Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 352 What’s going on?

The elves are indeed uniquely endowed with innate advantages that humans can hardly imagine, but these innate advantages make it easy for them to become overly complacent and slack off.

Looking at Hilke's leaving figure, Zhou Xu quickly sorted out the thoughts in his mind.

[According to the intelligence information I have learned so far, neither Silk nor Drogo are originally native to this world, but are extraterritorial races from other worlds. 】

[And Silk just said that they activated their extraordinary power through the ancient Elvish language. In essence, this should be something similar to a 'mantra', but the system cannot recognize it, so the mantra column I saw Only three question marks will be displayed. 】

[Does this mean that the system in me is something from this world, but for some unknown things from other worlds, the system of this world cannot be clearly presented? 】

From the limited information, Zhou Xu made a lot of conjectures and analyses.

During this period, Hilke, suffering from a headache, called in five of his subordinates who had been discharged from the hospital before.

Although he does not have the talent to be a clan leader, he is not stupid either. He cannot announce this matter in front of all the clan members right away.

He planned to confirm the attitude of his five subordinates first.

Compared with ordinary tribesmen, these subordinates are his confidants.

And Hilke actually knew in his heart that in this situation, they who had the ability to fight were the focus.

As long as the nine elf knights here can unite with him, the thoughts of ordinary people are not important.

After clearing his thoughts, Silk called aside the five subordinates who had been discharged from the hospital and told them about the matter.

At that moment, the five subordinates only felt a 'bang' in their heads, and everything went blank, and they all froze on the spot.

Too many things have happened recently, and they have been experiencing great joys and sorrows frequently, and their minds have become a little overwhelmed.

Hilke was not in a hurry, and let them take their time first.

During this process, after the five subordinates sorted out their thoughts, they couldn't help but confirm.

"Lord Silk, do you mean that we will have to work for the leader of Zhou Dynasty in the future?"

Hilke frowned slightly when he heard this.

"That's not quite right. To be precise, we became a member of Dazhou and merged with them. From now on in Dazhou, we will be the same as them."

As he spoke, Hilke pointed at a busy villager in a prairie village in the distance.

According to the subordinate's understanding, it was like they were trying to be each other's ox and horse, but that was not the case. The difference between the two was still huge. Silk hurriedly explained.

After listening, the faces of the five subordinates became slightly better, but they were still a little awkward.

It's no wonder, let alone them, even Silk had never thought of such a thing before.

As a prairie elf, he had experienced the ideological struggle that his five subordinates were experiencing before, and he probably understood the other party's struggles at this moment.

Taking a deep breath, Silk tried his best to explain the matter calmly.

"Although Dazhou is our ally, he can save us at this time, provide us with food and drink, and provide us with medical treatment. We can't even repay this kindness now, and we can't continue to be here namelessly and without status. Stay."

Upon hearing this, the subordinates subconsciously replied.

"Then we can..."

He was only halfway through speaking when he swallowed back the unfinished words.

Obviously, he has realized the problem at this time.

"Get out of here? Where can we go?"

Silke's tone was unconsciously filled with sadness.

"The village is gone and the clan leader is dead. We have nowhere to go, not to mention that except for a few of us, most of the clan members still need treatment."

The cold reality is directly in front of them, and they have almost no choice.

At this moment, the subordinates couldn't help but fell silent.

Regarding this situation, Silk slowly exhaled a long breath.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. You have been living in this village for a while. What do you think of it here?"

Faced with the problem, after a few seconds of silence, the five subordinates slowly started chatting one by one.

"The food is delicious."

"It's warm and safe in the house, and it can even keep out a blizzard."

As soon as these words were spoken, other subordinates also responded.

Apparently, Silk wasn't the only one who had trouble sleeping on those blizzard nights.

"And the village is huge."

"There's a lot of stuff we've never seen."

"Yes, yes, have you seen those things outside the village that are dragged by horses and can run on the snow? I took the opportunity to get over and take a look, but I couldn't figure it out."

For the prairie elves who were too lazy to develop in the past and were content with the status quo, there are so many novel things in the prairie village that they can talk endlessly about it.

But when it came to the end, the five subordinates gradually became silent again.

At this moment, they all clearly realized that their original village was incomparable to this human village.

Looking at his subordinates who fell silent, Hilke knew that his goal had been achieved.

"What if I told you that there may be more than one village like this in Dazhou?"

After hearing this, the five subordinates opened their mouths a few times, as if they wanted to say something, but they didn't know what to say.

Everything in front of them was telling them that surrendering to Da Zhou was the best choice right now.

There may be elements of Silke's guidance in this, but to a certain extent, this is also a conclusion they reached on their own.

However, the performance of these five subordinates was not as decisive as Silke. Even though the indisputable answer was already in front of them, they were still struggling.

In this regard, Silk also showed enough patience.

In the end, his patience got him an answer.

"I agree to join Dazhou."

"I agree too."

"I agree."


As the five people expressed their opinions one after another, Silk's slightly hanging heart could finally be completely put back into his stomach.

What he had to do next was to ask his five subordinates to cooperate with him, inform the subordinates who were still in the hospital and the nineteen tribesmen about the news, and convince them.

As for the nineteen tribesmen, he was not in a hurry. He wanted to let them experience the life in Prairie Village first.

As long as he has experienced life here, his confidence in persuading the other party will be greatly improved.

The result was basically what he expected. It took a little effort, but he finally succeeded in convincing all the remaining prairie elves.

After that, Zhou Xu directly announced the joining of the prairie elves in a high-profile manner and recognized their status as "people of the Great Zhou Dynasty".

As soon as the news spread, Drogo, who was thinking about what to have for dinner, was dumbfounded.

"What's going on? Those long-eared guys are in a group with Zhou Xu and the others?"

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