not left the temple for many years, and no one expected that he would now leave the temple for this matter.

A huge seat was fixed on the armored dragon's broad back. The high priest, who was fat and covered in dark red scales, was leaning on the seat at this time, using the armored dragon as his body. The mount came to the edge of the world.

At this moment, not to mention the centaurs, even most of the lizardmen were probably seeing the true appearance of the high priest for the first time.

Suddenly, along with the armored dragon's heavy steps, invisible pressure spread from the high priest's body.

Under the premise that the energy channel has just been opened before, if you want to open the energy channel again, you can't do it with the ability of the green lizard priest, and he has to do it himself.

Ignoring the gazes from around him, the high priest closed his eyes and felt the surge of energy in this area. Then he found a spot, stood up, raised the animal bone staff in his hand, and chanted loudly.

In an instant, the surge of energy around him began to become more intense.

During this process, a space in front of everyone gradually opened up in constant twisting and rotation, forming an energy channel.

"Why don't you go quickly?!"

Hearing the urging from the high priest, the five centaurs' hearts twitched unconsciously, and then they didn't dare to delay at all. They quickly threw off their hooves and rushed into the energy channel as quickly as possible.

After running for a while, they calmed down a little, but of course they didn't forget to check what was happening behind them.

After confirming that the lizardmen's troops had not followed, they breathed a sigh of relief, then took out the horn they were carrying, and blew it while running according to the frequency Drogo had taught them.

On the premise that Drogo and the others had returned, of course they also talked about this matter with Li Ce, who was in charge of the border.

So they knew what it meant when this signal sounded again in the energy channel.

After successfully receiving the five centaurs who arrived, Li Ce felt that it would be better to report this matter to their king quickly after briefly understanding the situation.

So there was no time for the five centaurs to rest. Realizing that the situation might have changed, Li Ce directly ordered a group of soldiers and asked them to lead the centaur team to the grassland village as quickly as possible.

By the time they arrived, it was already midnight.

But because this matter was indeed quite special, it was sent to Zhou Xu who was resting at the first time.

In this regard, Zhou Xu was not ambiguous and directly ordered to summon Ye Jinghong, Drogo, Silk, and Diack as the centaur representative to come to the meeting hall to discuss matters.

Diack, who was woken up in the middle of the night, was a little confused at first and didn't know what was going on. But when he learned that his people came from the other side of the world, he immediately cheered up.

Because he knew that there was a high probability that something had happened, otherwise his tribe would not have been able to come over at this time.

Thinking of this, Diack finished dressing as quickly as possible and rushed to the meeting hall.

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