Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 363 The savior appears

Silk always thought of his savior as a human being.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be an extraordinary creature!

The first time they met, he was completely confused.

He had never faced such a situation before, and for a moment, he really didn't know what to do.

At this time, Zhou Xu's voice sounded again...

"Speaking of which, I heard Jinghong say that when you fell in the snowstorm, was it Chitose who picked you up?"

Hearing this, Hilke couldn't help but feel a trace of embarrassment on his face.

Now that I think about it, I was somewhat seeking death at that time. If Chitose hadn't passed by, he would have died in the snowstorm.

"Thank you, Chitose-sama, for saving my life during the snowstorm earlier!"

Thinking of this, Hilke looked at Chitose and couldn't help but feel a burst of strong gratitude in his heart. Then he expressed his gratitude to Chitose solemnly.

When Chitose saw him, he showed a very humane expression that said, "You know what you're doing, I guess you're a kid." Then he ran to Zhou Xu's side carelessly.

Zhou Xu smiled and touched Qiantose's head.

"When we go out this time, I will ask you to guard the village."



In Silk's impression, extraordinary creatures are not only powerful and ferocious, but also possess extremely high intelligence and are therefore very dangerous.

However, at this moment, Chitose's behavior made it difficult for him to combine it with these words.

Fortunately, Zhou Xu didn't say much. After giving a brief warning to Chitose, he got on his horse.

"Set off!"

Upon hearing this, Silk immediately put the matter behind him and hurriedly mounted his horse to follow.

Before leaving yesterday, he mentioned something to Zhou Xu.

That is, he hopes to recover the bodies of his people and bury them properly.

After Zhou Xu heard this, he agreed directly without thinking.

Because he had originally planned to make this trip, but his core purpose was not to collect the corpses of those prairie elves, but to 'check for leaks and fill in the gaps'.

Under this premise, everything goes smoothly, and there is no reason for him not to agree to Silk's request.

Not only did he agree, he even brought all the prairie elves to help dig up the corpse.

Invisibly, while allowing them to further understand the reality, they can also rely on this move to win over a wave of people's hearts and improve their favorability among the prairie elves.

With a clear purpose, the unit headed by Zhou Xu moved quickly on the grassland.

During this period, two centaur soldiers were responsible for exploring the road ahead, and now one of them ran back.

"Chief, we found a lot of footprints in front of us. It seems that there should be a pack of wolves wandering around."

After the snowstorm, many animals came out to look for food. This situation is completely normal in the winter on the grassland.

In the past, if he encountered a large group of wolves, Zhou Xu might have preferred to avoid it in order to avoid trouble, but now...

"Don't worry, keep going!"

You know, in this operation, he directly pulled out all their cavalry, including the centaurs and prairie elves headed by Drogo and Silk.

This force is twisted together, leaving aside the lizard people who invaded from other worlds before, no one on this grassland can touch their bad luck.

In the process, a pack of wolves looking for food nearby discovered their presence without any surprise.

But the result was not at all beyond Zhou Xu's expectations.

Given their size, the wolves did not dare to approach at all, but only dared to look at them from a distance.

Zhou Xu didn't have the time to pay attention to them, so he kept the entire team moving efficiently and soon arrived at the elven village that had been reduced to ruins.

While they were still outside, they saw that the land near their elf village had been dug up, and a wild beast was eating the corpses of their people there.

Led by Silk, the prairie elves who saw this scene instantly turned red.

"Get away!!!"

Amidst the angry scolding, Silk suddenly galloped forward, quickly bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot an arrow at the beast.

The beast that failed to hit its vital point and was attacked roared violently. However, when it saw their large army, it immediately became intimidated and fled away into the distance with its tail between its legs.

At this time, Hilke only wanted to quickly identify the bodies of his tribesmen, but he was not in the mood to pursue them.

Riding his horse all the way, Silk came to the front at the fastest speed, and the scene in front of him was a mess.

He arrived too late, and many of the corpses had already been dug up and eaten by wild beasts.

Many of the prairie elves who arrived later burst into tears on the spot when they saw this scene.

After all, buried under these ruins are their relatives and friends.

In a village with such a small population, how could anyone not know anyone?

Compared to the tribesmen who continued to lose control of their emotions, Hilke took a deep breath and calmed down quickly.

To be honest, he had expected this situation, but his mind was still clear, so at that time, he chose to give priority to ensuring that the clan members were alive.

Although it is a bit cruel to say this, the dead are dead after all, and it is useless no matter what. The tribesmen who are still alive are the future of their tribe.

Not to mention that when he retrieved it, he had already buried all the corpses of his clan members.

But if a wild beast wants to dig it up, it will be dug up wherever it is buried. Unless someone is sent to guard it around the clock, there is no way to escape this disaster.

So before coming, he was actually mentally prepared for this.

However, even so, when he saw wild beasts digging up the corpses of his people and chewing on their corpses, Silk still lost his mind for a moment.

Silke took a few more deep breaths to completely adjust his mood. He did not urge the tribesmen who were out of control and let them lie on the ground and cry in each other's arms.

As for himself, he took the shovel from the bullock cart and walked towards the place where he had buried the corpses, intending to dig out all the corpses and take them away.

After the other grassland elves calmed down a little, they looked at Hilke's actions and silently joined the ranks without him opening his mouth.

"Drogo, please be careful around us."

After making this simple arrangement, Zhou Xu directly activated the 'Eye of Insight' and scanned the elven village roughly, and finally his eyes fell on the corpses of the prairie elves.

At that moment, Zhou Xu's heartbeat accelerated as he obviously discovered something. He walked forward in two steps, squatted down, and gently touched the corpse of the prairie elf in front of him.

[System prompt: The sample of ‘Elven Mantra’ has been detected, do you want to extract it? 】


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