Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 355 Time Management Master

Taking into account the preparation time, their daily morning exercise time is almost one and a half hours.

The content of morning exercise is not the same every day. Taking a week as a cycle, the training content is basically different every day.

The human soldiers here are all veterans. Even if Li Ce doesn't say anything, they know what to practice every morning from Monday to Sunday.

Basically, Li Ce only needs to say "start training" and they can start by themselves, unless the training content is adjusted.

But the newcomers Drogo and Silk are different.

So on the first day, Li Ce let the human soldiers practice on their own, while he focused his time and energy on teaching the elf soldiers and centaur soldiers to train.

Since the teaching process also takes time, this can be regarded as a disguised form of relief for them, allowing them to get more rest time than the human soldiers.

Under this premise, because the centaur soldiers' bodies are very special compared to them, some of their training programs need to be slightly adjusted.

Regarding this aspect, before they officially enlisted in the army and started the first day of training, Li Ce had already called Drogo, the clan leader, to have a relatively in-depth understanding of the Centaurs' situation, and then adjusted them for them. Arrangement of training programs.

On the first day of morning training, compared with the human soldiers, the elven soldiers actually only trained for an hour, but they were still so tired that they couldn't even pretend, and one by one they sat down on the ground and panted wildly.

The cold morning air was sucked into their lungs, and they felt a stinging sensation throughout their entire respiratory tract!

Li Ce ignored them, walked to the front and shouted "line up".

After the training, the human soldiers who were accustomed to maintaining the phalanx stood up straight. Seeing this, the prairie elves headed by Silk gritted their teeth and forced themselves to line up.

The formation was a little loose, but Li Ce didn't embarrass them and led the team directly towards the canteen.

At this time, most people in the village had already gotten up, and those who had started working early had already lined up outside.

But this has no impact on the soldiers.

The canteen has two areas and two windows. One is responsible for the staff in the village, and the other is specifically responsible for the soldiers.

Queuing up for meals is no different than usual.

But looking at the breakfast on the plate, Drogo and the others' eyes lit up.

"Hey! This breakfast is better than usual!"

Drogo's shout made Silk and the others all turn their attention to the breakfast in front of them, and then a hint of surprise appeared on their faces.

In this era, whether a force is strong or not depends on what the people under their control eat.

The previous food was good enough, but Silk and the others obviously didn't expect that it could continue to improve!

There will be such an arrangement, which is simple to say.

Soldiers need to undergo high-intensity training every day. If they cannot be provided with adequate nutrition, the training effect cannot be guaranteed.

Under this premise, the soldiers' daily menu was prepared in advance by Zhou Xu.

After all, no one in this era probably understands nutrition.

Of course, he didn't understand it very well, but at least he was a person who had a fitness habit before traveling through time. It would be no problem to roughly arrange meals for the soldiers using the ingredients they had already obtained.

After the difficult training, this can be considered a small surprise.

A delicious and nutritious breakfast is enough to cheer them up.

The elven soldiers who had previously felt that they were about to die of exhaustion undoubtedly felt this most profoundly.

That bite seemed to reawaken their motivation to live.

"There will be a break after the meal. Please pay attention to the time and gather at the entrance of the village on time at 8:30."

Hearing this, Drogo and Silk did not show any surprised expressions. After all, before this, Li Ce would lead the cavalry team out to perform tasks and capture wild horses at this time every day.

But they didn't know that before that, the soldiers of Dazhou had already completed a round of morning training!

After breakfast and before the gathering, Hilke and the others basically just wanted to sit still.

In the past, when they were in the Elf Village, the rest of the day would have passed by just like that, but now, this has become impossible.

The militia patrol team in the village is basically responsible for reporting the time. After the official start of the day, they report the time while performing patrol tasks.

Ordinary villages will tell the time every half an hour, but Prairie Village is a military camp, so the sense of time is more tense. Basically, the time will be told every ten minutes, making the lives of the villagers a little more tense. .

"It's eight-twenty so soon?"

Although they haven't been here long, they still have a general understanding of the concept of time here.

At least they've got the minutes and hours figured out.

I knew that in ten minutes it would be half past eight as Li Ce said.

In order to avoid being late again, they had to move to the entrance of the village dragging their tired bodies.

When the prairie elves arrived at the village entrance, Li Ce and the human soldiers had not arrived yet.

They stayed in Prairie Village longer, which resulted in their sense of time becoming more accurate, which in turn prevented them from arriving too early.

It wasn't until there were two or three minutes left before the gathering time that they moved over in groups, and they didn't need anyone to remind them, they had already lined up in advance.

Li Ce, who arrived at almost the same time, quickly called his name and number, and then everyone got on their horses and went out to perform their tasks.

Drogo and Silk are relatively familiar with the next set of procedures.

At the same time, the elf soldiers headed by Silk breathed a sigh of relief.

Because they know that the next arrangements are generally quite easy.

However, this relaxation did not last long.

Why did Li Ce and the others spend the whole day catching sheep and horses outside after morning exercises?

Because they knew that wild horses and sheep would appear near the elven villages.

So they seize the opportunity and seize it quickly when they can.

Herbivores are not stupid, especially the wild horses. The horses themselves are quite smart. After realizing that the place is no longer safe, they will soon stop going there.

Sure enough, they fell short for two consecutive days.

After realizing that the best hunting time had passed, Li Ce immediately made adjustments to his previous arrangements.

After breakfast, they first went to patrol the grassland as always, but searching for traces of wild horses had become a side event, and mainly turned into horseback shooting training.

In the afternoon, it was time to go back to camp for tactical training and weapons training. Every once in a while, there would be actual combat exercises. I wanted to use every minute.

Such an arrangement like that of a master of time management undoubtedly comes from their ‘efficiency master’ Ye Jinghong.

The grassland elves who had lived a very comfortable and even lazy life in the past have fully realized what it means to be miserable!

At the same time, it also made them realize clearly that they can do so many things in one day!

Update sent, thanks to the book friend "Little Panda Who Loves Fish" for the tip!

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