Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 388 An accident happened

"Everyone should know that after the beginning of spring, we are likely to face a large-scale invasion by the lizard people. There is basically no possibility of avoiding this battle, and this is an important weapon for us to deal with the lizard people then!"

After leading the team to the three-bow bed crossbow, Li Ce explained loudly to the fifty soldiers.

Of course, at this stage, his knowledge of the three-bow bed crossbow is very limited. Fortunately, he has no intention of introducing the weapon. What he wants to talk about is the arrangements for the soldiers.

"With a weapon like this, if nothing goes wrong, we should be able to gather four of them before the spring. Each one requires six soldiers to operate, plus two substitutes, for a total of thirty-two people!"

At this point, Li Ce's voice paused.

"You must have realized it by now. That's right, out of fifty of you, there are only thirty-two in this army!"

"And the rules are very simple. Those who perform well will stay, and those who perform poorly will be screened out!"

"Next, I will select six people to cooperate with the researchers and demonstrate to everyone how to operate this three-bow bed crossbow. Does anyone want to use it?!"

As soon as this question was asked, a series of reports immediately sounded.

Joining a new army is better than being an ordinary soldier.

At the moment, there is only one three-bow bed crossbow. When the time comes, whether it is training or testing, everyone will definitely take turns. If you step forward now, you can practice one more time, and there will be researchers to give guidance. This is an advantage no matter how you think about it. .

Looking at the soldiers who raised their hands enthusiastically, Li Ce smiled. How could he not see what these guys were thinking.

But it doesn't matter, competition is not excluded in their army, the prerequisite is healthy competition.

"It's just the six of you, come up! Others form a circle and watch carefully!"

Under Li Ce's arrangement, the demonstration of new weapons began soon.

There are many mechanism designs here, and they are amazed when they see them. If there are no researchers to provide guidance and explanations, they may not be able to understand them.

On this side, the operation training for the key weapon of the three-bow bed crossbow is in full swing.

On the other side, Zhou Xu and Wang Dong, who arrived in Salt Lake Village, started their work after taking a short rest. After harvesting a large number of two-star people, they entered the intermission time.

In this way, a period of time passed quietly.

On this day, a messenger was sent from Black Moon Village. He urgently asked to see Zhou Xu and presented him with the iron gun that he had previously enchanted at the Forging Department.

The moment he got the iron gun, Zhou Xu frowned.

Immediately, his attention fell on the spear head engraved with ancient elven writing.

"Is this the spear that I blessed with power before?"


The messenger nodded immediately.

At this moment, he didn't even need to continue speaking, Zhou Xu already knew the other party's intention.

The mantra power he had previously blessed on this iron gun was gone!

"Did anything happen in the middle?"

"Reporting to the leader, according to the forging director, nothing happened. The iron gun had been placed on the weapons rack aside. However, when I went there this morning, I found that the iron gun suddenly lost its luster, so I hurriedly Ask your subordinates to come and report the situation to the leader."

To say it has lost its luster is actually an exaggeration.

In fact, this iron gun still glows coldly in the sun, but compared with the previous state blessed by the power of the mantra, the gap is huge.

This will make them feel that they suddenly lose their luster.

In response to this situation, Zhou Xudao did not think that someone secretly transferred the iron gun.

At this stage, the move makes no sense.

Leaving aside this point, the fact that he used the 'Elementary Weapon Blessing' at that time was effective, which means that there is no problem with his mantra and the ancient elven writings engraved on the iron gun.

So what's the problem?

After thinking about it, the most likely thing is the material.

According to Silk, his silver steel sword was forged from a special metal fused with steel called 'Mithril'.

[This ‘mithril’ is most likely the key to the problem. For now, it feels like a magic material. 】

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu activated his mantra.

[Elementary weapon blessing! 】

In an instant, the originally "dull" iron spear once again gained a sharp edge.

"Take this and rush to Prairie Village as quickly as possible to find Silke, confirm whether the blessing effect of his silver steel sword is still there, then tell him the information about this iron gun, and ask him if it is a 'secret' Silver' problem."

After taking the iron gun and confirming some information with Zhou Xu, the messenger quickly left and rode directly to the grassland as quickly as possible.

It was not yet noon. If the messenger moved quickly enough, he should be able to reach Prairie Village before dark.

The reason why we are so urgent is because the impact of this matter is too great.

This kind of weapon with ancient elven characters not only consumes time and effort when carving the mold, but also requires great attention when entering the polishing stage after the casting is completed. It is very energy-consuming and affects efficiency.

Under this premise, if the enchantment effect cannot be maintained, is it necessary for the forging department to continue to forge large quantities of such enchanted weapons?

The overall efficiency of forging ordinary iron guns and swords can be even higher.

In this way, according to the current situation, before this matter is completely understood, this piece of work in the forging department will undoubtedly have to stop for a while.

But that doesn't mean they should get off work where they are.

At this stage, in order to prepare for the large lizardman army, their forging department is very busy. Even if they do not make enchanted weapons, they still have to be busy making giant crossbows and arrows. As consumables, the loss is greater than ordinary weapons. Much more.

After watching the messenger leave quickly, Zhou Xu fell into deep thought.

[Calculate the time, almost a week has passed since I first enchanted this iron gun. In other words, under normal circumstances, the effect of this version of the enchanted weapon can last for a week before it completely dissipates...]

At this moment, a bad idea came to Zhou Xu's mind.

That is to use enchanted weapons as some form of consumables and re-enchant them every week.

With this thought in mind, Zhou Xu glanced at Wang Dong who was standing aside.

Sensing Zhou Xu's gaze, Wang Dong gasped for some reason.

"My intuition tells me that you, leader, have a bad idea."


Wang Dong could guess it, which was not too unusual in itself, because he was currently the only 'enchanter' certified by Zhou Xu.

Zhou Xu had discussed the whole matter with him carefully regarding this piece of work.

In addition, when the messenger reported the situation to him just now, Zhou Xu did not avoid Wang Dong. It was not difficult for Wang Dong to think of this level.

"Anyway, I have to go back to Black Moon Village first to confirm some things before making any subsequent decisions!"

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